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New Member
I'm sorry about your surgurys, but having your feet hurt after 8-10 hours is not that unusual. My wife is hitting the morphine after 8-10 minutes. More to your point though they try to keep families together as it can be easy to loose people in the crowds. I had a scooter and a wheelchair in my party along with two little girls and two teens. We got tired of the evil looks and nasty comments so I got a van for the remainder of our stay. some people can't do that so try to be a little more understanding.Just because someone may look fairly healthy doesn't mean they are.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow I spoke to soon, this might not make it through the day!

Should we also add in that they were using old refilable mugs from a different resort?

Wow...I really am new here. I mentioned the mug thing on another thread about refillable mugs...I'm just learning...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm sorry about your surgurys, but having your feet hurt after 8-10 hours is not that unusual. My wife is hitting the morphine after 8-10 minutes. More to your point though they try to keep families together as it can be easy to loose people in the crowds. I had a scooter and a wheelchair in my party along with two little girls and two teens. We got tired of the evil looks and nasty comments so I got a van for the remainder of our stay. some people can't do that so try to be a little more understanding.Just because someone may look fairly healthy doesn't mean they are.

Completly agree with you. I don't think it's fair that you had to rent a van. That's why I think discussions like this are good so we get perspecitves from all sides. In addition, if no one is happy about the current process, then it should be talked about in a rational manner so a potential solution can be reached (FYI, I wasn't one of those people making comments or dirty looks).


I am reluctant to respond, but feel compelled so here goes:

Those in wheelchairs / scooters are some times just as inconvenienced as those walking. I somewhat see your point, but you must also consider that only two scooters can board a bus at the same time. This means that there is MUCH MORE space on that bus to accomodate those who walk. Last April, my dad, who looks extremely normal but has multiple dibillitating conditions, waited 75 minutes on a bus from DS to MK. Each time a bus came there were already two scooters on and he could not board. We, his family, had to wait with him. I only told this story to show that sometimes the scooter people are inconvenienced, too.

In addition, Jan and Feb 2007 was a very eye opening period for me. My job requires much travel and lots of walking. This particular time period was especially tough because I was 7 mo pregnant and have contractions. My options were bedrest and no more travel or A SCOOTER. I chose the scooter. I quickly realized what it was like to live with a disability. Mine was not permanent, but the normal every day things that become so difficult is amazing. I can not imagine having to navigate that difficulty alone.

I would definately rather let a whole bus of relatives join a friend / family member in a wheelchair than to ever have to experience that again in my life.

You never know how that feels until you have been there. I actually feel blessed to have walked a few feet in the shoes of a disabled person. I have a renewed respect for them and I now stop and think before I judge. :)


Very well put.

And to echo another post, I too believe Disney should invest in some transportation that can accomadate more than two chairs or scooters. There certainly are enough folks who could use them. And they could easily be on call for whatever bus stop has the need. I have seen folks in wheelchairs wait through 2 or more busses, when they were there way before me, because there was no room.

And to answer the original post, it's a courtesy to keep guests together, is why they get to board together. I know we'd all be ticked off if half our party got on and the other half had to wait.

The fact that all this can be frustrating to us when we are tired and grumpy is really something we need to get over.


Active Member
Very well put.

And to echo another post, I too believe Disney should invest in some transportation that can accomadate more than two chairs or scooters. There certainly are enough folks who could use them. And they could easily be on call for whatever bus stop has the need. I have seen folks in wheelchairs wait through 2 or more busses, when they were there way before me, because there was no room.

And to answer the original post, it's a courtesy to keep guests together, is why they get to board together. I know we'd all be ticked off if half our party got on and the other half had to wait.

The fact that all this can be frustrating to us when we are tired and grumpy is really something we need to get over.

I agree!

I'm usually too wrapped up in my own happy Disney buzz to waste it on getting angry about waiting while someone is getting loaded onto a bus! ;)

Now...pass the popcorn...

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Just got back from an awesome week at WDW. Stayed at Pop Century and was really impressed by everything...except one. I liked the transportation system (the logistics of it all are mindblowing), but why does someone with a scooter take precedence over everyone else waiting in line for the bus to the park. I'm all for people who really need assistance getting on first, but then the whole group with them gets on as well (in one case there was the person on the scooter + 10 friends/relatives), meaning that people who have been waiting in line for 5-10 minutes now have to wait another 5-10 minutes (at least). I remember one night (around 9:00) waiting with my wife and two kids (5 & 7) in line for a bus when a scooter pulled up. The lady on the scooter started going on about how it was good that they get on the bus first since she was "spent" from a day in the park. Meanwhile, all of us had been walking for about 10 hours. Again, I don't want to come across as cold-hearted. I know some people really do need assistance and should get on first, but I also think some people may be taking advantage of the system. :shrug:
The simple answer...they have to load the scooters and wheelchairs first. This is not because they are favoring the disabled or following some bizarre ADA law it is absolutely necessary. All it will take for you to understand this is to witness the chaos that ensues when it does not happen in this order. A few years ago we had an obviously new bus driver. There was a scooter waiting at our stop and much to my surprise she opend the front door and began general boarding before loading the scooter. First issue...she had to stop people from loading. This nearly spawned a flat out riot. Second she had to move people already seated in the only space that the scooters and wheel chair would fit. Again this request was met with shouting and threats from the already seated guests.

Have any of you seen the movie "Galaxy Quest" with Tim Allen and Sam Rockwell? What's your favorite line from that movie?

Mine are:

"Has Alexander had his nervous breakdown yet?" by Commander Taggart
"Have you ever seen the show?" by Guy

"Don't open the door! Were on an alien planet! Is there air?! You don't know!" Guy Fleegman


Well-Known Member
Just got back from an awesome week at WDW. Stayed at Pop Century and was really impressed by everything...except one. I liked the transportation system (the logistics of it all are mindblowing), but why does someone with a scooter take precedence over everyone else waiting in line for the bus to the park. I'm all for people who really need assistance getting on first, but then the whole group with them gets on as well (in one case there was the person on the scooter + 10 friends/relatives), meaning that people who have been waiting in line for 5-10 minutes now have to wait another 5-10 minutes (at least). I remember one night (around 9:00) waiting with my wife and two kids (5 & 7) in line for a bus when a scooter pulled up. The lady on the scooter started going on about how it was good that they get on the bus first since she was "spent" from a day in the park. Meanwhile, all of us had been walking for about 10 hours. Again, I don't want to come across as cold-hearted. I know some people really do need assistance and should get on first, but I also think some people may be taking advantage of the system. :shrug:

Hi, gwhb! Welcome to the boards! Don't take any of this too personally. Most of us realize that being new to the forums, you couldn't have possibly known that you were about to hit a nerve! You'll learn quickly which topics to avoid (or not if you feel like stirring things up!).

The most common ones are: anything to do with wheelchairs, strollers, or scooters (except for practical advise, like how to rent one, for example), using refillable mugs from an earlier vacation or a place other than your resort, pool hopping, Fast Pass abuse (or whether we should have it at all), pulling kids out of school for vacation, and holding a place in line (although this last one usually starts some interesting conversation, and I think is not as controversial as some others). I'm sure I missed some.

Hope you like it here, and are not too put out by the tempers that flare over certain topics! It's really a great place to hang out and discuss all things Disney (especially WDW), and I'd hate to see you disappear over a "hit nerve" thread! (Or as some of the regulars say, a "get out the popcorn" thread:lol:).

Edit: ooh, ooh, add Guest Assistant Pass abuse, and taking infants to WDW!


I just got back from WDW as well. I do not mind waiting longer for a person in a scooter to get on a bus...but I do believe that too many people are abusing the system. Not to mention, these people on scooters can be rather pushy and violent to get past or thru a crowd. I myself got my foot ran over by one person on a scooter, then I got ran into by another on a scooter a different day. I was side swipped so hard that it skinned my shin from ankle to knee, I also witnessed a guy on a scooter trying to get thru a crowd that he was physically pushing his way thru people while driving thru them. He ended up elbowing a little boy in the face, didn't even turn to say sorry...I then watched two cast members go after the guy while 2 others tended to the boy.

I am all for people who need the extra assistance, but the people who are abusing the system and/or who are being aggressive with their scooter should be stopped.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The simple answer...they have to load the scooters and wheelchairs first. This is not because they are favoring the disabled or following some bizarre ADA law it is absolutely necessary. All it will take for you to understand this is to witness the chaos that ensues when it does not happen in this order.

I wasn't questioning that scooters/wheelchairs should be loaded first. Absolutely they should. The issue was the large group of non-scooter using people that were getting on with them. I get that they like to keep groups together, but it shouldn't be so hard to arrange a meeting place at whatever park you were going to that day. What would happen if a large group of non-scooter/wheelchair users couldn't all get on the same bus?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
The simple answer...they have to load the scooters and wheelchairs first. This is not because they are favoring the disabled or following some bizarre ADA law it is absolutely necessary. All it will take for you to understand this is to witness the chaos that ensues when it does not happen in this order.

I wasn't questioning that scooters/wheelchairs should be loaded first. Absolutely they should. The issue was the large group of non-scooter using people that were getting on with them. I get that they like to keep groups together, but it shouldn't be so hard to arrange a meeting place at whatever park you were going to that day. What would happen if a large group of non-scooter/wheelchair users couldn't all get on the same bus?

Perhaps a trip to the World with someone handicapped would change your viewpoint. :shrug:


New Member
Exactly. I paid thousands of dollars, so i shouldn't have scooters cutting in front of me.

Disney needs Handicapped Only busses running the routes as well. That would solve everyones problem.

Actually, that would be illegal, since they already have accessible mainstreamed buses. Separate but equal NEVER works, and if it took me 2 minutes longer to get to the park than you in your "normal" bus, then it is discrimination.

Obviously I would not actually sue over 2 minutes, but soon 2 becomes 10 becomes 30.

About the buses:

Wheelchairs and Scooters HAVE TO BOARD FIRST. It is federal law. Also, their party has to board with them. Once again, not disney policy, but the law.

If you really want to get mad, then ask disney to actually follow the law. The FEDERAL law is that if a bus has a broken lift, the driver doesnt know how to operate it, or if the wheelchair/scooter spots are full when the bus gets there, NO ONE gets to get on the bus at that stop. that means there can be 2 scooters, NO ONE else, and still none of you walkers could get on. Disney doesnt follow this law, which is perfectly fine with me. I am not saying they should, i am just saying that the law is out there.

I do not use buses when I am there due to the illnesses of my sister, but if I did, i would still board first for safety reasons. You REALLY do not want to catch a footrest in the ankle - trust me, it hurts.

Yes, a few people probly take advantage of the system, whatever that means. I have been to disney both as a "normal" and after I got sick and use a wheelchair. There is no advantage to using a wheelchair - if you don't believe me, rent one sometime at your local zoo and see what i mean.

I really hope this can stay a polite discussion and not degenerate...


New Member
I just got back from WDW as well. I do not mind waiting longer for a person in a scooter to get on a bus...but I do believe that too many people are abusing the system. Not to mention, these people on scooters can be rather pushy and violent to get past or thru a crowd. I myself got my foot ran over by one person on a scooter, then I got ran into by another on a scooter a different day. I was side swipped so hard that it skinned my shin from ankle to knee, I also witnessed a guy on a scooter trying to get thru a crowd that he was physically pushing his way thru people while driving thru them. He ended up elbowing a little boy in the face, didn't even turn to say sorry...I then watched two cast members go after the guy while 2 others tended to the boy.

I am all for people who need the extra assistance, but the people who are abusing the system and/or who are being aggressive with their scooter should be stopped.

TO be fair, and I am just playing devil's advocate here, so please do not consider this an attack - I am concerned about the pushy and agressive nature of walkers/normals. When I was last in disney, I was MOVED in my wheelchair by two different people who thought I was in the way. Technically this is considered assault (my chair is an extension of my body). I just asked them not to touch.

Also, I am concerned about teenagers. Once climbed on my chair to get ahead of my in a line once. Another one used me as a "lean rail" once.

Don't get me started about people with camera. Or strollers.

I understand rude people in scooters. I am just concerned that your post seemed to lump all people together, when rude people come in all shapes adn sizes.

Also, just to note, there is no "brotherhood of the wheel," rude people in scooters are rude to everyone. I almost got run into by 2 rude people in scooters at the American Adventure show, when I was in my wheelchair.

Again, not an attack, just playing devil's advocate and giving a different point of view.


First of all I should point out that I sympathize with any Wheelchair users having to deal with rude people who think that their priorities should take precedent over any kind of logic.
Also remember that while they may get to get on the bus first they also are the last to get off (you could argue that that isn't particularly fair but most people seem to let it go)

I have to say though, during my last trip I was appalled by some of the people in ECV (not regular chairs). There were some that felt that halting an entire line of people waiting to leave Indiana Jones was allowed as they were talking to someone on the phone. Even his wife (also in an ECV) knew it was inappropriate.
I was on a separate occasion waiting to board a bus which was unloading 2 ECV users. The first one got off fine. The 2nd apparently had no idea how to use the ECV and not only took 10 mins to get onto the lift but hten proceeded to run over the Disney guy that was helping her and everyone who was waiting in the line for the bus. NOT COOL!

I've also started noticing a worrying trend that quite a few ECV users don't use a chair outside of WDW and only use one there because they are morbidly obese. The number of people I've seen happily get up out of their chair and walk or go on an aggressive ride (or do both) is quite astonishing.

Obviously I could complain about non scooter users (e.g. Heelys users) but that would be inappropriate for this thread.
I also went to a school with lots of standard chair and ECV users and they were perfectly capable of operating them without disturbing the people around them.


New Member
First of all I should point out that I sympathize with any Wheelchair users having to deal with rude people who think that their priorities should take precedent over any kind of logic.
Also remember that while they may get to get on the bus first they also are the last to get off (you could argue that that isn't particularly fair but most people seem to let it go)

I have to say though, during my last trip I was appalled by some of the people in ECV (not regular chairs). There were some that felt that halting an entire line of people waiting to leave Indiana Jones was allowed as they were talking to someone on the phone. Even his wife (also in an ECV) knew it was inappropriate.
I was on a separate occasion waiting to board a bus which was unloading 2 ECV users. The first one got off fine. The 2nd apparently had no idea how to use the ECV and not only took 10 mins to get onto the lift but hten proceeded to run over the Disney guy that was helping her and everyone who was waiting in the line for the bus. NOT COOL!

I've also started noticing a worrying trend that quite a few ECV users don't use a chair outside of WDW and only use one there because they are morbidly obese. The number of people I've seen happily get up out of their chair and walk or go on an aggressive ride (or do both) is quite astonishing.

Obviously I could complain about non scooter users (e.g. Heelys users) but that would be inappropriate for this thread.
I also went to a school with lots of standard chair and ECV users and they were perfectly capable of operating them without disturbing the people around them.

ooh, be very careful about saying that fat people on scooters are exaggerating or faking or anything like that. that may not be what you meant, but its how it came across.

Have you ever driven a scooter off a bus ramp? Its very very difficult.

Also, yes, there are many first time scooter drivers in Disney. this is because all of us who don't use a wheelchair in daily life need one at disney. You walk 6-10 miles a day at disney, which i cannot do. Right now i cannot walk more than 500 feet, really...

Your last comment about seeing people get out of a chair and happily walk - Yep! that's me! I get up, and i can skip and run - for about 2-3 minutes. Obviously i cannot do disney in 2-3 minute increments. Lots of people have a condition, like mine, that means they can move normally, but cannot walk distances or stand for long periods of time.

I spend a lot of my time educating people about invisible disabilities, so if you have any questions about my illness/disability, and how it affects me, please just let me know, and I would be happy to explain anything :)
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