Skyway Station Demolition


New Member
Wow, seeing this post scared me. I really hope they DONT demolish the Fantasyland Station. That would just be foolish. I don't see them being able to fit anything else in there. Its so beautiful and looks great sitting in that little corner. IF they wanna demolish it, they better wait till AFTER MAY so I can get down there and shoot some photos of it for what I'm working on. I missed out on the Tomorrowland Station, I don't wanna miss my chance at photographing this thing. It was really dumb to take the Skyway out in the first place. I understand the reasons, but come on. It was such an amazing ride, though I think it would be less exciting now since 20k is gone, though the sneek peaks over the wall and seeing the new expansion come up would be AMAZING. From the looks of it, its probably just the turn platform cement being removed. I don't see Disney making a mistake as big as a wrong address for demolition. Someone down the pipe would've noticed this mistake. The Fantasyland Station just fits in with Fantasyland so well. It doesn't look dated just fits in. I wish they'd use the physical building for something else. Put a nice glass window in the big open hole and fix it up and make a great meet & greet probably. Its big enough and its a place in the park not many people have been to in at least 10 years. I'm gonna try to get into it when I'm down there. Talk to someone if possible and get some photos of it for my project. I wanna capture everything I can before its really taken away. Nothing is forever :-( And if they knock it out and only plant trees, I'll really be disgusted as that would just be foolish. Keep the beauty instead of staleness. Just my thoughts!!


New Member
Riding Skyway

Been showing up at WDW since 73, Scariest moment I had there was riding Skyway and having car disengage at the turn and seeing next car roaring up at you. They used to post a CM there to stop ride and get you reattached.:zipit:


Well-Known Member
Been showing up at WDW since 73, Scariest moment I had there was riding Skyway and having car disengage at the turn and seeing next car roaring up at you. They used to post a CM there to stop ride and get you reattached.:zipit:

Well, the cars did disengage the cable at the turn by design. They were supposed to roll through the turn on their wheels and re-attach to the cable on the far end. As you discovered, sometimes that roll didn't always go smoothly, usually because of an odd swinging of the bucket as it came off the cable that dampened the forward momentum of the bucket.



Well-Known Member
That particular area is a pretty bad choke point and the removal of the FL skyway was going to help relieve that. If the plans remain consistent with what was reported earlier widening of the path, moving stroller parking and the removal of the Yankee Trader are the plan.

Im fine with widening that path ... but lets just hope we don't lose another water feature ... isnt there a pond or fountain next to the old skyway station?


the only thing that they would demo is that pond in front of the station to make the walkway wider for crowd control when NFL opens (along with getting rid of Yankee traders). This demo is most likely for one of the foundations of one of poles in the Speedway i looked at pictures of where the poles used to be and where they are re working the track for the speedway they are exactly in the same spot. also the platform where the buckets would turn in the direction of the tomorrow land station looks to be near where the queue and tent for the double dumbos are going to go. it all adds up. the contractor is used for mass amounts of demolition of strong buildings. Im pretty sure they would be needed for removing one of those large cement foundations of the skyway. and it would not make sense for a demolition company that gets rid of these huge strong structures to get rid of a rotting wooden building.


Well-Known Member
OK semi off-topic but you guys started it...favorite Skyway memory was riding with my friend that was more than double my weight at the time. We were sitting opposite each other and as the car pushed off from the FL station it tipped - with my side NOTICIBLY higher than hers - similar to the scene in Tommy Boy when Chris Farley and David Spade were in the boat. It was both hilarious and terrifying all at the same time. Who knew the Skyway could be a thrill ride?! :lookaroun

skyway memory: my first few trips to disney, we avoided the skyway. just never seemed to hit the line at the right time. when i was about 9 or 10, i got my grandfather to take me on for the first time and i loved it. so naturally, the next few trips i asked my dad to go. since my grandparents weren't with us and i was an only child, my dad was really my only option for this one. finally, i wore my father down and got him to agree to go on with me. the only problem (and the reason he had put it off until then) was he is pretty scared of heights. being suspended for a long period of time really bother him. so the skyway was his one "can't do" disney attraction. but my dad...he's the kind of guy who would do absolutely anything for anyone, especially me. so he worked up the courage and took the ride from tomorrowland to fantasyland with me. he's my best man in my wedding in 5 months and that's the kind of stuff that reminds me why he's the best friend i'll ever have.

sorry to get corny and sentimental!


That particular area is a pretty bad choke point and the removal of the FL skyway was going to help relieve that. If the plans remain consistent with what was reported earlier widening of the path, moving stroller parking and the removal of the Yankee Trader are the plan.

Well that idea hardly sounds efficient. It's not as though removing it would divert the traffic flow - it'd simply allow more people to amass at that location.

What is it with Disney and demolitions!??

I'm gonna try to get into it when I'm down there. Talk to someone if possible and get some photos of it for my project.

Curious as to what your project is WDWfanatic89. Has anyone here managed to get a peep inside?


Well-Known Member
skyway memory: my first few trips to disney, we avoided the skyway. just never seemed to hit the line at the right time. when i was about 9 or 10, i got my grandfather to take me on for the first time and i loved it. so naturally, the next few trips i asked my dad to go. since my grandparents weren't with us and i was an only child, my dad was really my only option for this one. finally, i wore my father down and got him to agree to go on with me. the only problem (and the reason he had put it off until then) was he is pretty scared of heights. being suspended for a long period of time really bother him. so the skyway was his one "can't do" disney attraction. but my dad...he's the kind of guy who would do absolutely anything for anyone, especially me. so he worked up the courage and took the ride from tomorrowland to fantasyland with me. he's my best man in my wedding in 5 months and that's the kind of stuff that reminds me why he's the best friend i'll ever have.

sorry to get corny and sentimental!

That is really sweet - congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!


New Member
Well that idea hardly sounds efficient. It's not as though removing it would divert the traffic flow - it'd simply allow more people to amass at that location.

What is it with Disney and demolitions!??

Curious as to what your project is WDWfanatic89. Has anyone here managed to get a peep inside?

haha. I'm not too sure if anyone's managed to get a peep inside, :brick: but I know I'm sure as hell gonna try to get in, with permission at least. I need someone with good contacts. I need those photos :lol:

The project I've told a few close people, in time others will know!! Should be done this year or the next. It'll be awesome!! A Past/Present/Future type deal :king: :sohappy:


New Member
haha. I'm not too sure if anyone's managed to get a peep inside, :brick: but I know I'm sure as hell gonna try to get in, with permission at least. I need someone with good contacts. I need those photos :lol:

The project I've told a few close people, in time others will know!! Should be done this year or the next. It'll be awesome!! A Past/Present/Future type deal :king: :sohappy:

Here are some pictures of what the inside looks like now


Well-Known Member
the only thing that they would demo is that pond in front of the station to make the walkway wider for crowd control when NFL opens (along with getting rid of Yankee traders). This demo is most likely for one of the foundations of one of poles in the Speedway i looked at pictures of where the poles used to be and where they are re working the track for the speedway they are exactly in the same spot. also the platform where the buckets would turn in the direction of the tomorrow land station looks to be near where the queue and tent for the double dumbos are going to go. it all adds up. the contractor is used for mass amounts of demolition of strong buildings. Im pretty sure they would be needed for removing one of those large cement foundations of the skyway. and it would not make sense for a demolition company that gets rid of these huge strong structures to get rid of a rotting wooden building.

The turn in the skyway was entirely within the Speedway track, pretty much within that final turn. The recent changes to the track actually brought that section closer to where the turn used to be. If they had to remove anything for that trackwork, they would've had to have done it already.


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Well that idea hardly sounds efficient. It's not as though removing it would divert the traffic flow - it'd simply allow more people to amass at that location.
They would essentially be converting a 2 lane road into a 4 lane highway. That will solve the choke point problem.


Premium Member
The turn in the skyway was entirely within the Speedway track, pretty much within that final turn. The recent changes to the track actually brought that section closer to where the turn used to be. If they had to remove anything for that trackwork, they would've had to have done it already.


This was discussed earlier in the thread, it appears that the turn around was not withing the loop of the track but in the area where Dumbo is going to be. I couldn't find any pictures of this, but this video give you a pretty good idea of it's location.


Park History nut
Premium Member
^ Remember, the track was shortened to accomodate Birthdayland. The Skyway turn around was just to the east of what is still the final turn, and to the west of the main part of the course.


Beta Return
^ Remember, the track was shortened to accomodate Birthdayland. The Skyway turn around was just to the east of what is still the final turn, and to the west of the main part of the course.

So this is the second time they've rerouted the speedway track? Had no idea.

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