Saw the "Dream Squad" in action today

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New Member
With how this seems to be going.. any bets on how long until Disney starts to really fall behind on awarding the dreams because the Dream Squad has quit?

Really, it's not uncommon for positions talked about as unfavorably as there to be very quickly vacated, even if it means the CMs leave the company.

And when no one transfer in because everyone has heard the horror stories.. then what?

Everyone I know on the Dream Squad absolutely adores it. It's just a TA position.


Wow the cynicism is running wild on this thread. Not to defend anything that missionspace posted (personally I agree with most of you who gave a piece of your mind). I just think that he/she is one random person with one random opinion.

People are always going to be upset. I have seen people be upset that other people with fast passes are going quickly through the line. They were too dense to even relize that FP existed!

The point is I think that the majority of people are going to be thrilled to just be in WDW and will appreicate receiving a prize, seeing one awarded or just being there. Lets not condemn all WDW visitors after just a couple of days. The ones who complain will always find something to complain about regardless of what is going on.

I hope to hear more winning stories. Like the first post.:)


New Member
I don't get it. There are no waits right now anyway... There is no need for fastpasses. This will be useful during the holidays and summer...


Wow, so less than a day in and somebody starts to ruin the party. I really can't believe Missionspace would go as far as they did, I almost want to hope they're just trolling the board. I'm like one of the other posters mentioned. Never, ever went to WDW until I was 21, been going twice a year since then (Turning 25 next month), and really am just excited enough to be in the parks.

If I win something, Awesome!

If I don't. I'm not at work, and I AM at Disney World, so it works out pretty good :)


New Member
We just got back on Saturday from an unbelievable trip to WDW (First time)! While we didnt see any of the dream squad, my brother got a 'go to the front of the line in AK' pass for one ride for all eight of us. He got that for playing along at Donald's breakfast (which was a wonderful time, by the way). My 7 year old daughter got a magical moment certificate by answering a quiz for Expedition Everest. Mind you, it was just a certificate and she was elated! She was so proud of it! She also found out through the quiz lots of cool info about the ride that she would not have known. They also told her that the creator of the ride was in the park that day. ANyway, it really made her day and made our trip even more magical which we didn't think could happen.


New Member
Right... calm down. People like missionspace, please... If Disney gave everyone a "surprise", it would go bankrupt fast. Soarin' line was long? So what? People have always been waiting in lines and complaining about it isn't going to help anyone. Being jealous about other people getting something and not you just takes away from everyone's experience. I had no idea people would get so ed off about the Year of a Million Dreams. This is just rediculous. I hope that you did not complain to a cast member about not getting a stupid dream fastpass!

rhodehogg, glad you had such a good experience! :) The Year of a Million Dreams started yesterday, on October 1st, and that is when the dream squad started working too. You just missed it!


Active Member
If it was your 6year old It would be a different story!

Actually, My 6 year old already knows that you win some, you lose some--That's Life!!! Consider it one of the many learning opportunities abound that WDW has to offer. Teach your child to be thankful for the opportunities that you afford your child. I could go on...

If a big hullabaloo isn't made (by you, THE PARENT!) about not getting "x" prize, the child probably wouldn't even know what they were supposedly missing out on.


Original Poster
By the way, did the family have on any specific disney based thing, like a shirt, hat, plush, pal mickey, or were they just random looking guest.

No, they were at the right place at the right time. Both things randomly selected by a computer. "Family entering the loading platform at Everest at 10 am" or something like that.


New Member
I think I will not expect anything and just have fun. Plus, how long can lines really be in October? I was there once in June, that was something.



Active Member
Wow, just read every one of these posts, and I must say I am so THANKFUL we can even go to Disney. I don't care about winning any prizes - just being there is enough of a prize for me. My hubby and I both grew up in blue-collar homes, and we live in a part of Ohio that is still very blue-collar. Going to Disney was a pipe dream and we knew it. And for most of the people around here it will stay a pipe dream.
I could comment on the original statement that sent everyone here into a frenzy, but it would just be more of the same. This is modern parenting today, 'because this is MY child, everyone should bow and kiss their feet...if my kid is acting up, it's YOUR fault.' Just when are kids going to be held accountable for their own behavior? When are their parents, for that matter?
If either one of my kids had the nerve to pitch a fit over someone else's surprise, they would be pulled over to the side, given a quick talking to, and would return to the hotel. I truly hope I hope I have taught them to count their blessings.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, talk to any teacher in this country, and they will know exactly what kind of kid you're talking about. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Hi all!:wave: I've lurked and enjoyed this site for quite a while and have worked up the nerve to finally post! Hope I'm doing it right. :lookaroun I was in Ak two weeks ago and saw a family of five get their entire meal free at Pizzafari. I actually got an ice cream free outside of the pizza place. The guy was a bit confused about the whole thing...said he was to give five freebies a day. It was a nice kind of happy surprise. I was surprised, as I thought it was starting in October!


Well-Known Member
Oh we are going in December and back again in June ... and I expect something alright!

I expect my family to wait in lines, to have fun anyway, to make long lasting memories with all of their cousins and grandma for two weeks out of the year each trip..I expect to cry when its time to go..I expect my husband to let me do all of the packing, the planning, the meal ADR's...because I am a bit about that ...I expect to have a wonderful time at our favorite vacation destination....bring it on!


New Member
Sounds like the Nemo Seagulls. "Mine Mine Mine Mine". It all comes down to people feeling like they are owed something. It is a nice thing that Disney is doing, that they DONT have to do. Just be happy if you win.

I too live in Florida, and although I do not come all that often (I live 3 hours away), I have been there more than most people will go. I think I have been there probably 8 times since I was born (im now 25). Its not a cheap place to visit, and I came from a upper lower class family. I am fortuniate enough to have a decent job, and a car to take the girl I am dating there every now and then.

If I were to win one of the regular things, I would give it away. A pack of fast pack tickets? Cool, but I can come here again next week if I really wanted to, I would rather just pass that onto someone that looks like they are there for their 1st time. A Fastpass ticket isnt really a big deal at all, you save MAYBE 45 minutes of your time, and thats really pushing it this time of year. Chances are you save yourself 15-20 minutes of time. Not a big deal in the grand scheme.

As a side note, does anyone know what all the dreams are? So far I have read;
Mickey Ears
Fast Pass (single ride)
Fast Pass (6 pack)
Fast Pass (every ride in the park)
Free Meal
Stay at the Castle in the Magic Kingdom (Not sure its been given out yet though)
Ride with characters (IE Buzz Lightyears Spin with Buzz Lightyear as your gunner)

What else could there be?


Well-Known Member
Hi all!:wave: I've lurked and enjoyed this site for quite a while and have worked up the nerve to finally post! Hope I'm doing it right. :lookaroun I was in Ak two weeks ago and saw a family of five get their entire meal free at Pizzafari. I actually got an ice cream free outside of the pizza place. The guy was a bit confused about the whole thing...said he was to give five freebies a day. It was a nice kind of happy surprise. I was surprised, as I thought it was starting in October!

Welcome! :wave:
And congrats on the free ice cream! :)
What a nice little surprise!


Well-Known Member
I agree with most of the posters here that really you should not expect a prize. I am so excited at the prospect of being there in January and just seeing if anyone around me wins anything. I would truly be just as happy if someone next to me won something really cool as I would be if I won. I also think that it would be a great learning experience for my kids to realize that everyone is here for a magical vacation & to feel good for others when something nice happens to them.:)


<P>I would rather someone else won it than me. At the end of the day most of gifts would make many peoples days especially children. Fastpass's I am not fussed about as I have met some great people in the lines, Mickey Ears I could buy but wouldn't wear anyway, a night in the castle is not for me, and DVC and cruises are things I could buy if I wanted them. I am lucky enough to be able to afford the time and money to come from the UK twice a year to visit so I am more than happy that I can do that and live out my dreams. None of the gifts would make my day, but it would make my day to see someone else get them especially young kids as it would be a special thing for them if they are not spoiled brats that assume they have the right to have what they want.</P>

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Sign of the times i'm afraid.....

Cool to hear about those folks who "won" a ride with Buzz on his own attraction!

Now that's what i call making magic happen!

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