Smoking in Non-Smoking Rooms

Disney for Bonk

New Member
My wife and I are diehard Disney fans and go to the World at least once a year.
We just came back from the World after a 5 day vacation and stayed at POP Century. Since my wife has lung disease, we always call Special Needs, in advance, and request a non-smoking room closer to the buses and main building. Unfortunately, Disney has no provision for people with serious medical issues and would not offer us a close room without charging us the extra fee. The best that they could do was offer us a room in the 50's building on the 3rd floor near the parking lot.
Like clockwork, at 7-7:30am each morning, we were awoken by cigarette smoke coming from the bathroom venting.
On the way to the park that morning, I brought this to the attention of Concierge. They told us that there was no way of determining the originating room since they share the same venting. Their suggestion was to move rooms or they could ozone clean the entire room. I opted for the ozone, since we didn't want to disrupt our park visit, along with our 1st timer friends. It already took us over an hour to get settled into the room. We didn't want to have to re-pack, then un-pack again. Our stay was too short as it was. Also, I was hoping that the person smoking in one of the bathrooms wouldn't be staying long and go away. That didn't happen.
Before checking out on our last day, we talked to a cleaner and he acknowledged that he smelled the smoke and had reported the room to his supervisor. At Check-Out, we again brought this to the attention of the resort management. Their suggestion was that we should have moved. But, our reasoning was: Why should one bad apple ruin it for the entire bunch? What if others complained about the smoke within the same building? Would Disney rather move everyone out and let the smoker stay?
Yes, smokers have the right to smoke, if they choose to, but do it in the smoking rooms and sections! Who's to say that a new room would have been any better for us? Someone could be smoking in that area as well.
We suggested that Disney install cigarette smoke sensors, like other hotels, in select rooms, in 1 building, that share the same venting, with warning signs posted within. I realize that the resorts are meant to have a friendly atmosphere, but this would deter others from smoking in non-smoking rooms and allow the problem to be addressed right away, instead of telling us that they have no way of finding out which room is the culprit. This is Disney...they have the resources!
What do you think? How do you think this problem could be resolved. I realize that smokers are just as frustrated because they are limited to where they can smoke, but this is not fair. We give you your space, please let us have ours...:hammer: :brick: :dazzle: :veryconfu


I'm with you on this one. I say they put all the smokers in one building in every resort. This way they can stink up the entire building and leave us non smokers lungs to our selves. I just called today to have my ressies state that I have asthma. I was just diagnosed with it today and I'm not doing to well with it. Even my father-in-law has accepted that he can no longer smoke near my house. I just wish that the smokers would respect everyone elses health and smoke where it is clearly ok for them to do so.

I'm a non smoker and have a few friends & co-workers who smoke. I respect their "needs" to smoke as they respect my non-smoking. Some have changed their habits also.

The entire building thing wouldn't really work because it might mean (I know what I'm about to say is extreme but) one building have ten or so somkers in one building while others are turned away becuase they are non.

One option for Disney in a case like in the thread start could be a reminder note left on the table in each room when there is an incident complained about. It will not pin point the real culprit but it will let them know that people are complaining. I know some might get offended by the note but if I recieved it while there I would toss the note because I know it wasn't me.

But sometimes in this day and age there are some people that don't care about anyone but themselves and really don't care if they offend or hurt anyone else as long as they're enjoying themself.
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This is off the subject a little.

We were at MGM a few days ago and I saw a cast member tell a smoker that there were designated areas for smoking and to either put it out or go to the smoking area.:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: Thats the first time I'd seen that happen.

That smoker was my sister who lagged back from the group to "knock back a grit".

If I had seen her do that I'd blast her too.
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Well-Known Member
What is so difficult about finding the smoking section of the park? It's not like they are always far and few between. I once had to ask someone on the Kilimanjaro Safari cue line to put one out and he looked at me like I had 15 heads. I just don't understand how some people can be so inconsiderate.
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Well-Known Member
As a former smoker, and having participated in a few of these smoking threads before, I am suprised there aren't more smokers, sharing their viewpoint in this discussion. Maybe they all quit?? (I also am suprised that this thread hasn't got nasty yet... but give it time).
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Smokers, please don't smoke in a non-smoking room.
Find a suitable place to smoke and spare us having to smell
smoke stenched linens and curtains in the resorts.
We got stuck in a stinky non-smoking room at the AKL.
Fortunately they changed our room after the first night.
That first night was disgusting to me and my family.
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New Member
My views on this. If you are a smoker, and reserve a smoking room, you can smoke in whichever room you are alloted- even if it is a nonsmoking room. It was the hotels fault that you didn't get the room you reserved.

However, if a smoker smokes in a nonsmoking room, without prior knowledge, that's a no-go. That person should be responsible for the cost of cleaning the room and the nightly rate for every night that room is out till the room is acceptable again.

However if a nonsmoker reserves a smoking room cause it was all that was available, they have no right to complain.

I hope you're kidding!! Your reasoning here doesn't make much sense to me.

Basically, if a smoker books a "smoking" room but doesn't get it, he/she can smoke in there anyway because they didn't get the room they reserved. But, if a non-smoker gets a "smoking" room because that's all that's available, we have no right to complain?

Maybe you meant to word it differently? Doesn't make much sense to me!
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Well-Known Member
To me, no smoking means no smoking. Period. I don't complain when smoke wafts over to me from a smoking section, I knew the smoking section was there. If you book a trip, know that you might end up with a non-smoking room and take it outside if you do. Especially at an All-Star, there is no reason to smoke in the room in warm, sunny Florida. Even in other hotels, there are plenty of places OUTSIDE.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, I smoke

... but I have a quit date and have gone to my doctor for a plan. I think smoking in this day and age now comes with a very negative image, and I feel embarrassed, sometimes even criminal, when I light one up.

As a smoker, I never request a smoking room. Why? Because I have a child. I do not smoke in my home, nor do I smoke in my car. Just because I choose to smoke does not mean that my child, or anyone else for that matter, chooses to "smoke" also.

I do admit to being a balconey or patio smoker. If I feel the need to have one, I go outside. Plain and simple. What is suprising, to me at least, is that when I stay at a Disney resort, mousekeeping has put a chair and ashtray outside my room door for my use. I have never requested this, but the chair and ashtray always magically appear around the second day. No one has ever asked me not to smoke outside of the room, and if someone should, I would put it out and find another place to smoke.
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Le Meh
Premium Member
Even further than most have noted, people that go outside their room to smoke, need to make sure they are not smoking near the air intake, or ac unit of the rooms next door. I have stayed at a number of places and had to go outside to tell the smoker to move away from the ac unit as they are practically smoking in my room because the air intake is s__________g in the odor.

Its rather frustrating.
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Active Member
... but I have a quit date and have gone to my doctor for a plan. I think smoking in this day and age now comes with a very negative image, and I feel embarrassed, sometimes even criminal, when I light one up.

As a smoker, I never request a smoking room. Why? Because I have a child. I do not smoke in my home, nor do I smoke in my car. Just because I choose to smoke does not mean that my child, or anyone else for that matter, chooses to "smoke" also.

I do admit to being a balconey or patio smoker. If I feel the need to have one, I go outside. Plain and simple. What is suprising, to me at least, is that when I stay at a Disney resort, mousekeeping has put a chair and ashtray outside my room door for my use. I have never requested this, but the chair and ashtray always magically appear around the second day. No one has ever asked me not to smoke outside of the room, and if someone should, I would put it out and find another place to smoke.

Im glad you posted this since I have a related question. I dont smoke but my husband does. We will be taking our daughter for the first time this fall. He also only smokes outside and I was wondering if it was acceptable for us to get a non smoking room and have him smoke on the balcony or do my daugher and myself have to suffer in a smoking room for him to just smoke outside anyway?
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New Member
We had gotten 2 rooms at Pop and the one my dad was in had some wacky smoke coming in through the vents, so I can one up it here, smoking in a non smoking room and then smoking something illegal in a non smoking room. I told my dad it was actually Disney pumping in the smoke to truly make it "The Happiest Place on Earth"
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Well-Known Member
Im glad you posted this since I have a related question. I dont smoke but my husband does. We will be taking our daughter for the first time this fall. He also only smokes outside and I was wondering if it was acceptable for us to get a non smoking room and have him smoke on the balcony or do my daugher and myself have to suffer in a smoking room for him to just smoke outside anyway?

I think that's your own personal choice. But since you use the word "suffer," get the non-smoking room (I believe the term "non-smoking room" to mean that you cannot smoke in the room itself). If neighbours complain about his balcony smoking, there are plenty of designated smoking areas around each resort (most notably around the pools and outdoor lounges/snack shacks). But as hakunamatata noted, make sure he doesn's smoke by the AC units!
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Well-Known Member
My views on this. If you are a smoker, and reserve a smoking room, you can smoke in whichever room you are alloted- even if it is a nonsmoking room. It was the hotels fault that you didn't get the room you reserved.

However, if a smoker smokes in a nonsmoking room, without prior knowledge, that's a no-go. That person should be responsible for the cost of cleaning the room and the nightly rate for every night that room is out till the room is acceptable again.

I agree. It has been my experience that the smoking bit is a bigger issue at Pop than anywhere else on a Disney resort property.
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Active Member
I think that's your own personal choice. But since you use the word "suffer," get the non-smoking room (I believe the term "non-smoking room" to mean that you cannot smoke in the room itself). If neighbours complain about his balcony smoking, there are plenty of designated smoking areas around each resort (most notably around the pools and outdoor lounges/snack shacks). But as hakunamatata noted, make sure he doesn's smoke by the AC units!

Ok I guess the word suffer is a bit extreme, but I would not enjoy being in a room that smells like smoke and have smoke from neighboring rooms coming in through the ventilation especially since my daughter will be with us. And yes if someone were to ask him to put it out im sure my husband would not complain. He is a respectful smoker. He wants to quit, but I am not going to hold my breath that he will have quit before our trip.
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Disney for Bonk

New Member
Original Poster
I agree. It has been my experience that the smoking bit is a bigger issue at Pop than anywhere else on a Disney resort property.
I find that interesting! What do others think? Does POP Century have a bigger issue with smoking, as well as the smell of cigarette smoke, in the non-smoking rooms and buildings? If so, maybe I will book at another resort next time.
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New Member
I'm an Ex-smoker (quit 2 years ago) I've been to WDW many times and never even thought about smoking. I didn't even take any smokes with us on our trips. So really WDW helped me quit smoking. stopping I've probably added 15 more Disney Trips to my life :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
That is bad. Last year we had an issue with smoke odor coming in via the bathroom vent at the WL. We complained did not smell it again so either it was a coincedence and the smoker left the next day or were busted.
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New Member
Forgot for my last post.

After the incident with the "smoke" we dubbed it Pot Century. I almost think it was in the 70's building.... psychadelic coincidence
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Well-Known Member
Last year we stayed at Pop in the 70's building.. We were in a non-smoking room, but our neighbors were constantly outside their room smoking on the walkway. I don't know if it was a poor seal on the door or what, but everytime they were out there you could smell smoke in our room. On our second night we taped a piece of paper to our door that said "If we see you smoking, we will assume you are on fire and act accordingly!" I think they got the hint, because when they returned that night we heard laughter, and never smelled the smoke again!! This was the second time something like that happened to us while staying there, the first time the people left the first morning we were there so it wasn't a major issue..
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New Member
Smoker Here

I smoke, yes I know its nasty. When I am at Disney I always request a non smoking room ( my husband does not smoke) and I go out doors to smoke. I also only smoke in designated areas in the parks, but even there people still complain as they walk through the cloud of smoke. I try to be considerate of others but I also have a right to smoke.:p
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