scariest moment in WDW


Active Member
This was years ago, but the scariest and mindblowing thing to happen to me was seeing a total moron publicly urinate in front of the Chinese Theatre in DHS.

Really you couldn't find a bathroom Buddy?

I think the guy was either Turkish or from some backward country with no decency laws.


Well-Known Member
Oh by far the scariest thing to ever happen to us was on our first trip there back in 2007. Our middle son was about 3 years old and he ran off!!! I was in a total panic!! The place was packed and our child was missing!!! OMG my heard stopped beating for about 5 minutes while we were frantically looking for him. It happened while our youngest son was at the barber shop getting his first haircut. Our middle son had wandered over to the Merchantile to try on the hats. Thank God that was where he was, as he had walked just inside the store and we found him. It was very scary, we were getting close to calling a CM and personally asking them to put WDW on lockdown.

So yeah, not just the scariest moment @ WDW, probably one of the scariest moments of my LIFE!


Oh by far the scariest thing to ever happen to us was on our first trip there back in 2007. Our middle son was about 3 years old and he ran off!!! I was in a total panic!! The place was packed and our child was missing!!! OMG my heard stopped beating for about 5 minutes while we were frantically looking for him. It happened while our youngest son was at the barber shop getting his first haircut. Our middle son had wandered over to the Merchantile to try on the hats. Thank God that was where he was, as he had walked just inside the store and we found him. It was very scary, we were getting close to calling a CM and personally asking them to put WDW on lockdown.

So yeah, not just the scariest moment @ WDW, probably one of the scariest moments of my LIFE!

That has to be one of the worst things to ever happen in WDW. First off the parks are HUGE second off there little kids..everywhere. I'm glad he was fine and was enjoying trying on hats lol. I've seen parents franticly running around looking for kids in other places like stores, playgrounds etc. but not Disney now that has to be a very very scary moment.


Well-Known Member
This was years ago, but the scariest and mindblowing thing to happen to me was seeing a total moron publicly urinate in front of the Chinese Theatre in DHS.

Really you couldn't find a bathroom Buddy?

I think the guy was either Turkish or from some backward country with no decency laws.

That is so ewwwww...... I don't care what country they are from, to just whip it out and deficate anywhere is disgusting. :hurl:


Well-Known Member
That is so ewwwww...... I don't care what country they are from, to just whip it out and deficate anywhere is disgusting. :hurl:

Wow, if that guy could whip 'it' out and deficate instead of urinate; let me tell you-really disgusting! But impressive! Guiness Book of World Records should be contacted. :lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member
My scariest moment was when we were staying at the FW Cabins a few years ago. The door to our cabin was broken and almost never clicked shut all the way. On our 2nd night (late, we were all in bed) some younger "kids" that I had heard partying next door walked right into our cabin. I hadn't fallen asleep because they were loud so I heard and saw them walk in laughing and luckily walk back out. It totally freaked me out, we immediately called security and they took it very seriously. I'm pretty sure these guys got into some kind of trouble but they also checked out the next day. Maintenaince also came out the next day to fix our door.

Mad Stitch

Well-Known Member
I've called out to the PotC ghost, but he never appears. My friends hate when I do it.

This was years ago, but the scariest and mindblowing thing to happen to me was seeing a total moron publicly urinate in front of the Chinese Theatre in DHS.

Along the same lines, when I was a CM I came through one of the doors marked “Cast Members Only” to find a child peeing in the corner. You should have seen the look of dread on the parents face as they probably weren’t expecting someone to come through that door.

Also discussing, my roommate who worked at the Backstage Studio Tour caught two Brazilians getting intimate in an unused part of the queue.


Well-Known Member
I was still pretty young and it was the first time I ever stayed in a Disney resort. I went go do check out the beach right after we got there and also watch the Magic Kingdom fireworks. It was pretty dark there and there wasn't to many people on the beach at the time and out of nowhere the Electrical Water Pageant music started blasting. I cant even imagine the look on my face. It was also the time the movie signs came out and I had a nightmare or 2 about it the week before.


Well-Known Member
we were riding the carousel. (No, that's not it.) Anyway, I am on there with my two young-at-the-time kids, and we start hearing screaming, and not the fun, laughter laced kind, the pain and panic type.

It appears a youngster was attempting to dismount while the ride was still running. For a split second, it was really jarring scary. As I recall, the ride stopped. I happen to be taking pictures of my kids at the time, and snapped one as the screaming started. You can see the concern in their faces. It is one the memories of their first trip that sticks with me.


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend and I were on Peter Pan's Flight at the point when we were suspended in the air directly in front of the little Indians (Native Americans, sorry) pow-wow and the ride stopped for fifteen minutes. Try sitting next to those things without moving that long, I felt like I was in one of those really bad (but some how still good) 80's horror movies, akin to Child's Play or something. Talk about frightening. I didn't want to be anywhere near that ride the rest of our trip.
The scariest thing to happen to me at the parks really didn't happen to me. DH and I were in the Haunted Mansion, we had just made it past the stretching room.. All of a sudden we heard a couple of shrieks ahead of us.. A woman a couple of people ahead of us had started to seize and it was a very strong, severe seizure.. Everyone started to give her room (thankfully she was with family who knew how to handle it).. CM's turned on all the lights and stopped the ride and the whole place was evacuated so EMT's could get in and take care of her.. I still don't know if she was ok or not, but we were very scared for her and we were praying for her as we left..


Active Member
My scariest moment was riding Astro Orbiter. I decided to take my rocket up to as high as it would go, and when I finally made it, I heard an extremely loud *pop* and the rocket started to shake on me.

What made it scarier was that after our ride was finished, they closed it down for the rest of the day for "maintenance." :eek: Coincidental or what?


Well-Known Member
Along the same lines, when I was a CM I came through one of the doors marked “Cast Members Only” to find a child peeing in the corner. You should have seen the look of dread on the parents face as they probably weren’t expecting someone to come through that door.

The kids parents let him "go" in the corner of a Cast Member area? Now I believe I have heard everything. Savages.
I was walking with my daughter, on that boardwalk area of the WL that takes you to where the boat to MK is, and I was about to come to the part where the tree grows thru the boardwalk and this HUGE snake comes up through the small opening. I have a legitimate phobia of snakes, not a fear and freaked out. I think in part this why I am not a huge fan of WL.


Well-Known Member
My scariest moment would be when I got bit by a fireant on Tom Sawyer Island. Of course, as a 5 year old, I was all sorts of terrified. I couldn't feel my finger and I couldn't find my way off of that silly island fast enough. Everytime I go back I keep a wary eye...


Well-Known Member
I have had a bunch of scary moments. Its called leaving the House of Mouse. Ohhhh the shivers I get every time.:eek::eek:

The Mom

Premium Member
I was staying at the "new" Caribbean Beach Resort with my then 5ish year old daughter (she's 27 now) We went to the big pool, and after I bent over to put our towels etc I looked up and she was gone!

I figured she had just jumped into the pool (she was a good swimmer) but after scanning the area, I couldn't see her. I wasn't panicked, because I thought she was probably waiting to go down the slide.

After checking everywhere and not finding her, I got scared and told the lifeguard, who immediately contacted security.

Long story short, it took them about 2 minutes to find her playing in the sand, on the other side of a hedge that surrounded the pool area. If I had just started yelling, she would have heard me. :lol:

She swears she told me where she was going, but because I was looking away I didn't hear her.

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