Smoking in Non-Smoking Rooms

Disney for Bonk

New Member
My wife and I are diehard Disney fans and go to the World at least once a year.
We just came back from the World after a 5 day vacation and stayed at POP Century. Since my wife has lung disease, we always call Special Needs, in advance, and request a non-smoking room closer to the buses and main building. Unfortunately, Disney has no provision for people with serious medical issues and would not offer us a close room without charging us the extra fee. The best that they could do was offer us a room in the 50's building on the 3rd floor near the parking lot.
Like clockwork, at 7-7:30am each morning, we were awoken by cigarette smoke coming from the bathroom venting.
On the way to the park that morning, I brought this to the attention of Concierge. They told us that there was no way of determining the originating room since they share the same venting. Their suggestion was to move rooms or they could ozone clean the entire room. I opted for the ozone, since we didn't want to disrupt our park visit, along with our 1st timer friends. It already took us over an hour to get settled into the room. We didn't want to have to re-pack, then un-pack again. Our stay was too short as it was. Also, I was hoping that the person smoking in one of the bathrooms wouldn't be staying long and go away. That didn't happen.
Before checking out on our last day, we talked to a cleaner and he acknowledged that he smelled the smoke and had reported the room to his supervisor. At Check-Out, we again brought this to the attention of the resort management. Their suggestion was that we should have moved. But, our reasoning was: Why should one bad apple ruin it for the entire bunch? What if others complained about the smoke within the same building? Would Disney rather move everyone out and let the smoker stay?
Yes, smokers have the right to smoke, if they choose to, but do it in the smoking rooms and sections! Who's to say that a new room would have been any better for us? Someone could be smoking in that area as well.
We suggested that Disney install cigarette smoke sensors, like other hotels, in select rooms, in 1 building, that share the same venting, with warning signs posted within. I realize that the resorts are meant to have a friendly atmosphere, but this would deter others from smoking in non-smoking rooms and allow the problem to be addressed right away, instead of telling us that they have no way of finding out which room is the culprit. This is Disney...they have the resources!
What do you think? How do you think this problem could be resolved. I realize that smokers are just as frustrated because they are limited to where they can smoke, but this is not fair. We give you your space, please let us have ours...:hammer: :brick: :dazzle: :veryconfu
Great thread.

I started to write a long apology for smokers, but came down to this:

I know it's bad and wrong. I am trying to quit. But could you please read the maps too? Don't cut through the smoking section, then you won't have to be all offended and make those silly coughs and hand waves. We get it, ok?

Trying to quit,


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Well-Known Member
I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents on this subject matter. I smoke. I'm a heavy smoker. I smoke ALL THE TIME!!! But when I go to WDW I remember that no matter how much I smoke...Walt could smoke me under the table. He was about as big a smoker as you could get. He special odered stronger cigarettes from France because American smokes didn't have enought kick.

The Truth

That being said, Walt died from a lung ailment before his time. Imagine how different WDW and the entire empire would have been if he had lived as long as his brother has...
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When we checked into POP Century in August one of our "non-smoking rooms" reeked of cigarettes. It was disgusting. We had to leave the door open for about an hour to get rid of some of the stench. I don't know how housekeeping didn't notice this or if they did why they didn't do something about it. If people want to smoke they should just request a smoking room or step outside.
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We just want to be able to smoke & not have 20 people come up to us and tell us how those things are going to kill us.

You forgot to mention we want to be able to smoke without having people do their fakey fanning cough while glaring at us as if we were a group of lepers murdering small kittens and offering them up to Kali Ma like the wierd dude in Temple of Doom. :lookaroun
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Well-Known Member
I would just like to say that not all smokers dont care. Myself not being a smoker but know many people who are. And they have always been respectful to me by not smoking in front of me. That said people who smoke in non smoking rooms or in any area that it is not allowed just have to respect for non smokers. They have no cares about anyone. We should not critisize all smokers. They are all not disrespectful.
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I would just like to say that not all smokers dont care. Myself not being a smoker but know many people who are. And they have always been respectful to me by not smoking in front of me. That said people who smoke in non smoking rooms or in any area that it is not allowed just have to respect for non smokers. They have no cares about anyone. We should not critisize all smokers. They are all not disrespectful.

That's a very sensible way of looking at things and I, personally, appreciate it. Your comment made me think a little bit. My, well, now ex best friend has thrown a tantrum because I don't go over to his apartment. He said when he moved in "no smoking in the apartment". He's relaxed it since he started smoking again, but I still won't do it. I had preferred to sit outside on his porch and smoke. He's got asthma and other respritory problems and I realize there's a difference in 1 person smoking in a small apartment and more people smoking in a small apartment. I'm not going to be a part of ruining his lungs and covering his things in his apartment with that nasty film from cigg smoke. (There is more to this recent making of an ex friend than just this..but this is the only thing that's prevalent) So ya.. I agree with the people who are saying all smokers shouldn't be criticized. The people who don't give 2 flips about where they smoke or who they smoke around are most likely a-holes in every other aspect of their life. Someone made a plea about health problems etc. We understand health problems perfectly well. The fact of the matter is, we're not psychic and we're not able to scan the vicinity to detect people with health problems. You can *politely* ask us to not smoke around you if we're NOT in a smoking section and if the smoker has any class at all, they will most likely oblige and put it out or quickly duck out to an area out of your breathing bubble. Either way, they will not take offense to it if, like I said, they have any amount of class or respect. Asking a smoker (or raising a fuss depending on your personality) to not smoke in the smoking section is like asking someone not to potty in the bathroom. Someone else made the comment of checking the maps to avoid these areas. You can also scan the area you're in or coming up on for wafts of cigg smoke or smokers so you can avoid it. The WDW parks are so vast, it's easy to do this. I do it to be able to find the smoking section with the designated ashtray top trashcan.

It really bothers me when SOME non smokers get high and mighty and try to demand things are done according to what they think is right. I understand you have every right to breathe smoke free air, but until smoking is made illegal and every cigg company is put under, we have every right to enjoy smoking a cigg in designated areas. You can demand until you're blue in the face, but it's not going to help your cause. Respect for EVERYONE involved is the only way for everyone to be happy..even if you consider us 2nd class citizens because we choose to smoke (no matter how courteously either)
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New Member
I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents on this subject matter. I smoke. I'm a heavy smoker. I smoke ALL THE TIME!!! But when I go to WDW I remember that no matter how much I smoke...Walt could smoke me under the table. He was about as big a smoker as you could get. He special odered stronger cigarettes from France because American smokes didn't have enought kick.

The Truth

That being said, Walt died from a lung ailment before his time. Imagine how different WDW and the entire empire would have been if he had lived as long as his brother has...

When asked about his smoking and how he thought it looked to other people toward the end of his life, having suffered from the effects for quite a few years, Walt said,

"Smoking is my vice. It's the only vice I have. What's yours?"

That has influenced me for years. He dies of a lung ailment but he still smoked so that shouldn't make you feel bad that he passed away and we are left with his legacy. Most people would kill to have a legacy HALF as impressive as his. Feel good that Walt was allowed to do what he wanted to and made the most of that freedom AND his creativity. We only had him for such a short time and I can wish that he was here today to make everything better, because I know in my heart he would, but I feel happy that he DID smoke. Not because it's unhealthy but because it's his God given right as an American to enjoy the freedom he has. He passed away leaving me with many dreams and hopes and knowledge that with imagination and creativity NOTHING is impossible but he left me with the knowledge that you must be free.

"A threat to freedom anywhere is a threat to freedom EVERYWHERE."

Walt made me believe that and please remember to not take a right away from any American. Before you know people could be at your house telling you the things you can and cannot do. Don't judge, don't fake cough, don't make a mountain out of a mole-hill and proclaim your terrible allergy. It's a free country and you are free to move somewhere ELSE in this country where people aren't smoking. We aren't the majority anymore...really haven't been for QUITE some time now, so you can breathe free elsewhere. Don't cut through behind Liberty Square to get to the front of Adventureland (through the Glade as it's called) and get upset because it's a smoking area. It's my little place of peace in the Magic Kingdom.
Thank you.
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When asked about his smoking and how he thought it looked to other people toward the end of his life, having suffered from the effects for quite a few years, Walt said,

"Smoking is my vice. It's the only vice I have. What's yours?"

That has influenced me for years. He dies of a lung ailment but he still smoked so that shouldn't make you feel bad that he passed away and we are left with his legacy. Most people would kill to have a legacy HALF as impressive as his. Feel good that Walt was allowed to do what he wanted to and made the most of that freedom AND his creativity. We only had him for such a short time and I can wish that he was here today to make everything better, because I know in my heart he would, but I feel happy that he DID smoke. Not because it's unhealthy but because it's his God given right as an American to enjoy the freedom he has. He passed away leaving me with many dreams and hopes and knowledge that with imagination and creativity NOTHING is impossible but he left me with the knowledge that you must be free.

"A threat to freedom anywhere is a threat to freedom EVERYWHERE."

Walt made me believe that and please remember to not take a right away from any American. Before you know people could be at your house telling you the things you can and cannot do. Don't judge, don't fake cough, don't make a mountain out of a mole-hill and proclaim your terrible allergy. It's a free country and you are free to move somewhere ELSE in this country where people aren't smoking. We aren't the majority anymore...really haven't been for QUITE some time now, so you can breathe free elsewhere. Don't cut through behind Liberty Square to get to the front of Adventureland (through the Glade as it's called) and get upset because it's a smoking area. It's my little place of peace in the Magic Kingdom.
Thank you.

Wow. That was beautiful. Thank you.
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New Member
I have been watching this thread progress and it has prompted me to join the forum. I have noticed that the last few posts have gone a little off topic and become about smoker rights in general.

It saddens me to think that one person's rights can come at the expense of another person’s health and welfare. There has been much talk of a smoker's right to smoke in public places; based on the fact such actions have not been outlawed. That is true. However, does the right to smoke really rank higher than the right to breathe unpolluted air?

I agree that a non-smoker would have no business coming into your home or privately owned space and expect consideration. However, when we share common space, humanity and empathy must come into play.

I will not speak to the actions of others when it comes to the supposed fake coughs that that have been mentioned. What I can tell you is that personally, I try not to cough when I inadvertently find myself in or near a designated smoking area. I realize that comes off as disingenuous. I understand certain spots have been set-aside for you and I move on.

That said, living with a greatly reduced lung-function, due to an inherited disease, I can tell you that coughing comes uncontrollably. It is not done for show and there is no hyperbole intended. The toxins in second-hand smoke have an immediate affect on my airways. I say this, not to offend, simply to explain. Even short exposures to second-hand smoke can and have put me in hospital, on oxygen.

I suppose, in the end, it is pointless to debate it, there will always be a segment of the population who believe their personal rights supersede the best interests of their fellowman. For that minority, I have no response that can sway them. Nor do I expect my personal experience to have any effect on them.

I thank-you for the opportunity to express my thoughts.
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I have been watching this thread progress and it has prompted me to join the forum. I have noticed that the last few posts have gone a little off topic and become about smoker rights in general.

It saddens me to think that one person's rights can come at the expense of another person’s health and welfare. There has been much talk of a smoker's right to smoke in public places; based on the fact such actions have not been outlawed. That is true. However, does the right to smoke really rank higher than the right to breathe unpolluted air?

I agree that a non-smoker would have no business coming into your home or privately owned space and expect consideration. However, when we share common space, humanity and empathy must come into play.

I will not speak to the actions of others when it comes to the supposed fake coughs that that have been mentioned. What I can tell you is that personally, I try not to cough when I inadvertently find myself in or near a designated smoking area. I realize that comes off as disingenuous. I understand certain spots have been set-aside for you and I move on.

That said, living with a greatly reduced lung-function, due to an inherited disease, I can tell you that coughing comes uncontrollably. It is not done for show and there is no hyperbole intended. The toxins in second-hand smoke have an immediate affect on my airways. I say this, not to offend, simply to explain. Even short exposures to second-hand smoke can and have put me in hospital, on oxygen.

I suppose, in the end, it is pointless to debate it, there will always be a segment of the population who believe their personal rights supersede the best interests of their fellowman. For that minority, I have no response that can sway them. Nor do I expect my personal experience to have any effect on them.

I thank-you for the opportunity to express my thoughts.

Well spoken. I'm not going to debate the points, just wanted to say that this is a well thought out and well written post.
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