Seven Dwarves Mine Ride Construction


Well-Known Member
Personally I think the whole ticket level discussion (which like to many other topics seems to pop back up on a regular basis) is pointless. It's really all a matter of opinion. Expedition Everest may be an E-ticket, but it's a A-ticket for me because I don't like roller coasters and will never ride it. It's all subjective.


That's all well and good, but the ticketing nomenclature is still used internally, and if someone called the Mine Train an E to an Imagineer, he'd probably be too busy laughing to correct them.


That's all well and good, but the ticketing nomenclature is still used internally, and if someone called the Mine Train an E to an Imagineer, he'd probably be too busy laughing to correct them.

Imagineers call it a C or a D depending on who you ask. Mermaid is usually called a D, internally. (Some think that is generous.)

Doesn't make either a bad ride, but should set expectations.


Premium Member
The mine coaster is clearly not going to be a B ticket, or even close. Regardless of if it's as thrilling or long as some of us hoped it would be, it's definitely not going to be on the same level as the Tea Cups or the Treehouse.
You guys can be as hyperbolic as you want, but even by todays standards this is an E ticket ride.

Level wise I see this very much like Crush... show scenes.. mild coaster.. different cars.. but it's not to the scale of splash mountain, it's not entirely radical like a mission:space, etc.

Don't fall into the trap of the TLM foamers did... ZOMG look at this building!! it's going to be EPIC!!! E-TICKET baby! and then once they road it, they remembered it's not just the shell of the building that counts.


Well-Known Member
Imagineers call it a C or a D depending on who you ask. Mermaid is usually called a D, internally. (Some think that is generous.)

Doesn't make either a bad ride, but should set expectations.

I think that's the best way of explaining the use of the ticket letters; setting expectations. Well said, Lee.


Beta Return
The mine coaster is clearly not going to be a B ticket, or even close. Regardless of if it's as thrilling or long as some of us hoped it would be, it's definitely not going to be on the same level as the Tea Cups or the Treehouse.
You guys can be as hyperbolic as you want, but even by todays standards this is an E ticket ride.


Personally I think the whole ticket level discussion (which like to many other topics seems to pop back up on a regular basis) is pointless. It's really all a matter of opinion. Expedition Everest may be an E-ticket, but it's a A-ticket for me because I don't like roller coasters and will never ride it. It's all subjective.


It's not that kind of subjective. We, as individuals, can't use the ticketing system to label a ride based on our PERSONAL preferences. We can hypothesize what letter it might have been in the 70s, but it needs to be based on comparison.

Imagineers call it a C or a D depending on who you ask. Mermaid is usually called a D, internally. (Some think that is generous.)

Doesn't make either a bad ride, but should set expectations.

We'll just have to see how scaled back it really becomes before we can toss around our own letters. It's certainly not a B-ticket unless it has cardboard sets and the ride is :30 long.

I'm setting my sights on C, hoping to be pleasantly surprised with a D.


Well-Known Member
I will reserve my final judgement until it is actually completed and I get to ride but from the way things are looking:

Judging from current art the outisde seems quite nice and fairly well themed-possibly D quality but the newest track art is dissapointing and extremely short-possible B style coaster, so I will average it out to a C.


Well-Known Member
Just love how a lot of people here were expecting this coaster to be much more than it actually is. It's taking up a large area and has indoor and outdoor sections but is designed as a "family attraction" in order for little ones and old ones to enjoy together. It's simply going to be a charming little coaster.


Premium Member
Its ashame when Disney promotes FLE expansion as doubling the size of FL and the park's largest expansion ever.. and all we get for it's anchor actractions are a dark ride that has been panned and a coaster people are intent on lowering expectations down to as low as possible.

Disney's biggest thing they can boast about this expansion is.. the amount of space it eats up. Well done Disney.. well done.


Well-Known Member
Its ashame when Disney promotes FLE expansion as doubling the size of FL and the park's largest expansion ever.. and all we get for it's anchor actractions are a dark ride that has been panned and a coaster people are intent on lowering expectations down to as low as possible.

Disney's biggest thing they can boast about this expansion is.. the amount of space it eats up. Well done Disney.. well done.

I think you need to keep in mind that Disney was designed as a family park where parents and kids could participate in activities together. The Ariel ride and coaster accomplish exactly that. MK already has 3 "thrill" rides which most little ones cannot even go on. This park is not meant to please only the adults. If you want that, then go to Six Flags.

Additionally, this is Fantasyland. It's a land geared towards young children who believe in princesses and story book characters. Fantasyland shouldn't really have a "thrill" ride. It shouldn't be scary or give you an adrenaline rush. That's not what Fantasy is about. Those types of rides are better suited for other sections of the parks and are appropriately placed there.

It should be a place where you are swept away by the decor and feel like you are in another world. If it was just ride after ride, that wouldn't happen.

And, we aren't just getting rides, we are getting a much anticipated (at least in my household by my 6 year old daughter) story time with Belle and a really fun dining opportunity with Belle and Beast.

I'm sorry the FLE isn't exciting to you, but it's pretty exciting to me as a mother of young fanstasy-believing children and I'm sure it will be exciting to all of the little princes and princesses. I'm certain it was the prince and princess crowd they had in mind when designing the FLE and rightfully so.


The hype here when the coaster was announced was that the new coaster was a tamer version of BTMRR when that was obviously never the intent.

That's subjective. I can simultaneously have realistic expectations of the ride experience and also define the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train as a tamer version of BTMRR, since it 1) is tamer than BTMRR and 2) is a roller coaster through a fully realized mountainous (or at least hilly) landscape. Gut the Barnstormer for all I care. This is the kind of "kiddie" coaster that I think is appropriate to Fantasyland.


Well-Known Member
Its ashame when Disney promotes FLE expansion as doubling the size of FL and the park's largest expansion ever.. and all we get for it's anchor actractions are a dark ride that has been panned and a coaster people are intent on lowering expectations down to as low as possible.

Disney's biggest thing they can boast about this expansion is.. the amount of space it eats up. Well done Disney.. well done.
which is funny as 1/2 of that space was reduced originally when 20k closed. Reduce space then open a ride and say the park is getting bigger.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like both can be considered in the C/D range. I view Mermaid as a substantial step up as Peter Pan's Flight and Winnie the Pooh and for most people that's really a better point of comparison.

WDW1974/Lee - I understand they're different types of attractions but if Mine Train is in the B/C category where would you slot the other Fantasyland dark rides in both Florida and California?


WDW1974/Lee - I understand they're different types of attractions but if Mine Train is in the B/C category where would you slot the other Fantasyland dark rides in both Florida and California?

Personally, I look at the old-school dark rides as C tickets, and the Mine Ride as a D.


Premium Member

As the father of three adolescent daughters - please don't pigeon hole me as some 'six flags rides rides rides' guy.

The fact remains the biggest and most impressive thing in this land is still simply the size of it. It's like Disney promoting how DAK is their biggest theme park ever - yet it doesn't make it the most desirable theme park ever. Footprint doesn't mean much, but you notice that's what Disney keeps falling back on as the 'wow' part of this expansion.

I never mentioned 'thrill' rides nor the need for them - so I don't see where you are going with that at all. Something like jungle cruise, pirates, etc don't need to be thrill, and can still be enjoyable by everyone in the family.

I don't see
- losing one dark ride, to add another
- fixing the horrible dumbo capacity, but ruining the view of it
- adding another kiddie coaster

As something that is going to turn the corner for the MK. Really the best parts about this are
- finally kicking out the birthdaytown addition.. at least most of it
- getting more food options in the park (hopefully they won't shutter other ones)
- something new to look at

For such a massive expansion (and reason they will lean on to not do other things) I really don't see us netting a huge gain.


Well-Known Member

As the father of three adolescent daughters - please don't pigeon hole me as some 'six flags rides rides rides' guy.

The fact remains the biggest and most impressive thing in this land is still simply the size of it. It's like Disney promoting how DAK is their biggest theme park ever - yet it doesn't make it the most desirable theme park ever. Footprint doesn't mean much, but you notice that's what Disney keeps falling back on as the 'wow' part of this expansion.

I never mentioned 'thrill' rides nor the need for them - so I don't see where you are going with that at all. Something like jungle cruise, pirates, etc don't need to be thrill, and can still be enjoyable by everyone in the family.

I don't see
- losing one dark ride, to add another
- fixing the horrible dumbo capacity, but ruining the view of it
- adding another kiddie coaster

As something that is going to turn the corner for the MK. Really the best parts about this are
- finally kicking out the birthdaytown addition.. at least most of it
- getting more food options in the park (hopefully they won't shutter other ones)
- something new to look at

For such a massive expansion (and reason they will lean on to not do other things) I really don't see us netting a huge gain.
This is a problem that the "blessing of size" really has with all of the Walt Disney World parks. So much is built as an object in space instead of space making objects. There is very little of the compact layering that makes Disneyland and Disneyland Paris charming.


Well-Known Member
I for one see this a GREAT gain for Fantasyland....because it is Fantasyland! Not Tomorrowland, Frontierland, or Adventureland. What do you expect for a new section of a part of the park meant for smaller tykes and families alike? It is more than just a ride or three...if you have not seen the amount of landscaping detail that will be unmatched by any lagoon that was there before. The new Storybook Circus pictures posted today show so much more detail of the surroundings remind me of the great detail being put into Carsland...sure Disney may be overblowing the expansion but that is what they do

If this was an Adventureland expansion for sure I would be disappointed with anything less than an E but it is not.

Also forgotten is the luscious new walkways and bathroom area we are getting to replace a rotting old skyway...not a joke...


Well-Known Member
Unless it's like this where the brown matches up with the walls.


While I'm not in "in the know" on this project, I can offer a minor correction that would help with the image. It looks like you stretched the layout to the right to align the walls which appears correct. However, the turn going into the lift, that is the curve at the bottom turning up away from the Teacups, you can see is far short of the poured structure in the photo. If the track layout were stretched down towards Pooh, this would allow the track to curve prior to the concrete allowing for the longer lift section, which I believe to be the case. Also, the original D3 models show the queue (I refer to the pink in your image) as being much closer to the path. So grab the bottom of that track pic and drag'er down towards the path. That will also increase the waterway on the upper left, which based on the bridge, would then align better. I think you'll have licked it at that point.

All in all, great work! :wave: Your effort helps make it all the more clear and more fun to envision the ride. Many people are comparing it to BTMRR, but in all reality, it's a smaller ride to replace Snow White's Scary Adventure. While SWSA is a classic, it's very old and lacks the in depth theme we all enjoy so much. I think this Mine ride is going to be a lot of fun no matter what level of thrills it's targeting and should be a beautiful addition to the park.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry the FLE isn't exciting to you, but it's pretty exciting to me as a mother of young fanstasy-believing children and I'm sure it will be exciting to all of the little princes and princesses. I'm certain it was the prince and princess crowd they had in mind when designing the FLE and rightfully so.

When are we going to get a "Like" button for posts? Consider your comments "Like'ed". :D


Well-Known Member
I think you need to keep in mind that Disney was designed as a family park where parents and kids could participate in activities together. The Ariel ride and coaster accomplish exactly that. MK already has 3 "thrill" rides which most little ones cannot even go on. This park is not meant to please only the adults. If you want that, then go to Six Flags.

Additionally, this is Fantasyland. It's a land geared towards young children who believe in princesses and story book characters. Fantasyland shouldn't really have a "thrill" ride. It shouldn't be scary or give you an adrenaline rush. That's not what Fantasy is about. Those types of rides are better suited for other sections of the parks and are appropriately placed there.

It should be a place where you are swept away by the decor and feel like you are in another world. If it was just ride after ride, that wouldn't happen.

And, we aren't just getting rides, we are getting a much anticipated (at least in my household by my 6 year old daughter) story time with Belle and a really fun dining opportunity with Belle and Beast.

I'm sorry the FLE isn't exciting to you, but it's pretty exciting to me as a mother of young fanstasy-believing children and I'm sure it will be exciting to all of the little princes and princesses. I'm certain it was the prince and princess crowd they had in mind when designing the FLE and rightfully so.

EXACTLY WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING.....It will be a family pleaser no matter what. Its the land of fantasy not land of thrills...Mine coaster will be a plus in my book

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