Something has to change! So many long time Disney visitors, such as myself, have moved onto their own mode of tranportation ex: renting their own cars....we have been renting a car for years now, it is simpler, faster, easier and not that expensive...I have rented a van every year for 200 dollars, this year we rented a regular car for less than $200...I have grown to HATE the busses, we find them slow, annoying and overcrowded. The monorail is no better! We had to wait for 3 monorails to come to the station just to get a standing room only car. Disney needs to stop expanding that ever annoying DVC and concentrate on other things. [\end rant]
Interesting. I also rent a car every trip, and have always done so. But I don't think Disney needs to improve its transportation so that I don't want to rent a car. It's a preference.
I love flexibility. I like to be able to drive from Coronado Springs to the Wilderness Lodge without stopping at a park. I like to be able to go to Walgreen's if I forgot something, need some cough medicine, or would like to pay less than $3 for a coke. And I like to get myself to and from the airport on my schedule, not DME. Disney is one of the very few places where you actually CAN vacation without a car. That I don't choose to do so isn't Disney's fault, it's mine. While more monorails might make me happier (because monorail > bus, and I do take buses when I'm there), they won't make me give up my rental car!
You see one of my first trips to Disney we waited for hours getting out of park/boat/parking lot. I said after that point I will NEVER drive to the parks again (magic Kingdom at least) and I haven't. The buses are the way to go, sure there might be a wait sometimes but not usually too bad.
I have never spent more than 10 minutes getting from car to exit of parking lot, EXCEPT New Year's Eve, which was pretty bad a couple years ago. And I've never had to wait more than 15 minutes to get from the MK to the monorail or boat. I still prefer to take the bus to MK to eliminate the tram to monorail multi-tansport mode thing, and because of the elmination of the transfer, it is quicker, I think, to take the bus to MK instead of driving and parking.
OTOH, I have waited 30 minutes for a bus on multiiple occasions, and then had to deal with standing room only, multiple stops before mine, etc. Plus, going from resort to resort takes an hour by bus (transfer at park) frequently, while it takes 15-20 minutes by car. On balance, I drive my rental car more often than I take the buses when staying on site, but I make good use of both.
Some of the comments above have reminded me of the fact that most of the time I would happily walk TTC <-> MK if there was a safe way to do so.
True that. I looked forward to the completion of the "Walk Around the World" not because I wanted to look at everybody's little brick, but because I wanted to walk to the MK from somewhere other than the Contemporary. And they are so close -- you can get from TTC around to GF (well, construction may have interrupted that for now), and from MK the path goes past the monorail station down to the little canal that houses the EWP. Just build a little bridge there that can be manually opened for EWP, and fill in the path!