No, it will be there. You seem jaded over the franchise but the popularity remains. There's no way this land isn't a massive hit. This is Disney. Pandora still has crowds a year later. Look at Pixar Pier. Even the boardwalk games are now suddenly more popular. But I see the point you're trying to make but I think in this case you're wrong.
Not sure why people want it to fail? Not saying you necessarily but there seems to be some posters almost afraid of it succeeding.
And you want to knock it as "two rides". I'm guessing no matter how good they are you'll find some flaws? Doesn't matter they could be two of the best ever put out? But then it's easy to dismiss FOP as "just as simulator". It's interesting they can't be given credit when they do something good.
Two other posters seemed to dislike SW too. (One even went nuts, betting two of us it wouldn't open on time. I guess I'll never get that charitable donation now)
And no, I'm not a SW fanboi. I'm just a realist and the reality is the land will be a ridiculous hit.
Being tired of the movies has no bearing on the land. We seem to think how we personally feel is how the majority feel. That's usually not the case.
You quoted me when I hit send by accident...I expanded where I was going a little.
It’s not about Star Wars fans at this’s the concept of mgm handling that size of a crowd and the patience of the crowd being willing to put up with it. It’s an operational mess from the cheap seats.
People will compare this to Harry Potter and Carsland.
Where that fails is that both those had severely depressed attendance prior to there was a couple million in “margin” already there to use.
Mgm is a half day park and it has never held enough capacity. I don’t see anyway Mickey’s mine ride and two low capacity toy story carnies are gonna help with that at all.
There should be more phases being built right now to open in 2021...are there? Can we get an insider report on this ?
As far as “two rides”...that’s an operational assessment, not a prediction of quality of rides. You can’t make things “fit” that do not - in this case, people. No where to put them.
In fact...If we’re bored...we could talk about how Disneyland has a much greater chance of succeeding with Star Wars than Orlando does...which is probably a
Mistake on multiple levels.
But we’re not that bored yet