while the ddp is worth it to a family of six as us, the dishes are good and different, and most certainly hit or miss. For the restaurants using less quality meats or products, is inexcusable, as prices have not increased as much as one would think, in fact, they have actually gone down. A case of wings consisting of 275 jumbo wings is currently at $52/case. Angus choice prime rib $7.99 /lb, choice strips $5.50/lb. So how can one charge $35 for an 8oz strip that costs $2.75, plus broccolini at 50cents per 4 oz portion at most, and yukon gold potatoes at $28/case. Total cost of meal $4 tops maybe $5. And wdw is using the cheapest cuts, select! come on people, wake up and realize you are not paying for average food at best. Now if youre paying out of pocket, youre getting ripped off! Its more than a texas roadhouse with less quality. As soon as free dining is over and people start paying for it, quality will go up, because customers wont pay for average. Service is hardly ever an issue, except in italy. And for the dinner shows, youre getting just that, entertainment with food. You get what you pay for, or in tis case, dont pay for. While we dont like certain places, there are always new ones to try and make it work. Hey, its better than dennys.