Slash and Burn ...


Bob Iger would be the perfect #2 person if a strong visionary were #1. No, I do not recommend Lasseter.

I think Bob Iger is a good CEO. He's doing fine with Lasseter in the creative position he is now. If someone were to replace Iger, then I think it should be Steve Jobs. He is the largest Disney stock holder and is on the board of directors. Just my thoughts. :shrug:
I think Bob Iger is a good CEO. He's doing fine with Lasseter in the creative position he is now. If someone were to replace Iger, then I think it should be Steve Jobs. He is the largest Disney stock holder and is on the board of directors. Just my thoughts. :shrug:

I wish him nothing but the best, but there are serious concerns about Jobs' health.


Well-Known Member
I wish him nothing but the best, but there are serious concerns about Jobs' health.

Yup. Hes stepping out of the spotlight, not further in.

Not to mention that he really isn't a visionary, but someone who likes flashy design and good marketing. Remember that the Apple resurgence was brought on by the iPod, which was always (until the touch, basically) inferior to its competitors, but marketed better. I think those who want Iger replaced would want someone different than that.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You're right about overlays in general. The fact that CBJ doesn't get its Christmas show anymore—heck, it doesn't even get its Vacation Hoedown—is ridiculous. The "Guests may not like it" excuse is absolute BS because Guests are coming to WDW during the holidays to see it decked out for Christmas.

Yeah, but simple-minded people will believe anything that authority figures tell them.

After all, if someone has managed to become a Disney exec it must be because they are talented ... the best ... the cream of the crop!:rolleyes:

I disagree on HMH to an extent, only because I know many people who equate NBC with Hot Topic. That's Disney's fault. I would personally love to see it come to WDW.

To me, HMH is shear genius because it really takes one E-Ticket and turns it into two at very minimal cost. It's amazing just how different the attractions are.

You mean the TVs that didn't work for about six months after being installed? :rolleyes:

Yep . Dem would be the ones.

Please remind me why that place is closed, while all the other dining locations are booked solid. While you're at it, remind me why the Diamond Horseshoe doesn't have shows anymore, even though DL, TDL, and DLP—all of which have lower attendance than Florida's—need the capacity. Heck, why isn't the gorgeous store behind the temporary walls of Aladdin's Bazaar still open? Why doesn't the gift shop in the Tomorrowland Arcade sell shirts and merch Guests can't buy at Target?

The Diamond Horseshoe is an example of WalMarting befitting more WalMarting befitting more.

You had an expensive, lavish (by theme park standards) show performed by unionized entertainers with a fully functional dining component.

Get rid of the show and have show with foamheads that only children and their mommies and daddies would enjoy.

Then, kill the show entirely but use the venue as a western-themed meet and greet. Save a bundle more.

Then, shutter the facility entirely.

Dust it off for $30 buffets during a few holiday periods as a dining room.

Do you see how WalMarting works? Each step was one cut to save money ... and what are you left with?

The shuttering of actual shops (Adventureland has had virtually all its shops closed) and moved outside to carts, covered areas and even the pirates courtyard is more WalMarting. It's a people aren't smart enough to come into finely themed shops, we need to have the merchandise shoved in their faces like a flea market ... or a WalMart!

The cost-cutting doesn't even make sense.

Why should it?

Phil Holmes would rather trip over strollers and watch Guests stand in unbelievably long queues than provide top-quality things for them to do.

Boy, you're so negative! If you hate Disney so much why don'y you just stay home?!?!? (yeah before this post disappears, this is in jest!)

(And before anybody accuses me of joining a ranting tirade, I'd like to point out that I'm usually very optimistic on these boards. But several recent circumstances have brought the MK's dire condition to my attention, and I'm disgusted with the park's management.)

I'm neither optimistic or pessimistic.

I am, however, very realistic!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Probably not; but as the park's president, he's responsible, and he's made enough poor decisions within the last ten years to put much of the blame squarely on him.

For what it's worth, he's actually a fairly nice guy. Too bad he's so content with a certain level of mediocrity. (I say "a certain level" because the MK has been cleaned up quite a bit since the Sentinel posted the "This Old Park" article a few years ago.)

VP actually ... and whether he is a nice guy or not is debatable and of no moment to the discussion at hand really.

Plenty of very nice folks are totally incompetent in the jobs they do. Doesn't make them bad in the least. But it should have them pursuing opportunities that best suit their skill set.

As to 'This Old Park' ... boy, does that bring back memories.:wave:


Well-Known Member
VP actually ... and whether he is a nice guy or not is debatable and of no moment to the discussion at hand really.

Plenty of very nice folks are totally incompetent in the jobs they do. Doesn't make them bad in the least. But it should have them pursuing opportunities that best suit their skill set.

As to 'This Old Park' ... boy, does that bring back memories.:wave:


Don't worry. That wasn't a defense.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, the HM is already in Fantasyland at TDL. And I would think that's where it would have to go at HKDL if it was any kind of HM like we know today. If they re-imagined it, maybe they'd make it fit in Adventureland.

No. Definitely not F-Land. It was squeezed in there in Tokyo, and even TDL lovers will tell you it really doesn't belong but they had no where else at the time to place it. Dumbo is right in front of it.

At HKDL it will go in A-Land, although Main Street was briefly considered.

When last I heard, Mansion will be a totally new storyline (voodoo inspired) with 21st century effects and a facade that very closely resembles the original at DL.


Well-Known Member
The shuttering of actual shops (Adventureland has had virtually all its shops closed) and moved outside to carts, covered areas and even the pirates courtyard is more WalMarting. It's a people aren't smart enough to come into finely themed shops, we need to have the merchandise shoved in their faces like a flea market ... or a WalMart!

Incidentally, those shops are fully intact and are used as stock rooms and character changing locations. :fork:

Props are still hung everywhere and shelves are pushed into a corner.

Imagineers would claim that the new storefronts are meant to help theme "Aladdin's Bazaar," but meanwhile, Guests are forced into an awkward bottleneck around an unnecessary spinner and shallow awnings.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My first trip (of what became almost annual trips) was after I was married in 1979, and I have to say I agree with everything you have written thus far, including the wal-marting and other stances.

Well, you've been a long-time regular, so that makes perfect sense.

Very, very few in that category will ever be Kool Aid drinkers (AKA WDW is perfect and never been more magical folks!)

That's why WalMarting is so insidious. It conditions guests to a new normal ... a lesser quality one.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally Posted by tirian
No, I do not recommend Lasseter.

Why not Lasseter? He seems perfect to me, but I'm open to other suggestions.

John is an amazingly talented individual.

He is absolutely the closest thing to Walt at TWDC today, bar none.

But he's not the type of person equipped to be No. 1 or 2 at a media behemoth ... just wouldn't work ... wouldn't sell on Wall Street ... and he wouldn't want it either.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tirian
No, I do not recommend Lasseter.

John is an amazingly talented individual.

He is absolutely the closest thing to Walt at TWDC today, bar none.

But he's not the type of person equipped to be No. 1 or 2 at a media behemoth ... just wouldn't work ... wouldn't sell on Wall Street ... and he wouldn't want it either.

Yep. John's creative, but not #1 material. I forgive his obsession with his beloved DL long enough to credit his incredible success with Pixar. :D


Well-Known Member
Walt's frozen head?

Could work in board meetings, but might scare the kids on Sunday nights if he tries to go back on TV. :eek:

As an aside, I went up to Forest Lawn Glendale last week to see the Art of Tiki exhibit that's currently showing in their museum at the top of the hill. In addition to legit Polynesian artifacts and kitschy originals, they had some amazing stuff I'd never seen before by Marc Davis from 1967-69 for proposed Adventureland concepts for Disneyland and WDW. There was also some other WDI stuff for forgotten Polynesian concepts, plus an original Tiki Room attraction poster from the 60's. Very cool! (And no photography allowed in the exhibit unfortunately) Anyway, on the way out we stopped for a moment by the gravesite where Walt and his families ashes are buried. It was surprisingly a tad emotional, even though I never considered myself one of those cult of personality fan types.

Back on topic, why do we need a different setup than DisCo currently has? Iger seems to be doing a fine job even as we head into a tough recession, and several times in the last two years I've seen Lasseter and his kids romping through Disneyland with a pretty tour guide in heels and a skirt trying hard to keep up behind them. Lasseter was leading the way with kids in tow, and the tour guide assigned to him was merely along for the ride. That man clearly has a passion for Disney theme parks.

The only weak link here appears to be Jay Rasulo and the sadly pathetic and scripted PowerPoint drones he appoints to be "President" of his various properties.

What needs to happen to get Rasulo replaced?! :confused:


Well-Known Member
Could work in board meetings, but might scare the kids on Sunday nights if he tries to go back on TV. :eek:

As an aside, I went up to Forest Lawn Glendale last week to see the Art of Tiki exhibit that's currently showing in their museum at the top of the hill. In addition to legit Polynesian artifacts and kitschy originals, they had some amazing stuff I'd never seen before by Marc Davis from 1967-69 for proposed Adventureland concepts for Disneyland and WDW. There was also some other WDI stuff for forgotten Polynesian concepts, plus an original Tiki Room attraction poster from the 60's. Very cool! (And no photography allowed in the exhibit unfortunately) Anyway, on the way out we stopped for a moment by the gravesite where Walt and his families ashes are buried. It was surprisingly a tad emotional, even though I never considered myself one of those cult of personality fan types.

Back on topic, why do we need a different setup than DisCo currently has? Iger seems to be doing a fine job even as we head into a tough recession, and several times in the last two years I've seen Lasseter and his kids romping through Disneyland with a pretty tour guide in heels and a skirt trying hard to keep up behind them. Lasseter was leading the way with kids in tow, and the tour guide assigned to him was merely along for the ride. That man clearly has a passion for Disney theme parks.

The only weak link here appears to be Jay Rasulo and the sadly pathetic and scripted PowerPoint drones he appoints to be "President" of his various properties.

What needs to happen to get Rasulo replaced?! :confused:

Whoa, what a thread drift. Sorry, I didn't mean to start one. :o

Rasulo's replacement will require Iger's sudden interest in the parks. Iger is doing a fine job, but he's predominantly a TV guy. He'll have to hand more control over to someone with a passion for all the parks, not just Disneyland.

Hence my first statement on the previous page.


Well-Known Member
No. Definitely not F-Land. It was squeezed in there in Tokyo, and even TDL lovers will tell you it really doesn't belong but they had no where else at the time to place it. Dumbo is right in front of it.

At HKDL it will go in A-Land, although Main Street was briefly considered.

When last I heard, Mansion will be a totally new storyline (voodoo inspired) with 21st century effects and a facade that very closely resembles the original at DL.

You know... It really didn't bother me that the HM was in Fantasyland at TDL. I guess to me it made a bit of sense. Ghosts inhabiting a mansion. Fantasy.

It was a little odd to have Dumbo out front... But overall I didn't think the HM felt out of place. Surprisingly.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tirian
No, I do not recommend Lasseter.

John is an amazingly talented individual.

He is absolutely the closest thing to Walt at TWDC today, bar none.

But he's not the type of person equipped to be No. 1 or 2 at a media behemoth ... just wouldn't work ... wouldn't sell on Wall Street ... and he wouldn't want it either.

I have to thread drift for just a second.

My wife and I were lucky enough to attend the Pirates of the Caribbean 3 World Premier. So it was a great time, and we were able to meet all sorts of celebrities and had a great night. Well, after the movie was shown, they kept part of DL open for the Premier attendees. But not too many people stayed. Maybe a couple hundred. So we were loving it... Going on ride after ride... A perfect end to a memorable night.

So we walked into the HM's stretching room. We were the only ones in there. And just as they were going to close the door, in walked John Lasseter and his wife and kids. So. There we stood, riding probably THE most classic Disney attraction, with the closest thing to Walt as we've ever known. It was surreal, to say the least.

Obviously, I spent the entire ride doing nothing but watching him out of the corner of my eye. The whole way through the ride, from stretching room to the ballroom to the hitchiking ghosts, he was INTO the ride. Talking to his kids, pointing, smiling... Exactly how I pictured Walt was when he rode attractions. Call me crazy, but I don't think Iger or Greer (who I also met and was a decent guy) do that. I just don't see them "getting" it like that.

Anway, we talked to him for a bit afterward, and took a picture, etc... And he seemed like a really good guy. When we walked away from the HM, I told my wife that I felt pretty comfortable with him making the calls.

End of thread drift. Sorry. Had to tell that story. :o


Well-Known Member
You know... It really didn't bother me that the HM was in Fantasyland at TDL. I guess to me it made a bit of sense. Ghosts inhabiting a mansion. Fantasy.

It was a little odd to have Dumbo out front... But overall I didn't think the HM felt out of place. Surprisingly.

Yeah, it would make sense to me. Wasn't the original HM in Disneyland originally in Fantasyland? I thought it was there during one of the many "reorientations" of the lands there.

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