Well-Known Member
How am I even remotely bending your words? You seem to be going in a round about manner of saying what I just said. I think you are just not fond of the blunt viewpoint I provided in reference of the matter. If the attraction went under for repair of the "main effect" I can see you post now if the attraction being closed.
For saying you aren't expecting an immediate repair of something you sure do insinuate you are. If you work in real world business then you should understand what it takes to repair something. Even if a main effect is not operating to par it should not be prioritized to shut down and repair if it still generates sufficient hourly numbers. That would only irritate more guests than appease.
Don't let them get to you. I go to enjoy myself and I do just that each and every time, several times a year. If someone goes and makes it a mission to point things out that are broke or not operating then they obviously do not know how to enjoy themselves. Wait… this isn't the grumpy thread… or is it?
I think that is where the problem is,you don't have to be scrutinizing every detail to see many things aren't up to standard. I love each one of my disney vacations and wouldn't trade those memories for anything. I certainly don't go there with a magnifying glass trying to find every last deficiency. I go there expecting everything to work.
I'm sure there a many minor things that I would not even notice but when there are major show effects not working and from previous trips remember seeing them it makes me raise an eyebrow. Maybe management doesn't care the way they used to, or are their hands are tied do to budget restrictions. Either way when I go on my annual excursion and look forward to seeing the Yeti move, and the boulder on BTMR, and all the fountains functioning in FoN or even effects that have been gone now for years like the smoke on TSI, I get upset that they aren't working. It doesn't ruin my vacation it just makes me think about spending my vacation dollars at another disney resort next time.
BTW.. to all you shareholders...how has these budget restrictions helping your stock value. Last I looked its the same price on July 1st 2000 and July 1st 2011(thanks to a recent upswing).