Smoking & WDW theme parks


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Woody13
Disney should not cater to nicotine addicts by providing smoking areas. Smoking within the parks and the resorts should be banned. It is a serious and costly health issue.

For non-smokers thats easy to say, because it wouldn't affect them directly...I'd bet non-smokers would be saying something different if they did smoke...

If people want to smoke, knowing full well the health risks involved, then let does that affect non-smokers?

Banning smoking in the parks, is like banning people from drinking, eating, and even chewing gum....rediculous...

And again...I'm a non-smoker who doesn't like to see people's rights impeded...I don't see where theres a problem...I mean smoking areas are for the smokers, how would that bother a non-smoker?? Just my opinion...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by barnum42
Smoking is a big issue in Europe. Ireland has recently banned smoking in public places and Tony Blair (the man who does British Prime Minister impressions) has expressed a desire to bring the same thing in here. This is something I would like as I could go back to pubs – I am an asthmatic and my condition can be set off by smoke.

For this reason I have advoided trips to Europe. I know all the smoke would just drive me nuts. I am really happy to hear about Ireland and hope other countries are not far behind. I have encourted many of smoker at WDW that were from over seas and didn't seem to care much for those crazy FLA laws. (but as many americans too.) Once when I clearly pointed out to a man (who didn't speak much English, or at least not to me.) that the waiting area for the parade was not a smoking area and showed him the closest place on the map, the group around me cheared and thanked me.

Many non smokers are more then just bothered by smoke, objr, it does effect others that is why it is an issue.

speck76, :sohappy: :sohappy: Good for you. I hope all goes well, and you have lots of money to save for WDW that you won't be spending on ciggerettes in the future. Good luck and don't give up.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyPhD
Many non smokers are more then just bothered by smoke, objr, it does effect others that is why it is an issue.

I understand that some people have health issues such as asthma and smoke sometimes triggers reactions...

But my point is this, people who complain about smoke, don't realize that if they smoked, they wouldn't be complaining at is because of this, that I think that those who want to see smoking in public banned are simply acting selfishly. Once an issue hits closer to home, then maybe people will stop and think...I don't smoke, but I put myself in the shoes of those who do, and I don't think I would want anyone telling me, you can't smoke in public....

That is why I think there is a perfect balance at Disney, the smoking sections are a great compromise, and I applaud and thank those who follow the rules at WDW.

Does that mean that its ok for people to walk around the park smoking in areas they aren't suppose to? NOOOO!!! Those people are just as bad, as those who want to ban smoking completely.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by objr

But my point is this, people who complain about smoke, don't realize that if they smoked, they wouldn't be complaining at is because of this, that I think that those who want to see smoking in public banned are simply acting selfishly. Once an issue hits closer to home, then maybe people will stop and think...I don't smoke, but I put myself in the shoes of those who do, and I don't think I would want anyone telling me, you can't smoke in public....

People who smoke are not aware of how bad they smell because they stink all the time, even after showers and brushing teeth. They are around it so much they are not aware of it. I can smell a smoker just by standing next to them, and they haven't had a ciggerette for hours.

I would like all smoking banded at puplic places, but I don't see that day for many more years (10 or so.) However smoking laws are only going to be tougher from here on out, it is just a mater of time. The prof is there that the adictive habbit is bad for eveveryone in so many ways, it is just going to take a while.

Not wanting people to tell you what you can and can't do sounds more like issues with authority then smpathy for smokers.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyPhD
People who smoke are not aware of how bad they smell because they stink all the time, even after showers and brushing teeth. They are around it so much they are not aware of it. I can smell a smoker just by standing next to them, and they haven't had a ciggerette for hours.

I would like all smoking banded at puplic places, but I don't see that day for many more years (10 or so.) However smoking laws are only going to be tougher from here on out, it is just a mater of time. The prof is there that the adictive habbit is bad for eveveryone in so many ways, it is just going to take a while.

Not wanting people to tell you what you can and can't do sounds more like issues with authority then smpathy for smokers.

I respectfully disagree with your views...I don't see a reason why laws should be passed now, when people in this country have been smoking since the first colonist more than two hundred years, no laws have been passed (until now)...prohibition of alcohol was tried, and that didn't work....sure the laws don't say that you can't smoke in your home or in some non-public places...but give it time...and I'm sure a movement will spring...but when can we draw the line...when do laws become too much?

I hate the smoke...I don't stand anywhere near people who smoke. I've never had a problem with it...because I avoid it....I stay in non-smoking rooms, eat in non-smoking sections of a restaurants...stay away from smoking sections in the parks...

I wouldn't be affected if smoking would be banned completely, I wouldn't be affected if the consumption of alcohol would be banned sympathy for smokers springs from my philosohies of government...I understand laws are important, authority is important, ORDER is important...but I also believe that "the more laws you make, the more thieves there will be."

Some may have problems with people telling them what to do, but I can assure you some people have a different problem...they want to tell people what to do....ALL THE TIME....

Leave smokers alone, and I'd bet one of two things will they'll quit on their own, or two they'll die from smoker related illnesses...why should we bother ourselves with laws on the issue?

I'll stop ranting, there's no point. My posts are not written in attempts to offend anyone, nor are they directed at any one person. I'm just stating my worthless opinion on the matter. I commend everyone on keeping the discussion civil, thus far. Lets keep it that way...this is a very controversial topic...but one that can be maturely discussed nonetheless...



New Member
Originally posted by speck76
Thanks. Monday is the day the patch goes on. 10 weeks and $250 from now, I should be smoke free!

That is great Speck!:sohappy: It ain't gonna be easy so, feel free to cuss me in several PM's if you think that will help!:lol: I'm here for you buddy.:cool:


New Member
For all who are going to the Magic Kingdom....Watch out! Because I'll be after you if I see you smoking where you aren't supposed to!:fork:

I'll be working on Main Street for all who wonder as a Custodian.
Just kidding, but really, I hate seeing people smoking where they aren't supposed to. Just 2 weeks ago, a guest was smoking in the Haunted Mansion queue. I don't know about anyone else but I wouldn't like to smell smoke while waiting in line unless it was "Disney smoke". Also for people that smoke while walking from attraction to attraction.

I didn't know people would be that "stupid" (not to sound rude)

You figure the human race would be smart by 20 years old.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Woody13
That is great Speck!:sohappy: It ain't gonna be easy so, feel free to cuss me in several PM's if you think that will help!:lol: I'm here for you buddy.:cool:

I am sure that will help! The last time I quit, I was apparently pretty moody (I normally hide my emotions pretty well)

On another note, I was a bad person today. I went to Seaworld for a few hours. I smoked in areas that were out of the way and away from the crowds, but apparently, as I am now looking at the map, they now have designated smoking areas. On my defense, they do not mark the smoking areas at all, or at least I saw no markings. On a good note, the areas I picked to smoke were in the general area of the smoking zones.


New Member
Originally posted by speck76
Thanks. Monday is the day the patch goes on. 10 weeks and $250 from now, I should be smoke free!
*Does the little arm circling dance*
Go Specky! Go Specky Go Specky!

Good luck mate :D


New Member
Originally posted by speck76
I am sure that will help! The last time I quit, I was apparently pretty moody (I normally hide my emotions pretty well)

On another note, I was a bad person today. I went to Seaworld for a few hours. I smoked in areas that were out of the way and away from the crowds, but apparently, as I am now looking at the map, they now have designated smoking areas. On my defense, they do not mark the smoking areas at all, or at least I saw no markings. On a good note, the areas I picked to smoke were in the general area of the smoking zones.

Hey Speck, be as bad as you wanta be during the next ten weeks! :fork: You're on a difficult mission. Just try not to hit anyone in the process.:lol: I am wishing the best for you!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Woody13
Hey Speck, be as bad as you wanta be during the next ten weeks! :fork: You're on a difficult mission. Just try not to hit anyone in the process.:lol: I am wishing the best for you!:wave:

Thanks! I just need to keep myself busy. I tend to smoke a lot more when I have nothing to I need to keep busy.


New Member
Originally posted by joviacdan
I don't.

In fact, one complaint I had when I was there in January was the lack of attention people pay to the no smoking policy and the fact that cast members don't enforce it.

I am the least judgemental person in the world. If people wanna smoke, that's fine. They SHOULD have designated areas. But if they have too many, then it no longer becomes "certain designated areas". It becomes everywhere.

Kids above all shouldn't have to be subjected to cigarette smoke.

I couldnt agree more!! I'm not a smoker and being around people smoking makes me sick.. litterally... Last time I was in MGM back in November of 2003 my friend and I were leaving and some lady was smoking on the way out of the park and it wasnt in a designated area.. not only did I become sick form the smoke but she was carrying the cigarette to her side and almost burned me quite a few times ( I would have moved but everyone knows how crowds are at closing time)!!! It's agrivating how the CM doing enforce it.. Im sorry if I am offending anyone.. that's the last thing I want to do,however people should be considerate to everyone in the park...


New Member
Originally posted by TnkrBelPixiDust
I couldnt agree more!! I'm not a smoker and being around people smoking makes me sick.. litterally... Last time I was in MGM back in November of 2003 my friend and I were leaving and some lady was smoking on the way out of the park and it wasnt in a designated area.. not only did I become sick form the smoke but she was carrying the cigarette to her side and almost burned me quite a few times ( I would have moved but everyone knows how crowds are at closing time)!!! It's agrivating how the CM doing enforce it.. Im sorry if I am offending anyone.. that's the last thing I want to do,however people should be considerate to everyone in the park...
I had a similar experience in Epcot. So I rammed the inconsiderate git in the ankles with a wheelchair :drevil:
OK - it was more a swift clip, but it had the desired effect :D


New Member
I've been away for a few days but I have to respond to the post that basically said the the recent ban on smoking in resturaunts and the increase in business since the ban means that if Disney did the same that their business would increase also. Here is why that argument makes absolutely no sense.

In a resturaunt you are only there for an hour or an hour and a half. Most smokers can go that long without a cigarette. I can almost guarentee you that they will be lighting up when they leave. Compare that to spending 9 or 10 hours at a theme park. There is a huge difference. My mother will be coming with us on our next trip. She would not come if there were no smoking in the parks. Why would a smoker go somewhere on Vacation where they know that for 9 hours a day they are going to have nicotine fits which will ruin their vacation? It doesn't make any sense. You Might as well flush your money down the toilet. Disney knows this. Most of Diosney's money comes from outside of Florida or from residents that live far enough away that a hotel stay is required. They will loose smokers coming into their resorts and parks if they banned smoking. I'm sure that they would gain some business also but I'm willing to bet that it would be from locals who are not going to stay in the resorts. Those people aren't going to make up for the lost business of the smokers. Also, I can't see people saying "oh my gosh. Disney has banned smoking. I guess I'll spend that 5 grand that I was saving on going down there for a week just because of that."
Eisner is all about the money. Don't you think that if he thought it would increase revenue that he would have done it already?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by mwc1996
I've been away for a few days but I have to respond to the post that basically said the the recent ban on smoking in resturaunts and the increase in business since the ban means that if Disney did the same that their business would increase also. Here is why that argument makes absolutely no sense.

In a resturaunt you are only there for an hour or an hour and a half. Most smokers can go that long without a cigarette. I can almost guarentee you that they will be lighting up when they leave.

Also, the upturn in restaurant business may have more to do with the upturn in the economy than anything else. The bar that used to frequent (TGI Fridays) has lost a lot of bar business to the pubs which still permit smoking. Smokers that used to go to restaurant bars now bo to either "bar" bars or to places that have outdoor dining.


Having read this entire thread, these points stick out in my head:

I also don't know the addiction, but it is confusing to me why people cannot go 12 freaking hours without lighting up while they are in the Magic Kingdom (12 hours MAX).
For those of you who do smoke and need a little encouragement to quit, my dad was a lifelong smoker starting at about the age 15. He lived to be a ripe old age of 38 from heart disease. Maybe that will motivate you.
I guess I'm still at a loss to understand why smoking is even permitted in the parks considering Walt died of lung cancer.
Disney should not cater to nicotine addicts by providing smoking areas. Smoking within the parks and the resorts should be banned. It is a serious and costly health issue.

I don't smoke. I never have, and I never will. I don't like smelling like smoke, nor do I like breathing it in, and I avoid it if I can.

However, I can't understand how anti-smoking people can be so unsympathetic towards people who do smoke. How many people on these boards have said (or thought) that people should just quit smoking? Is that not like telling an alcoholic to “just stop drinking”, or a fat person to “just stop eating”?
Addictions are just Not. That. Simple. Good for you if you don’t smoke, but understand that many people don’t have that “choice”. Spend some time researching addictions - whether you believe they are a "disease" or something else, it's hard to understand why someone would purposely cause harm to themselves if it really were a choice.

And, yes, I do believe they should smoke in designated areas, but to completely ban smoking would only serve to alienate the population of smokers who visit the parks. (I don't have any actual numbers, but I expect it would be a decent ammount of park-goers.) I don’t know too many people who go to WDW exclusively because they limit smoking to outdoor, designated areas, but I know plenty of people who would NOT go if they banned smoking outright, my parents included (they have smoked for 30+ years - I can't tell you the number of times they've quit, or tried to. So for them to be banned from WDW, over something they have little control of, would be pretty sad, imho. )

Also, some of you have confused civil liberties with moral consideration. Yes, people who smoke should obviously be thoughtful of others, AND follow any laws pertaining to where and when they can smoke. But that does not give anyone the RIGHT to belittle smokers who are following the rules. In fact, you don't have the RIGHT to smoke, nor do you have the RIGHT to keep other people from smoking if they want to.

I love what mwc1996 said two posts ago - very succinct.

And this also bears repeating:
But for CMs it's not an easy thing to do. You can ask someone to stop smoking, but if they say no there isn't really much you can do to them. ANYTIME I see someone smoking in a non-designated area I go out of my way to tell them. On the other hand I have had some bad experiences because of this. I've been burnt on the arm already because the guest felt that he could smoke anywhere he wanted to and that "he was tired of people telling him to put out his cigarette, and he payed so much money to get into this place that he could do what ever he wanted." I've fortunately not had a lot of experiences like that. Most people I tell about designated areas are very polite about it.
Unless they are a security CM, they can do little about this problem, other than politely asking a smoker to move and/or put out their cigarette. And as an average guest, it really isn't your place to say anything, either. You still can, of course, but be prepared for less-than-desireable results.

So, that's my more-than-2-cents on this subject.


New Member
Originally posted by STGRhost
However, I can't understand how anti-smoking people can be so unsympathetic towards people who do smoke.

Smokers deserve no pity or sympathy. They are killing themselves and those around them. They need to be educated. The addiction can be broken.

Originally posted by STGRhost
Spend some time researching addictions - whether you believe they are a "disease" or something else, it's hard to understand why someone would purposely cause harm to themselves if it really were a choice.

I should not have to suffer because someone else has an addiction. If they have a nicotine addition then they should use a suppository when they are around non-smokers.

Originally posted by STGRhost
....but to completely ban smoking would only serve to alienate the population of smokers who visit the parks.

No problem. Let's alienate them as much as possible!

Originally posted by STGRhost
And as an average guest, it really isn't your place to say anything, either.

Oh yes it is! I don't want to breathe their dangerous second had smoke. It's a crime in Florida to smoke in a day care center! Why? Because of the children. Lot's of children are in WDW! Think about that.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Woody13
Smokers deserve no pity or sympathy. They are killing themselves and those around them. They need to be educated. The addiction can be broken.

I should not have to suffer because someone else has an addiction. If they have a nicotine addition then they should use a suppository when they are around non-smokers.

No problem. Let's alienate them as much as possible!

Oh yes it is! I don't want to breathe their dangerous second had smoke. It's a crime in Florida to smoke in a day care center! Why? Because of the children. Lot's of children are in WDW! Think about that.:wave:

Again, I highly doubt that taking a small wiff of smoke, while walking in the park, is going to cause any severe problems...while I understand the concerns with second hand smoke, I don't think thats a problem at WDW...because it isn't really prolonged, and well it is a park.

As long as non-smokers stay out of the designated areas, and smokers smoke in the areas only, while at WDW...there shouldn't be a problem...

But hey there will always be obnoxious people, thankfully those people aren't the majority...atleast not yet anyway. Just some more thoughts...

:D :wave:


Well-Known Member
Quick note:

Don't get me wrong, I am a non-smoker, and am for Disney having designated smoking areas, however...

ALL reports concerning second-hand smoke and its perceived health risks have been either proven to be based on falsified information, or outright lies. There is no reason to suspect second-hand smoke of causing health problems beyond the uncomfortable nature of cigarette smoke.

But.. concerning the above statements, if you are at the parks, and someone lights up in front of you, by all means, it is well within our rights to tell someone to put it out. Be prepared for the retort, but by all means, if they are doing something wrong, and it is affecting you... Do something about it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Enderikari
Quick note:

ALL reports concerning second-hand smoke and its perceived health risks have been either proven to be based on falsified information, or outright lies. There is no reason to suspect second-hand smoke of causing health problems beyond the uncomfortable nature of cigarette smoke.

Where did you get this info? Everything I know goes against it (and I have a number of friends with very bad lungs and heavey smoking parents.) Not to mention what most the doctors I know have to say about it. Not even going to the harms of a women who is prengnat smoking. I don't have the studies on hand, but I am sure I could find them on line. Do you work for phillip moris? (I might have to ask my brother the epidemiologist for more info, but I have never read any study that says second hand smoke is safe. )

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