Smoking in Non-Smoking Rooms

Disney for Bonk

New Member
My wife and I are diehard Disney fans and go to the World at least once a year.
We just came back from the World after a 5 day vacation and stayed at POP Century. Since my wife has lung disease, we always call Special Needs, in advance, and request a non-smoking room closer to the buses and main building. Unfortunately, Disney has no provision for people with serious medical issues and would not offer us a close room without charging us the extra fee. The best that they could do was offer us a room in the 50's building on the 3rd floor near the parking lot.
Like clockwork, at 7-7:30am each morning, we were awoken by cigarette smoke coming from the bathroom venting.
On the way to the park that morning, I brought this to the attention of Concierge. They told us that there was no way of determining the originating room since they share the same venting. Their suggestion was to move rooms or they could ozone clean the entire room. I opted for the ozone, since we didn't want to disrupt our park visit, along with our 1st timer friends. It already took us over an hour to get settled into the room. We didn't want to have to re-pack, then un-pack again. Our stay was too short as it was. Also, I was hoping that the person smoking in one of the bathrooms wouldn't be staying long and go away. That didn't happen.
Before checking out on our last day, we talked to a cleaner and he acknowledged that he smelled the smoke and had reported the room to his supervisor. At Check-Out, we again brought this to the attention of the resort management. Their suggestion was that we should have moved. But, our reasoning was: Why should one bad apple ruin it for the entire bunch? What if others complained about the smoke within the same building? Would Disney rather move everyone out and let the smoker stay?
Yes, smokers have the right to smoke, if they choose to, but do it in the smoking rooms and sections! Who's to say that a new room would have been any better for us? Someone could be smoking in that area as well.
We suggested that Disney install cigarette smoke sensors, like other hotels, in select rooms, in 1 building, that share the same venting, with warning signs posted within. I realize that the resorts are meant to have a friendly atmosphere, but this would deter others from smoking in non-smoking rooms and allow the problem to be addressed right away, instead of telling us that they have no way of finding out which room is the culprit. This is Disney...they have the resources!
What do you think? How do you think this problem could be resolved. I realize that smokers are just as frustrated because they are limited to where they can smoke, but this is not fair. We give you your space, please let us have ours...:hammer: :brick: :dazzle: :veryconfu


Well-Known Member The smoker has a right to complain up the chain of command until he/she is either given the type of room that he or she booked (and I was always under the impression that requesting smoking rooms was just that, a request, one that will try to be accomodated but can't be guaranteed), or a smoking room at another resort OR some other type of recompense for the inconvenience which would be up to the discretion of the resort's managment. Once anyone starts to complain that the room they're assigned is wrong-all-wrong and risks ruining the vacation, management will make some degree of effort to make the situation as right as possible. If every single smoking room is booked, and you're not getting what you want, talk to the manager, than talk to the manager's manager. Sooner or later, if they can't offer you a smoking room, they'll offer you a discount, some free dining, extra Fastpasses (so you'll have extra time to smoke) something to make you happy for not honoring your request, and so that you don't smoke in the room. (and I know you're not a smoker, I'm talking the hypothetical smoking "you").

Once a smoker lights up in a non-smoking room, situations like the OP's arise. The smoke gets into the ventilation and suddenly an entire section of rooms has become de facto "smoking rooms." The selfish decision of the smoker to show Disney who's boss possibly results in the dissatisfaction of all the other guests now forced to deal with the smell of secondhand smoke in their rooms as well. This is the act of a petulant child, not a grownup who can't walk the extra couple of yards necessary to find a smoking area. Kind of a "Your rights end where the rights of the public begin" or if you prefer "The needs of the many outweight the needs of the few or the one" kinda thing.
Your right on here Slappy. Had an issue @ BC a few mos. back with a smoking room (We don't smoke) and they gave us a room @ YC because that was all that was avail. It took no begging or pleading, just politley demanding.:D
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Well-Known Member
I consider myself to be a 'considerate' smoker. i don't smoke in my home or in a hotel room in consideration of my family. However, it is not very easy to find all of the smoking sections in the "World". By the Haunted Mansion, the 'smoking' area has been changed at least 3 times over the last few years. I look on the map, think I find the area, then see a "no smoking" sign. Then I ask cast member after cast member where the area is and they don't know. My last visit, a cast member said "oh, here it is!" so I sat to light up, and another cast member told me that I needed to go to a smoking section to smoke...I asked where it was, then, and he said he didn't know!!!! What also gets my goat is when I am in a smoking section, and people walk by, fanning their faces DRAMATICALLY and making rude comments about the smoke. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!
Smoking issues aside, my biggest complaint about my last visit was the high number of obese people!! They were standing around, blocking every doorway, taking up every bench and blocking every path I was trying to steer my stroller around!! I guess I really noticed the high number of large behinds because as a stroller pusher, My vision was aimed waist high. I'm not talking about a few people who may have medical conditions, but young parents with young children. I wonder how all of these extremely large people even fit on the rides?? I can't imagine what visitors from other countries must think of the States when their "snapshot" of Americans are XXXL people!!

All I can say here is wow. Anyone blocking my way irritates me, regardless of size.:D
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Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I've experienced ignorant smokers, and just plain rude smokers. I try to direct the ignorant ones to the smoking areas. The rude ones I'm rude back. And by 'rude', I mean those who have been asked not to smoke outside their room because there are several people with asthma in the next room, and the room beyond that has oxygen in use and the smoke he/she is producting could kill that person, and the person(s) continue to smoke - in fact, they gotmore rude about it and deliberately smoked more when we were around and blew the smoke towards the rooms. People like that, I want to take their cigarette and extinguish it - on their neck. I'm also very appreciative of those who follow the smoking rules and smoke in designated areas.

Honestly, I wish Disney would designate all resorts and theme parks as smoke-free, except in designated areas. Violation of this could and can lead to expulsion from the parks. That could wake a few people up. :)

One last thing.... Whooooooooooooo! ;)
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New Member
My wife and I are diehard Disney fans and go to the World at least once a year.
We just came back from the World after a 5 day vacation and stayed at POP Century. Since my wife has lung disease, we always call Special Needs, in advance, and request a non-smoking room closer to the buses and main building. Unfortunately, Disney has no provision for people with serious medical issues and would not offer us a close room without charging us the extra fee. The best that they could do was offer us a room in the 50's building on the 3rd floor near the parking lot.
Like clockwork, at 7-7:30am each morning, we were awoken by cigarette smoke coming from the bathroom venting.
On the way to the park that morning, I brought this to the attention of Concierge. They told us that there was no way of determining the originating room since they share the same venting. Their suggestion was to move rooms or they could ozone clean the entire room. I opted for the ozone, since we didn't want to disrupt our park visit, along with our 1st timer friends. It already took us over an hour to get settled into the room. We didn't want to have to re-pack, then un-pack again. Our stay was too short as it was. Also, I was hoping that the person smoking in one of the bathrooms wouldn't be staying long and go away. That didn't happen.
Before checking out on our last day, we talked to a cleaner and he acknowledged that he smelled the smoke and had reported the room to his supervisor. At Check-Out, we again brought this to the attention of the resort management. Their suggestion was that we should have moved. But, our reasoning was: Why should one bad apple ruin it for the entire bunch? What if others complained about the smoke within the same building? Would Disney rather move everyone out and let the smoker stay?
Yes, smokers have the right to smoke, if they choose to, but do it in the smoking rooms and sections! Who's to say that a new room would have been any better for us? Someone could be smoking in that area as well.
We suggested that Disney install cigarette smoke sensors, like other hotels, in select rooms, in 1 building, that share the same venting, with warning signs posted within. I realize that the resorts are meant to have a friendly atmosphere, but this would deter others from smoking in non-smoking rooms and allow the problem to be addressed right away, instead of telling us that they have no way of finding out which room is the culprit. This is Disney...they have the resources!
What do you think? How do you think this problem could be resolved. I realize that smokers are just as frustrated because they are limited to where they can smoke, but this is not fair. We give you your space, please let us have ours...:hammer: :brick: :dazzle: :veryconfu

Chances are that someone was smoking outside near an intake vent. It used to happen to us at work all the time.
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Disney for Bonk

New Member
Original Poster
Chances are that someone was smoking outside near an intake vent. It used to happen to us at work all the time.
That has happened in the past, but that was not the case this time, unless they were smoking on the roof. It was not until we approached the bathroom that the smell got stronger. Even Management acknowledged that the cigarette smoke was coming from inside another room because they told us that typically about 16 rooms share the same venting for the bathroom ventilation.
Thanks for your thoughts though!
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You might consider yourself a considerate smoker, but I hope you don't consider yourself a considerate human being. I've had many more problems at WDW with STROLLER PUSHERS than I have had with oversized people of which I am one. And what is so wrong with being oversized anyway? Noone that I know of has ever died from second-hand obesity, however people like you have killed many. I believe that there are now more overweight people in this world than there are hungry people, so you better get used to those of us who might be XXXL because it is only getting worse, soon you won't be able to leave your house without running into one of us. Also it is not just an American problem, i'm guessing anyone who visits from other countries are well aware of the fact that obese people exist. There may even be people who's "snapshot" of Americans comes from reading what Americans have to say on boards like these and I think your intolerance of other people's personal situations says more about America and Americans than the size of our waistlines.

Oversized people are so sensative.
Dieting is just like quittinng smoking.
Anybody can do it.
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Le Meh
Premium Member
Oversized people are so sensative.
Dieting is just like quittinng smoking.
Anybody can do it.

Unlike smoking....some people are oversized because of conditions beyond their control. I am oversized, not for medical conditions that I know of, but because I eat more calories than I burn. I have a friend that had cancer and because of the cancer treatments and medications, he gained weight that the doctors state he will not be able to lose.

So, your statement that dieting is just like quitting smoking, some truley wish it was.
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New Member
I just tried to quit smoking for the fourth time this weekend. I am also dieting. I have to say it is alot easier to diet than it is for an ADDICTED person to go with out. I don't need the choclate cake, but I can tell myself that and walk away. The physical and mental need for a smoke is just too overwhelming for me. Maybe one day I will have that kind of will power, but for now I try to be as courteous as I can. I do not smoke indoors or in my car. I sit outside in the cold before I would. At POR, we requested a smoking room. I even requested the smoking optional building, and I got a non-smoking room. We went with my father-in-law, a heavy smoker, and I was attempting to make the trip at least enjoyable for him. Me, I'm OK doing it outside. It just stunk that I went out of my way to fax requests etc and wind up in the ONLY two non-smoking rooms in the smoking optional building. Anyway, after my rant, I would just like to remind everyone that smoking is an addiction to nicotine as well as a mental addiction. It's hard, VERY hard.
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New Member
I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents on this subject matter. I smoke. I'm a heavy smoker. I smoke ALL THE TIME!!! But when I go to WDW I remember that no matter how much I smoke...Walt could smoke me under the table. He was about as big a smoker as you could get. He special odered stronger cigarettes from France because American smokes didn't have enought kick. Now with that in mind...Walk Disney himself made the parks non-smoking. It was a decision from non-smokers. It was HIS decision. Now with that in mind I'm glad that a decision was made by non-smokers to allow smoking in the parks in certain areas. Makes sense cause why have people leave the park (even for a cigarette) when you can have them there for hours on end? Now the only problem I've EVER had with the smoking areas IS the changing of the areas. Most non-smokers don't understand that these "designated smoking areas" are subject to change. I mean REALLY subject to change. Parade is coming...get rid of that Frontierland smoking area for a couple of hours. Wishes is about to start...don't smoke near the Ice Cream shop. Most of the time I don't have too many problems with it. I find an are away from everyone else and light up, blow it away from everyone and finish up and take the butt with me and toss it. Nothing too bad and I've never had a CM come to me when they KNOW that it's not a smoking area. In fact it's funny cause many a time I've had CM's send smokers to smoke with me near Splash Mountain when there isn't a smoking area until the other side of BTMR. They know's just out of the way. The people complaining about smoking in a smoking area...that's when I take pride in being a smoker. I do it with happiness. :goodnevil Because they have no rights in that area...similar to how smokers feel outside of that 5'x5' area we cram into. Please don't's just...well not American to take away the rights of ANY class of people. I suppose next would be a minority day in the parks where we only people of color come those days. You start with one right...the rest aren't far behind. But I guess the major problem I have is the planning of these smoking sites. It's Florida's pretty hot. Explain to me the design benifits of having a smoking area in the middle of an uncovered area with which you have the freedom to clog your lungs. I know it's a deterent to keep people out of the smoking area but how long before someone passes out and then sues over it. It's not that hard to believe when people sue over hot coffee spilt on themselves and people getting hurt and dying on rides they ignored the warnings for. Just a thought. Animal Kingdom smoking area in Camp Minnie-Mickey....PERFECT!!! :king: Magic Kingdom Toon Town Fair smoking area.....TERRIBLE!!! :veryconfu So just consider the fact that smokers are people too...we don't have "rude smokers" there are just rude people. Being a smoker doesn't make you another race of people even though some people would like to treat you that way.

The Truth

BTW...smoking in a non-smoking room? Don't do it. Don't be a child. Just go outside. At night it's actually pretty nice. And can still smoke whereever you would like to in Downtown Disney. That always keeps me coming back.
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I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents on this subject matter. I smoke. I'm a heavy smoker. I smoke ALL THE TIME!!! But when I go to WDW I remember that no matter how much I smoke...Walt could smoke me under the table. He was about as big a smoker as you could get. He special odered stronger cigarettes from France because American smokes didn't have enought kick. Now with that in mind...Walk Disney himself made the parks non-smoking. It was a decision from non-smokers. It was HIS decision. Now with that in mind I'm glad that a decision was made by non-smokers to allow smoking in the parks in certain areas. Makes sense cause why have people leave the park (even for a cigarette) when you can have them there for hours on end? Now the only problem I've EVER had with the smoking areas IS the changing of the areas. Most non-smokers don't understand that these "designated smoking areas" are subject to change. I mean REALLY subject to change. Parade is coming...get rid of that Frontierland smoking area for a couple of hours. Wishes is about to start...don't smoke near the Ice Cream shop. Most of the time I don't have too many problems with it. I find an are away from everyone else and light up, blow it away from everyone and finish up and take the butt with me and toss it. Nothing too bad and I've never had a CM come to me when they KNOW that it's not a smoking area. In fact it's funny cause many a time I've had CM's send smokers to smoke with me near Splash Mountain when there isn't a smoking area until the other side of BTMR. They know's just out of the way. The people complaining about smoking in a smoking area...that's when I take pride in being a smoker. I do it with happiness. :goodnevil Because they have no rights in that area...similar to how smokers feel outside of that 5'x5' area we cram into. Please don't's just...well not American to take away the rights of ANY class of people. I suppose next would be a minority day in the parks where we only people of color come those days. You start with one right...the rest aren't far behind. But I guess the major problem I have is the planning of these smoking sites. It's Florida's pretty hot. Explain to me the design benifits of having a smoking area in the middle of an uncovered area with which you have the freedom to clog your lungs. I know it's a deterent to keep people out of the smoking area but how long before someone passes out and then sues over it. It's not that hard to believe when people sue over hot coffee spilt on themselves and people getting hurt and dying on rides they ignored the warnings for. Just a thought. Animal Kingdom smoking area in Camp Minnie-Mickey....PERFECT!!! :king: Magic Kingdom Toon Town Fair smoking area.....TERRIBLE!!! :veryconfu So just consider the fact that smokers are people too...we don't have "rude smokers" there are just rude people. Being a smoker doesn't make you another race of people even though some people would like to treat you that way.

The Truth

BTW...smoking in a non-smoking room? Don't do it. Don't be a child. Just go outside. At night it's actually pretty nice. And can still smoke whereever you would like to in Downtown Disney. That always keeps me coming back.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: Well put... and another :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: for Kriszee1's post also. Both more eloquently put than I could manage.
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Well-Known Member
I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents on this subject matter. I smoke. I'm a heavy smoker. I smoke ALL THE TIME!!! But when I go to WDW I remember that no matter how much I smoke...Walt could smoke me under the table. He was about as big a smoker as you could get. He special odered stronger cigarettes from France because American smokes didn't have enought kick. Now with that in mind...Walk Disney himself made the parks non-smoking. It was a decision from non-smokers. It was HIS decision. Now with that in mind I'm glad that a decision was made by non-smokers to allow smoking in the parks in certain areas. Makes sense cause why have people leave the park (even for a cigarette) when you can have them there for hours on end? Now the only problem I've EVER had with the smoking areas IS the changing of the areas. Most non-smokers don't understand that these "designated smoking areas" are subject to change. I mean REALLY subject to change. Parade is coming...get rid of that Frontierland smoking area for a couple of hours. Wishes is about to start...don't smoke near the Ice Cream shop. Most of the time I don't have too many problems with it. I find an are away from everyone else and light up, blow it away from everyone and finish up and take the butt with me and toss it. Nothing too bad and I've never had a CM come to me when they KNOW that it's not a smoking area. In fact it's funny cause many a time I've had CM's send smokers to smoke with me near Splash Mountain when there isn't a smoking area until the other side of BTMR. They know's just out of the way. The people complaining about smoking in a smoking area...that's when I take pride in being a smoker. I do it with happiness. :goodnevil Because they have no rights in that area...similar to how smokers feel outside of that 5'x5' area we cram into. Please don't's just...well not American to take away the rights of ANY class of people. I suppose next would be a minority day in the parks where we only people of color come those days. You start with one right...the rest aren't far behind. But I guess the major problem I have is the planning of these smoking sites. It's Florida's pretty hot. Explain to me the design benifits of having a smoking area in the middle of an uncovered area with which you have the freedom to clog your lungs. I know it's a deterent to keep people out of the smoking area but how long before someone passes out and then sues over it. It's not that hard to believe when people sue over hot coffee spilt on themselves and people getting hurt and dying on rides they ignored the warnings for. Just a thought. Animal Kingdom smoking area in Camp Minnie-Mickey....PERFECT!!! :king: Magic Kingdom Toon Town Fair smoking area.....TERRIBLE!!! :veryconfu So just consider the fact that smokers are people too...we don't have "rude smokers" there are just rude people. Being a smoker doesn't make you another race of people even though some people would like to treat you that way.

The Truth

BTW...smoking in a non-smoking room? Don't do it. Don't be a child. Just go outside. At night it's actually pretty nice. And can still smoke whereever you would like to in Downtown Disney. That always keeps me coming back.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: Being another heavy smoker I totally agree...well said!!!
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Active Member
I am an ex-smoker and have been quit now for 6 years. I never realized how offensive I was to those around me until after I quit smoking. My boss was one of the first people to tell me how bad I used to smell. My nose is so sensitive now, that I can tell when a smoker has been in a room and left, even though they haven't smoked there. I've bought items on EBAY and when I opened the package, I've been overwhelmed by the odor of stale smoke, considering that the sender must have been a smoker. I quit not because of my health, but because I wanted to be an example to my children and I didn't want them to take up the habit because of me. Both my parents smoked, (which is the reason why I started smoking as a teenager) and I remember that on long trips how sick I would get riding in the back of the car, while my parents mindlessly smoked away. Now that I have been smoke free, I can't imagine ever taking up the habit again. When I smoked, I couldn't imagine ever giving it up. I understand the plight of smokers, I was right there to defend my right to, when I smoked. It took me at least 12 attempts to quit before I was successful. I'm so glad now because when I go to WDW this summer it will be the first time going for my wife and I after quitting. Not having to stop what were doing to light up, standing anxiously in line wondering when we can escape to smoke, or worry about how others around us will react to us will be wonderful. I have been in hotel rooms that were labeled nonsmoking but in fact smelled like a tavern when I first entered the room. We all have a right to do as we want in this case, I suppose, People should be respectful of others who have made their choice and be mindful of those around them and how we may be affecting them.
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Well-Known Member
...Walk Disney himself made the parks non-smoking. It was a decision from non-smokers. It was HIS decision. Now with that in mind I'm glad that a decision was made by non-smokers to allow smoking in the parks in certain areas.

Not true. The parks have only recently added the designated smoking areas, however no smoking at the parade viewing areas has been in effect for a fairly long time. I recall a trip back in 1999 and 2001, when I was pretty much able to smoke anywhere. If I recall correctly, the designated smoking areas started in 2002/2003.

And can still smoke whereever you would like to in Downtown Disney. That always keeps me coming back.

Not completely true. Florida has passed new laws prohibiting smoking in restaurants and bars.
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New Member
Medical Issues

Many of us have to ask and beg for non smoking rooms due to medical reasons. Please smokers, think of those of us with kids that can go into asthma attacks, anaflactic shock and other health related issues if you smoke in non smoking room.

Those of us with these medical conditions are not judging or condeming you, we are just trying to keep our children and ourselves from having any additional medical issues while we enjoy Disney.

Many people have "hidden" medical issues, so please do not think we are being mean, intolerant or trying to keep you from your own life. We are just trying to keep our kids (and ourselves) from a hospital visit.

Thanks and enjoy your Disney vacation
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New Member
Many of us have to ask and beg for non smoking rooms due to medical reasons. Please smokers, think of those of us with kids that can go into asthma attacks, anaflactic shock and other health related issues if you smoke in non smoking room.

Those of us with these medical conditions are not judging or condeming you, we are just trying to keep our children and ourselves from having any additional medical issues while we enjoy Disney.

Many people have "hidden" medical issues, so please do not think we are being mean, intolerant or trying to keep you from your own life. We are just trying to keep our kids (and ourselves) from a hospital visit.

Thanks and enjoy your Disney vacation

I think you will find that from the group of smokers that take pride in being smokers you will find that we won't smoke in a non-smoking room. It's the group of people that do whatever they want, whenever they want that smoke in the rooms. Appealing to the smokers in general would be like me asking you to stop killing innocent dolphins because you eat Tuna. Just because you eat Tuna doesn't mean you are contributing to the major problem. It's just a group of careless people that do it. You have the smokers support...we aren't all too blind to care about your needs it's just...we can't do anything more about it than you can. We smoke yes...but we do it responsibly and respectfully. We get labeled as a group for something some small population of jerks do. Those are also the guys that cut you off in traffic & cheat on their taxes. They are jerks too. Blaming us for their actions is like me saying all vegetarians are anti-semites because Hitler was a vegetarian. All of them jerks...and all of them Americans...not smokers. We don't want them in our group anymore than you do. We just want to be able to smoke & not have 20 people come up to us and tell us how those things are going to kill us. I will help you as much as I can...but please don't expect too much from us. We can only do what you can. And please remember to not punish all of us because some idiots abuse something. We pay the price...they are going to do it anyway whereas we suffer because we won't do it at all.

The Truth
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