Selfie sticks - is this a thing at WDW yet? Disney clarifies policy


Well-Known Member
I used my selfie stick with a gopro for a week there last year and didn't hit anyone. Imagine that. So yes it is possible. Why should a few stupid people ruin it for everyone? I'd guess that most of the people using them don't ever hit anyone. I'm sure there are things that all of you bring to the parks that could be used incorrectly and you wouldn't find it all that fair if other people using it inappropriately meant you could no longer bring it.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I used my selfie stick with a gopro for a week there last year and didn't hit anyone. Imagine that. So yes it is possible. Why should a few stupid people ruin it for everyone? I'd guess that most of the people using them don't ever hit anyone. I'm sure there are things that all of you bring to the parks that could be used incorrectly and you wouldn't find it all that fair if other people using it inappropriately meant you could no longer bring it.
Disney doesn't allow professional Photography gear such as tripods and SteadiCams for those special shots...why should they allow these?


Well-Known Member
I used my selfie stick with a gopro for a week there last year and didn't hit anyone. Imagine that. So yes it is possible. Why should a few stupid people ruin it for everyone? I'd guess that most of the people using them don't ever hit anyone. I'm sure there are things that all of you bring to the parks that could be used incorrectly and you wouldn't find it all that fair if other people using it inappropriately meant you could no longer bring it.

I think it also a concern of personal liberty. As Penn Jillette always says, "how can we solve this problem with more freedom, instead of less?" I can't imagine that a place like WDW, famed for it's photographic opportunities, would ever fully ban selfie sticks. It's absurd that the actions (not equipment, ACTIONS) of a few inconsiderate people should ruin the use of this perfectly legal accessory for so many. As for rides, it's banned on rides now. Done and done. But those who are really more upset that "vain people keep taking their own picture!!" won't be satisfied with that, and I'm not surprised. If someone causes a danger or inconvenience, deal with that person individually. Boy, talk about not wanting to deal with other people.

Speaking of which, not only is it inconvenient to wait around until you luck into some stranger who speaks english and wants to do you the favor of a photo- they NEVER take a good picture. "Yeah, nice blurry pic of my feet, thanks." The college kids they pass off at "photopass photographers" are not much better.

Too many people these days like to say, "Well I don't approve of it, so you can't have it either." Look at the example of the bike rider who was injured by a fellow rider- the person who caused the injury was rude, disrespectful and insulting to both the injured party and the police, but some people are mad at the STICK! SMH.


Well-Known Member
I used my selfie stick with a gopro for a week there last year and didn't hit anyone. Imagine that. So yes it is possible. Why should a few stupid people ruin it for everyone? I'd guess that most of the people using them don't ever hit anyone. I'm sure there are things that all of you bring to the parks that could be used incorrectly and you wouldn't find it all that fair if other people using it inappropriately meant you could no longer bring it.

Hi. Welcome to life. ;)


Well-Known Member
I think it also a concern of personal liberty. As Penn Jillette always says, "how can we solve this problem with more freedom, instead of less?" I can't imagine that a place like WDW, famed for it's photographic opportunities, would ever fully ban selfie sticks. It's absurd that the actions (not equipment, ACTIONS) of a few inconsiderate people should ruin the use of this perfectly legal accessory for so many. As for rides, it's banned on rides now. Done and done. But those who are really more upset that "vain people keep taking their own picture!!" won't be satisfied with that, and I'm not surprised. If someone causes a danger or inconvenience, deal with that person individually. Boy, talk about not wanting to deal with other people.

Speaking of which, not only is it inconvenient to wait around until you luck into some stranger who speaks english and wants to do you the favor of a photo- they NEVER take a good picture. "Yeah, nice blurry pic of my feet, thanks." The college kids they pass off at "photopass photographers" are not much better.

Too many people these days like to say, "Well I don't approve of it, so you can't have it either." Look at the example of the bike rider who was injured by a fellow rider- the person who caused the injury was rude, disrespectful and insulting to both the injured party and the police, but some people are mad at the STICK! SMH.

Oh.... I'll deal with them alright. Bet on that.

If you want to bring in the narcissism stick then fine. I don't see the point in a full ban anyway since Disney will never fully enforce the ban. However, if you do bring it in and you hit someone with it then don't get all upset if they knock it from your hand and break the stick and maybe your phone (or tablet depending on just how self-absorbed you are). That's what I plan to do. If it swings at me or my family (and actually will make contact) I will swing right back at it as hard as I can and knock it to the ground. That's the price narcissism stick users will have to learn to pay. Otherwise, I see no point in getting upset at all the goobers standing in a group making duck faces, peace signs, or trying to "keep it real" while one of them extends a device out on a pole to take the photo. If they aren't endangering me or my family then why do I care? Disney apparently doesn't.


Well-Known Member
Otherwise, I see no point in getting upset at all the goobers standing in a group making duck faces, peace signs, or trying to "keep it real" while one of them extends a device out on a pole to take the photo. If they aren't endangering me or my family then why do I care?

And yet . . .


Well-Known Member
I'm 100% for banning these sticks from crowded areas such as in the Disney theme parks. However the point was made, why does everyone have to pay the price for the stupidity of a few folks. Yes, it is life... modern life, and I'm not so sure it's for the best in all cases.

By putting up walls preventing folk from experiences just because someone breached that otherwise understood barrier (in this case: don't whack people with your selfie stick, in other cases: don't dangle your 2 year old over a cheetah put) we put up bigger barricades, sometimes just verbiage, many times physical. This does nothing for educating the public. What it does is encourage more stupid behavior as the law is looking to protect the dumb.

To be fair, those who whack anyone with a selfie stick deserve to have it permanently taken away. They can go buy another. If you hit someone with your go pro on a selfie stick, both are taken away. :) They'll learn fast not to do that.

cat hem

Active Member
funny story about asking someone to take a photo. While traveling in Las Vegas hubby and I were taking pictures. A young couple stopped next to us (trying to take a selfie). Hubby asked if they'd like their picture taken (of course!) While he took their pic another couple came up to him and asked if he'd take one, and another couple (who didn't speak much English but handed him the camera with a smile). It was so funny. He had a line of people and we talked and laughed about just being nice!

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I used my selfie stick with a gopro for a week there last year and didn't hit anyone. Imagine that. So yes it is possible. Why should a few stupid people ruin it for everyone? I'd guess that most of the people using them don't ever hit anyone. I'm sure there are things that all of you bring to the parks that could be used incorrectly and you wouldn't find it all that fair if other people using it inappropriately meant you could no longer bring it.
because the more people get the stick, the more probable a dumb one will be the one wielding it.
And the more sticks there are, the probability of getting smacked by one multiplies.

Remember the times when you didn't get rammed by a XXXXX sized monster truck stroller? because there weren't many or noone at all.
Then suddenly all soccermoms with "May I talk to the Manager" haircut started to get them. And now they use them to ram people out of the way of their "precious". :eek:


Well-Known Member
But a picture of yourself taken by someone else is not a selfie. It's a portrait.

Selfies are much older than you may realize.


Well-Known Member
Saw a bunch of them in December. I just don't get it.

At the risk of sounding faux-intellectual, the one bright spot to this new low-point in culture is that it's a very post-post-modern delight watching folks adopt the use of a device who's origins reside in making fun of said user.

That said, I hope Disney has the good sense to ban them for the obvious safety hazard reason, but who knows - maybe they will get in bed with the devil again like they did with Electronic Scooters and make bank renting them. Or they could go the other route and sell them, with all kinds of collectable bling to adorn them with.

That would make Duffy the Bear seem like a feint wisp of smoke before the real storm.


Well-Known Member
I used my selfie stick with a gopro for a week there last year and didn't hit anyone. Imagine that. So yes it is possible. Why should a few stupid people ruin it for everyone? I'd guess that most of the people using them don't ever hit anyone. I'm sure there are things that all of you bring to the parks that could be used incorrectly and you wouldn't find it all that fair if other people using it inappropriately meant you could no longer bring it.

For the same reason many other items are - some are just not compatible with a crowded, shared, chaotic environment like a Disney theme park.

It is simply not a good idea to have folks using a metal extension rod attached to an electronic device in such quarters. You don't want folks dangling their electronic devices over waterways, or ride paths, or any number of other places folks were not meant to reach - and then when they drop it or lose their phone/etc. they will cry holy heck if Disney doesn't have a scuba team on the ready get it back. It's not just about "hitting people".

And that's not even talking about intentional abuse - folks who use them to look under dresses, or in bathroom stalls, or even just to take video of off-stage areas that should not be for public view.

There are dozens of good reasons it just isn't something appropriate to the environment. And yes, folks taking up big swaths of space and/or accidentally (or intentionally) hitting other folks is a concern, but just one part of it. And there really is not one good reason to allow them to be used. There are people everywhere that will take your picture for you, heck, Disney PAYS people to stand there and do it, in addition to anyone you may meet with a Disney nametag who is happy to do it, or tons of friendly non-Disney folks, as well.

If there is one place you do NOT need a selfie stick, it is WDW.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put it past him. Those turn-of-the-century folks were known for some pretty strange fads...
You mean like now guys do the "spiderman" on skyscrapers, or try to walk between them via a tight metal cable?
Crazy people and stunts will always be there.
The circus was created to show these stunts.

Also no idea what these stunts has to do vs the selfie debate. :hilarious:

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