Quite true. Our numbers are simply not great enough to make an impact but the way I look at it everyone that continues to get on E:E knowing that it is bad show is part of the problem. The only way Disney will act is if the guest counts drop and the complaints increase.
This is the issue that resonated with me the most from reading the orlando sentinal article....
...so 300 fans signed a petition. Big freakin Whup! Wow. By the article's same fact pattern, 2000 people get sucked up by this ride every hour. The amount of people that are theoretically up in arms about this ride, represent 10 minutes of EE riders over the course of an entire day.
Don't blame TDO for not taking notice at those numbers....I dont think any well run business would take notice at such insignificant dissent.
Seriously folks, the way to make them get up an notice, is to get proactive. I have a suggestion:
While I don't have a hair on my asscott to do something like this....perhaps some others are....
...go to cafepress. Make T-shirts and wear them at the park.....heck, superimpose the Yeti's head on John Travolta's body in Dance Fever...and paste THAT on a T-shirt....and wear them to AK. People will ask...people will notice.
Get people talking. The Orlando article is a good start....but if your average park visitor knows somethings broken, they'll demand TDO take action.
This is the plight of the fan-boy. It exists in every walk of a fan-boy's life. This is sorta like music fans....imagine the rush fans that have been to every Rush show since John Rutzy left the group ...and listen to them complain that the band doesn't play "I think I'm going Bald" anymore. You think Rush cares? Perhaps they do...but they're not going to add it to the setlist unless the whole freaking stadium chants it....and for that to happen, the whole stadium has to buy the album.
Same goes for this issue.
Make the average family, who spends 4-7 days in WDW, every 3 years....buy the album!