Smoking & WDW theme parks


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The FL rule is no smoking in indoor public places. Outdoor places do not count.

Ok, so you have to follow the rules...big deal. They choose to ignore the rules...big deal. If you want to get upset over something that you have no control over, that is your choice. I suggest that you just enjoy the inevitable....some people are jerks, some people have no respect for there really anything you can do to remedy this...not really.


Originally posted by JBSLJames
*Oh no, Freaky has taken over my computer*
So what's wrong with Ice Cream and Pie. . .
*Must gain control, before he does to much damage*
A La Mode
*Too Late*

:lol: Should have seen that coming!:hammer:
:::walks away, shaking head:::


Active Member
Originally posted by webmomom
Yes they bother me, not on account of the smoke. If I have to obey the rules, why don't they. Why do I have to go some other place, because someone is rude and will not obey the rules.

Most smokers I find are careless and rude (either that or they can not read). If a place as wonderful as WDW allows you to smoke, but only in designated areas, so be it. Take what you can get.
I really hate people with no consideration for general rules, and the comfort of ALL.

I hate smoking in the designated areas, just to be hampered by some old bag who only likes to sit on the bench in the smoking area just for the sole purpose of b**ching about it.

I smoke in the designated area. If you do not smoke, but CHOOSE to hang out in the desginated area, don't B**CH about the smoke.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
Ooh Ooh, can I play?
Now, let's talk about abortion. . .


*puts bullet proof vest on*

Now...lets not forget about the death penalty too...;)



New Member
Disney should not cater to nicotine addicts by providing smoking areas. Smoking within the parks and the resorts should be banned. It is a serious and costly health issue.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Woody13
Disney should not cater to nicotine addicts by providing smoking areas. Smoking within the parks and the resorts should be banned. It is a serious and costly health issue.

They would also upset a lot of people, and potentially lose a whole market. Also, smoking is not as popular in the US as it once was, but in Europe and Asia it is not the problem it is here. Since so many foreigners visit WDW, this would be an issue with them.


New Member
Disney doesn't need the smoking "market". They'd make more money by being smoke free. The recent laws in Florida have proven that as a fact. Restaurants in Florida are now making more money since the smoking ban!

"The impact of nicotine addiction in terms of morbidity, mortality, and economic costs to society is staggering. Tobacco kills more than 430,000 U.S. citizens each year-more than alcohol, cocaine, heroin, homicide, suicide, car accidents, fire, and AIDS combined. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States.

Economically, an estimated $80 billion of total U.S. health care costs each year is attributable to smoking. However, this cost is well below the total cost to society because it does not include burn care from smoking-related fires, perinatal care for low-birth-weight infants of mothers who smoke, and medical care costs associated with disease caused by secondhand smoke. Taken together, the direct and indirect costs of smoking are estimated at $138 billion per year."


Active Member
All of my encounters with people smoking on lines and in other places they shouldn't be smoking, all of the offenders appear to be from foreign countries. They know they are not supposed to be smoking b/c they continually drop their arm, the one holding the cigarette, and cup their hand holding the cigarette so as to to hide the cigarette.

Is it a cultural thing? I don't care and no one else should. When visiting a place one should always respect and follow the rules.


New Member
If Disney banned smoking in the parks it would not solve to nations heath care issues. It would limit their business. I do not smoke, have never smoked and never intend on smoking. That being said, both of my parents smoke(d). My father passed away on 2/6/04 of cancer that was indirectly related to smoking so I have a personal reason to not want anyone to smoke. Having said that, when we went places (including my first trip to Disney in 1978) he had to smoke. He couldn't go long periods of time without it. At one point I broke all of his cigaretts and put them in the garbage because he was trying to quit. I woke up the next morning to him smoking the Butts that were left.

My point is that smoking is an addiction that controls the smokers life. The smokers that I know will not go to a place if it doesn't allow smoking. For Disney this would mean that they would loose hundreds of thousands of visitors a year. There is no way that there are that many people that WOULD go to the park just because it doesn't allow smoking. It is simply a business decesion on the part of Disney.

Allow smoking in certain area's = smoking visitors
not allowing any Smoking = lost revenue

I wish they would be more strict about people not smoking where they should and toss those that put up a fight but that is as far as it could go.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There is a big difference between a vacation to Disney World and dinner at a restaurant. Also, for all of the costs that smoking places on the gov't....fine the people causing the problems. If a mother smokes during pregnancy, charge her with child abuse. If someone burns down there house from a smoking, charge them with arson.

If the gov't was really concerned with smoking, they would ban it. They wont, and not because of Philip Morris, but because the health care companies make billions.


New Member
Originally posted by mwc1996
For Disney this would mean that they would loose hundreds of thousands of visitors a year. There is no way that there are that many people that WOULD go to the park just because it doesn't allow smoking. It is simply a business decesion on the part of Disney.

Allow smoking in certain area's = smoking visitors
not allowing any Smoking = lost revenue

Pure assumption and opinion on your part. The recent indoor smoking ban in Florida indicates that you are not correct.


New Member
Originally posted by speck76
If the gov't was really concerned with smoking, they would ban it.

Would that provide you with the crutch you need to quit?:wave:

Also, it's not the government that pays the price from smokers. It's people like me. Loss of productivity, higher health care costs, etc....the list is endless.:cry:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Woody13
Would that provide you with the crutch you need to quit?:wave:

Also, it's not the government that pays the price from smokers. It's people like me. Loss of productivity, higher health care costs, etc....the list is endless.:cry:

If I could not buy anything to smoke, I would not smoke. I enjoy smoking, although I am trying to quit. Even though I enjoy smoking, if it was too expensive, or too much of a hassle to buy cigarettes, I would learn to live without it.

It is the gov't that pays the price...actually, the taxpayers that pay the price. In 10-15 years from now, when the baby-boomers are on Medicare/Medicaid, we will all pay for the mistakes we made.


New Member
Originally posted by speck76
If I could not buy anything to smoke, I would not smoke. I enjoy smoking, although I am trying to quit. Even though I enjoy smoking, if it was too expensive, or too much of a hassle to buy cigarettes, I would learn to live without it.

You are addicted! You would KILL for something to smoke! You would trade ANYTHING for a smoke! You would PAY ANY PRICE to smoke! You would BREAK THE LAW to smoke! You would not "learn to live without it".

Messages about nicotine addiction should be woven into the school curriculum. When children first study American Indians, they should learn that Indians were so addicted to tobacco that they could not do without it. When children learn the routes of the great explorers, they should be informed that the mariners were so addicted to tobacco they had to take supplies with them, and planted tobacco seeds along their routes. The sad plight of nicotine addicts cut off from their supplies–– "Tobacco, sir, strong tobacco," and "We die, sir, if we have no tobacco!"–– should be understood at a very early age. Full meaning should be restored to the word "addicting," which anticigarette and antiheroin campaigns have debased to the role of a paper tiger.


Active Member
I am just as ed off as non smokers when it comes to people smoking outside of the area, but what can you do? It is the same as the idiots who do NOT listen about the flash photography on certain rides. Should they be banished from the park because they cannot follow a simple direction as NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY???

Last year when we were there, a group of four twenty-somethings were walking right in front of Country Bear Jamboree passing a joint to each other in broad daylight. And we are worried about the cigarette smokers????


New Member
Originally posted by Ringo8n24
Last year when we were there, a group of four twenty-somethings were walking right in front of Country Bear Jamboree passing a joint to each other in broad daylight. And we are worried about the cigarette smokers????


"An exhaustive search of the literature finds no credible reports of deaths induced by marijuana. The US Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) records instances of drug mentions in medical examiners' reports, and though marijuana is mentioned, it is usually in combination with alcohol or other drugs. Marijuana alone has not been shown to cause an overdose death."


New Member
Originally posted by speck76
They would also upset a lot of people, and potentially lose a whole market. Also, smoking is not as popular in the US as it once was, but in Europe and Asia it is not the problem it is here. Since so many foreigners visit WDW, this would be an issue with them.
Smoking is a big issue in Europe. Ireland has recently banned smoking in public places and Tony Blair (the man who does British Prime Minister impressions) has expressed a desire to bring the same thing in here. This is something I would like as I could go back to pubs – I am an asthmatic and my condition can be set off by smoke.

I could not tell you where the smokers who light up where they want come from. It would not surprise me if they were from Europe I have found that by and large Europeans can be less courteous than Americans. This was one of the big differences I noticed at Disneyland Paris – the only place I have seen a smoker in a queue line, though they stopped when I informed them that they should not queue there. Also in the Paris Park I watched some able bodied Europeans stand in front of wheelchair users watching the parade. Yes, I intervened there too. I may not speak their lingo, but body language goes a long way.

Speck – I’ve not re-read this whole thread, but I’m pretty sure I have already complimented you and others of a similar ilk for being considerate in your choice of location where to smoke and I wish you well in quitting.

Yes I too would like to see the rule breakers taken to task, but my experience of inconsiderate smokers is they can be very aggressive and I imagine that your average CM after being told to “F*&$ Off” after a couple of times will decide being paid $6 an hour is not worth it for that sort of abuse.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Woody13
Disney should not cater to nicotine addicts by providing smoking areas. Smoking within the parks and the resorts should be banned. It is a serious and costly health issue.

Hmmm Ok... How about rude, obnoxious (non smoking) guests who come into the smoking areas and open there rude word holes? I think Disney should not cater to them as well... and should be banned from WDW property!

:D :drevil:


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Originally posted by barnum42
Speck – I’ve not re-read this whole thread, but I’m pretty sure I have already complimented you and others of a similar ilk for being considerate in your choice of location where to smoke and I wish you well in quitting.

Thanks. Monday is the day the patch goes on. 10 weeks and $250 from now, I should be smoke free!


Well-Known Member
I commend Disney for their smoke free restaurants.

And I guess designated smoking sections in parks are better than nothing for us healthy people.

And I always thought that alcohol should be made not available either, b/c that is jsut as harmful as smoking, and can also be jsut as annoying to us non drinkers. But they make too much money on drinks!!

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