Smoking & WDW theme parks

Tall Todd

New Member
So much for land of the free and home of the brave. Mind as well make smokers a second class people. As well as moving them all to the back of the bus where they belong.

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tall Todd
So much for land of the free and home of the brave. Mind as well make smokers a second class people. As well as moving them all to the back of the bus where they belong.
Actually because The Walt Disney World Resort is private property they can say where you can and cannot smoke.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Irrawaddy Erik
Actually because The Walt Disney World Resort is private property they can say where you can and cannot smoke.

That is correct.

I think ppl also have two very common misinterpretations of thier rights.

1. No where in the Bill of Rights does it say ppl have the right to smoke.

2. No where in the Bill of Rights does it say ppl have the right to be in a smoke free environment.

That being said, certain states have voted to limit smoking in certain establishments, Florida is one of those states.

But, nobody has the RIGHT to smoke, nor the RIGHT to be free from smoke, it is simply a courtesy issue FROM BOTH SIDES of the arguement.

Erik, I feel for you...when I worked a summer at Cedar Point (and that park gets a lot more trashy ppl than WDW) I got burned a number of times on the arm, a few on my face (from idiots flicking their lit cigs at me) and whatnot.

Know the rules, follow the rules, and be courteous to your fellow man.:)

Frees Fan

I too am a smoker and smoke in the designated areas. It bothers me when I see someone, especially someone in a line, smoking. I don't ever remember any park that would let you smoke in a line even way back when. I think the smoking areas in the parks are really nice. I usually go to the more shaded areas to beat the heat. The one area I went to at AK was actually completely shaded and with chairs and a table.

I do not tolerate the smoking natzis. These are the non-smokers or ex-smokers who feel that everyone should quit and are constantly killing people with their smoke. I'm a very healthy 37 and have tried to quit numerous times but it's extremely hard to do. People who've never smoked really don't have a clue. Why don't you try giving up soda or coffee for the rest of your life and see how that makes you feel. I understand the concerns about kids but, do you honestly think you are going to be able to shelter them forever? How many times has a city bus passed you blowing out all that crap from the exhaust? That seems a lot more toxic than someone smoking a cigarette and walking through the smoke. BTW...anyone else counting carbs? That's the newest "trend" that everyone has bought into...but don't get me started on that. :)

Thanks for listening and I will continue to be a polite smoker despite what others think of me.


Originally posted by speck76

1. No where in the Bill of Rights does it say ppl have the right to smoke.

2. No where in the Bill of Rights does it say ppl have the right to be in a smoke free environment.

That being said, certain states have voted to limit smoking in certain establishments, Florida is one of those states.

But, nobody has the RIGHT to smoke, nor the RIGHT to be free from smoke, it is simply a courtesy issue FROM BOTH SIDES of the arguement.

Bravo, Speck!! Very well said, especially coming from you as a smoker at that!

And, yes, it is an addiction, and additions can require any number professional interventions to overcome, so it is not as easy as people think just to set them down and walk away. There is even a disease concept of addiction, too, which could make it comparable to other major diseases (and yes, I realize it can be a contributing factor to several of them as well.)

Anyway, Kudos, Speck!:)


New Member
It's rather obvious that most of the "smoking" posters here are the ones that respect others by smoking in designated areas. Thank you for that. For all the (no name calling) that feel they have "rights" to smoke, I also have "rights" to breathe clean air. Your smoking is poisoning the air we all breathe and that my friends is more a "rights" violation than people not allowing you to smoke. Is it right for factories to pollute the air? But it's ok for cigarettes to pollute the air? It's your right to smoke but keep it in your own lungs. :mad:

WDW is nothing compared to Disneyland Paris. Oh boy was that something. People smoke in the queues. It's just brutal. Loved the park, hated what I had to breathe and how I smelled at the end of the day. We actually got out of line after 20 minutes at the Haunted Manor because we couldn't breathe. It was aweful. :dazzle:


New Member
Originally posted by Frees Fan
I too am a smoker and smoke in the designated areas. It bothers me when I see someone, especially someone in a line, smoking. I don't ever remember any park that would let you smoke in a line even way back when. I think the smoking areas in the parks are really nice. I usually go to the more shaded areas to beat the heat. The one area I went to at AK was actually completely shaded and with chairs and a table.

I do not tolerate the smoking natzis. These are the non-smokers or ex-smokers who feel that everyone should quit and are constantly killing people with their smoke. I'm a very healthy 37 and have tried to quit numerous times but it's extremely hard to do. People who've never smoked really don't have a clue. Why don't you try giving up soda or coffee for the rest of your life and see how that makes you feel. I understand the concerns about kids but, do you honestly think you are going to be able to shelter them forever? How many times has a city bus passed you blowing out all that crap from the exhaust? That seems a lot more toxic than someone smoking a cigarette and walking through the smoke. BTW...anyone else counting carbs? That's the newest "trend" that everyone has bought into...but don't get me started on that. :)

Thanks for listening and I will continue to be a polite smoker despite what others think of me.

OK, I am a ex smoker and a very good one. I do not go around telling people not to smoke. Yes at 37 I was smoking a lot and would have told everyone I was healthy, but that was just another excuse not to quit. I am much older now and you should see my lungs now from smoking. I really have a hard time walking around the parks. I know it is very difficult to quit, but believe me if I could do it anyone one can. I am not that type of person who has strong fortatue. I was also the person who drank coffee and soda and also gave that up.

My prolbem is I don't want to be near the smoke. When the parks were smoking there was nothing I could do. Now that there is a smoking area I feel the people who want to smoke need to go to the areas. Disney could have made the parks non smoking, but was nice enough to put in smoking areas.

Please excuse this as I normally don't go on about smoking as I feel it is very ones own personal option to smoke or not. But as a non smoker I also feel it is my option not to have to be in the area of smokers.

Frees Fan

I congratulate you on giving up all that stuff...really. I know it's my choice to smoke or not. My problem is with the people who walk through the smoking areas and complain loudly that we are killing them with our smoke. If you don't want to be around the smoke, then stay away from the smoking areas. As I said, I don't like it when I see a smoker walking through the parks and puffing away where ever they want. I don't do that. I try to be a good smoker and stay in the smoking areas.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
My only gripe is I wish there was more enforcement of the 'No Smoking Except In Designated Areas" policy. I have no problem with smoking in the smoking areas (except they seem to be the quietest areas ;) ), I just get very annoyed when someone is smoking, say, on the balcony two doors down from my room, and the entire floor is non-smoking. Or when walking we have to stop or take a different route because someone ahead of us is smoking.


New Member
Please Frees Fan, I have never met you. This in no way is a personal attack. I really appreciate your efforts to keep smoking away from non smokers but I want to respond to some of your comments...
I do not tolerate the smoking natzis.
Ok, I'm a natzi but I don't think everyone should quit. It's your choice. I have no problem with that. My problem lies in being forced to breath in the smoke. When I don't have a choice to avoid something that is being added to the air I breathe, that's where I get hot and bothered. And I don't complain when walking through a smoking area because I try to avoid it.
Why don't you try giving up soda or coffee for the rest of your life and see how that makes you feel.
I have and I have to say I feel so much better than I ever did. I have a sister in law who was told by her doctor to stop smoking. She didn't and it complicated another condition she has. As a result, she lost her leg and has had multiple open heart surgeries. Is it solely smoking's fault? Probably not but smoking certainly contributed. Tough things to deal with in your early thirties.
I understand the concerns about kids but, do you honestly think you are going to be able to shelter them forever?
I'll go to my grave trying. I feel as a Dad, that's my obligation. I have a 5 year old who was born 3 and half months premature. His lungs weren't fully developed. He'll always have concerns with his lungs. And I'll always do all I can to provide the purest air for him to breathe. Anything less and I feel I'm failing.
How many times has a city bus passed you blowing out all that crap from the exhaust? That seems a lot more toxic than someone smoking a cigarette and walking through the smoke
Are you sure?? Any evidence on this? I honestly don't know the answer but it does make you think.
And finally,
BTW...anyone else counting carbs? That's the newest "trend" that everyone has bought into...
I don't think the smoking/anti smoking issue is a trend. As a smoker you probably have noticed it becoming more and more difficult to be a smoker as time rolls on. And counting carbs is a way for people to try and take control of their health. Improving health, can't knock em for that.
Again, not a personal attack, just adding response to keep the debate going...:lookaroun :D

Frees Fan

OK OK...I give up on this thread. All I was trying to say is that while I have a choice to smoke and you have a choice not to smoke, there are a great many number of non-smokers who feel that cigarettes are the worst thing on the planet and should be banned everywhere. I know there are a lot of rude smokers too, I'm not going to apologize for them but, do sympathize with the non-smokers who have to put up with that. I don't think it's right to force smokers to stop just because you don't like it. I'm sorry about the health problems in your family...I really mean that. But, I can't imagine why you would think that breathing fumes from a cigarette is more damaging that bus exhaust. Do I have proof? No...common sense. I don't drive a 2 ton SUV either...again more damage to the enviroment than my little cigarette.

Anyway...despite the fact that some of you have a problem with what I'm saying (not me personally), I will continue to try and be a good smoker around those who find it necessary to walk through the smoking area and complain.

I'll turn this over to someone else now.


Well-Known Member
I'm also am an ex-smoker and can absolutely relate to both sides of the issue. I do believe a person has the right to smoke as long as it doesn't interfere with anyone else's life. I realize this isn't possible even with a designated smoking area but it's not a bad solution at all. To tell someone to simply not smoke isn't going to motivate a smoker to quit. It's been proven that the ingredients in cigarettes may be addictive and it takes more than badgering to stop lighting up.

But folks who ignore the use of these smoking areas are just selfish. Too bad many use the First Amendment as a soapbox to justify this behavior and they don't realize it doesn't hold water.


Well-Known Member
The return of the infamous smoking

As for the issue at hand...I think that having smoking areas, is a nice compromise....I think people shouldn't be banned from smoking (because that isn't right) and I feel that I should NOT have to smell the smoke from the cigs...

I'm not a smoker, but I support people's rights to smoke...that being said though, I hate inconsiderate people...smokers who impede on people's rights to breathe clean air, are just as bad as those who want to ban smoking...

Oh and those laws passed here in FLA...I voted against them...that doesn't mean I enjoy smelling second hand smoke...then again I don't seek out the smoke either...;)

Respect is the key...just my opinion though....



Premium Member
My wife is a life-long smoker (started around 13?) and is now 41. I am not a smoker (well, maybe a fine cigar every now and then while playing cards and drinking wine or really good imported beer).

I used to (ok still do) ride her butt hard about how we'd have to stop every 2/3 hours when driving anywhere (usually WDW) so that she could get out and smoke (I do not allow her to smoke in our vehicles) and it would drive me insane how she could let anything control her life so much. Then I started realizing that's the point she has no control over it any more, it controls her. And yes, she has tried to quit and continues at times to try and quit.

Now, to the person who said that they don't understand why someone can't go 12 hours at the parks and not smoke. I'm sorry, but your statement is just naieve as you've obviously never been a smoker and never been around a smoker. Times have changed, but you can't immediately expect those people in earlier times to suddenly be able to go 12+ hours like your scenario. Society helped create the long-term smoker and at least for a generation or so society is stuck with them (even though people want to stamp them out).

In the non-smokers defense (which I am one) we should not be forced to stand in queue lines with people puffing away. But, we should also be tolerant that there are locations where smokers can go and enjoy their habit. Really, look at your map (if you need one) the smoking locations are clearly labeled. You are asking the smokers to be considerate, but you should be considerate as well and walk around the smoking area instead of just griping about it. As you avoid the properly labeled smoking area you can smile to yourself and be happy you are not a slave to this "evil habit" as we now label it.

I could rant on and on about this, but I think everyone gets my basic points. In this day and age of "me-ism" we have somewhere forgot our compassion and at least a little understanding and tolerance. My wife's a smoker, I wish she'd quit once and for all and never light another one up, but I understand that's hard and won't happen if I'm beating her over the head with my speeches about not smoking. I'm not a smoker, and she understands when I ask her to move downwind, not smoke in our vehicles and has to use a "smoking area" at someplace I and the kids love to attend. And if we couldn't be this understanding of each other I'm sure our marriage would just end up as another statistic.

Wouldn't the world be a lot happier if we could ALL be a bit more considerate?


New Member
Frees Fan, don't give up. I see your side. I'm not forcing smokers to stop. We share a lot of the same views here. We are both bothered by similar behavior. I'm not saying cigarettes are the worse thing in the world or should be banned from everywhere. I'm also not saying breathing buss fumes is worse than cigarettes. I was implying that we may not know which is worse. And furthermore, common sense would say that you would quit smoking but we both know how difficult that is. My sister in law is proof and thats why I brought that up. And finally, I don't have a "problem" with what your saying. You made points, I made counterpoints and I appologize if you took them to heart. I feel like most here. Smoking should be in smoking areas. No one should have a problem with that. That said, I too will kindly exit to the right of the vehicle...:wave:

Pixie Duster

New Member
I have stopped smoking guests in the parks before and guided them to the designated areas. But I have also been assaulted by these guests' cigarettes and so I have been apprehensive towards approaching them now.
I do thank the guests that ask me where the designated areas are before they light up.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
I have stopped smoking guests in the parks before and guided them to the designated areas. But I have also been assaulted by these guests' cigarettes and so I have been apprehensive towards approaching them now.
I do thank the guests that ask me where the designated areas are before they light up.

Just out of curiousity (since its been mentioned several times in this thread), what does a CM do when a guest behaves in such a rude and malignant manner? Do the CM escort the rude guest out of the park? Do they call security? Let them go? Punch them in the face? Kick them where it hurts? It sounds like a terrible thing to deal with...I can't believe people would do something like that...what is our world coming to?


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