No, the wheelchair user stays with the child for the next bus, thats all. The only exemption that a person in a scooter/wheelchair should get is that that they are loaded first because of how the scooter must be secured on the bus. However, IMHO, it should NOT mean that they get to jump ahead of the 30-50 other people that have patiently waited their turn for the next bus. If its so important for them to make it on to that bus right then and there, then I say fine, go ahead, but you'll be seperated from your party.
And if six wheelchairs appear at a bus stop at the same time, is it really a crime to make them wait their turn? How about the people who were already there that been waiting in line for 30 minutes or more for the next bus? Disney suddenly has to forget about everyone else there and board the persons in the wheelchairs instead? Basically, you're saying that its okay for the person without disabilites to wait for 3 busses, but not the person in the wheelchair. I say no, not if the people who are in line were there before the person in the wheelchair. (That is how I'm reading your post.) Everyone should wait his/her turn, regardless if they are in a wheelchair or not.
That is precisely the point. If a person in a wheelchair or scooter wants to board that particular bus right then and there, then they can do so, but their party won't be able to join them. This way, the people who were in line in front of them wouldn't lose thier turn on the bus. What this does is make groups and persons in wheelchairs wait their turn behind those that arrived in front of them. I see nothing cruel or wrong about making everyone wait their turn. A person in a wheelchair is just that, a person. In my mind, there is no reason why they should be treated differently, and allowed to bypass everyone else in line to get on the bus.
If this is how it works (or rather, how its suppossed to work), where wheelchair groups wit their turn in line, then fine, lets enforce it. Its just that the times I've been at WDW and used the bus system, it has not worked where those in wheelchairs wait their turn. Its always been that the wheelchair gets on first, regardless of whether or not they arrived after we did.