Scariest memory in Walt Disney World?

Another scary moment at WDW was when I was on one of the Disney Transportation buses. I was sitting down with my family, just staring blankly outside in a daydream, when all of a sudden the lady infront of me screamed and sat up. I looked to where she was staring at and I saw a car driving straight towards us on the wrong side of the rode! :eek:

Luckily it sped to the side of the rode and no one was hurt, but damn I was bewhildered and freaked out.


Active Member
i think i was like 7ish .. walking through liberty square with my head down (staring at the ground possibly?).. then bam.. it was dark.. i was stuck... turns out i ramed my head into the trash cans and when i pulled out the swingy, lid part wouldnt let me pull my head out without someone on the outside pushing it in. needless to say i started to panic but i had to wait until my fam was done taking pictures and laughing hysterically.. maybe i can try and find one of the pics..

Yeah, you're gonna need a picture. :lol:


We went to see Fantasmic this September and about 30 mins before it began, there was a lightning storm and it poured down. They stopped any more guests coming in and eventually (just as it was due to start and after we had been sat there an hour!) they cancelled the show.

I just remember sitting under all of that metal scaffolding and rigging looking at the lightning and thinking "please don't strike here, please don't strike here!" I've never been so glad to leave Fantasmic!!!!


my scariest experience was being forced to ride "snow whites scary adveture" last year. my wife told me it was her favorite ride, but only wanted to go because she knows that witch freaks me out every time


Missing my mind...
Premium Member
The credit card bill when I get back.

My wife and I have a policy about WDW. We don't worry about money when we are there. We have a good time and deal with the bills afterwords.


Well-Known Member
It is, it breaks the windows on houses in the Tampa area on occasion - it has to do with the angle of the approach and etc..

Anywho, only time i recall really being "scared" as in "fearful for life" at WDW was on the TTA after it had stopped for a while and our vehicle started up again - and we came around the corner and the vehicle infront of ours was still at a dead stop and we had made it back to full speed. We knew they had bumpers and all, but weren't really sure how they worked.

It was the long straight-away going over Monsters Inc (Timekeeper at the time of the incident) and we could see it coming for a long time. Everyone in our vehicle was like "We're not stopping.. We're really not stopping.. We're doing to die! The Horror! The Horror! I'm too young to die! Why did man have to foll with mother nature! Curse you electromagnetism! AHHHH!!!"

And then like one of those dreams when you're falling out of the sky and about hit the ground but wake up in your bed, we bounced off the other vehicle and our bumpers did the mushy-bumpers thing and it was so smooth it was like two marshmallows mating. Go fig, eh?

So we all sat there, a little shocked, and waited to be evacuated.

"it was so smooth it was like two marshmallows mating." this is one of the finest comments I have ever heard on the internet. I have to figure out how to slip that in to an actual conversation.

The other funny thing I saw on a Disney board was a poster getting mad at someone else's post and typing this: "I understand your point but there was absolutley no call for :rolleyes:. I'm just trying to have a civil conversation."
My scariest experience was the time my mom made me go on Alien Encounter when it first opened. I think I was 12, anyway, I cryed through the whole thing. It was funny now that I look back at it...I wound up loving it afterwards...Also, when my family forced me on Splash Mountain in 94', I will never 4-get that...Everytime I go on now I always say, "Remember when I cryed like a baby on this ride?" I remember my knuckles turning white from holding on 4 dear life...It was great...

This may sound stupid but I am petrified of puke...Therefore, when I saw this little boy sitting on a bench years ago by the Magic Kingdom ferry with pounds of :hurl: under him on the ground, I absolutely freaked...I am terrified of that. I can still picture it in my head from like 7 years ago...Its bad :(


Active Member
In 1986 I went to Disney and I was young, and we went on 2000 leagues under the sea sub, i was so closterphobic that it made me cry with a temper tantrum. :cry: loud...


Well-Known Member
When my DD and I came back from dinner at Chef Mickeys and found our stuff removed from our room and someone else in it. Made me fell real safe after that.


Active Member
two worst memories... they kinda follow suit to some others here...
I was 5 years old and the second the lights went out for the main street electrical parade (1981), I walked one way and my parents and family walked another.... I spent 1 1/2 hours in the city hall in MK before I saw my parents. My father actually yelled at me so much, I remember it 27 years later.... The next night as the parade was starting, I actually was in "awe" that I almost got separated from them again....

2nd worst memory: This past Year, July 2007 at the ASMusic resort, the day we were leaving to come home... At the gift shop with our 5 year old who decided to wander off.... It only took 10 minutes this time to find him and thankfully he knew to go to a person with a "name tag" on.....


Well-Known Member
When my DD and I came back from dinner at Chef Mickeys and found our stuff removed from our room and someone else in it. Made me fell real safe after that.

Can you elaborate...I am very intrigued now. How does something like this happen? Obviously there are current guests in the room. Who moved your stuff? Why did they think they could pack you up and move someone else in?!?:veryconfu


New Member
The scariest moment was when my Sister and I lost my elderly Mother in MK as we were leaving Main Street for the day. It was raining and she got separated from us. Days previous we had said if we got lost we would meet in front of the Castle, but not this day. She was headed north and we were looking south. My Sister finally spotted her, rain poncho and all and she started to cry when she saw my Sister. She thought we had left here all alone on the "Island". She still has nightmares to this day about being lost.


New Member
When I was four and thought the trolls on the Norway ride would be like the little dolls with bejeweled bellies and neon hair.

They weren't.

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