Saw the "Dream Squad" in action today

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Well-Known Member
How can you blame Disney for that? This is not new news that Soarin' has a ridiculously high wait time. Arrive early, see it at the end of the night, or get Fastpasses before they run out. If you really wanted to ride, you could of. You can't come to Disney with the attitude that if you don't win a prize you're not going to be happy. I'm sorry you had such a bad trip but have you considered, perhaps, your expectations were a notch too high?
Were you don't understand I only was at Disney only once before! I don't get to go every year like some of you, heck some of you go every day or every week! We only had one day for Epcot, who knew there wold be 30,000 people trying to win stuff! I didn't realize you had to go at 9am to get a 3pm ride,let alone be out of them at 2pm! They should have them all day if it is advertized as a fastpass attraction! the attraction is open till 9pm so why are thay gone at 3pm! There was so many peoply there that day hoping and praying to win stuff, it was a mess. The people were following the dream team all day! you could hear the guests saying thoes people in those outfits are one you get stuff from! If I gould afford it I would go tomorrow and try and win something but I can't. This was our dream vacation and it was a nightmare. I woun't get to go aqain for a couple of years if at all! I'm glad you can go all the time but most can't. Sure it would be great to Win something!

This celebration is geared to a million + people the othere Bllions it just a normal day at a packed park!

Year of a Million Dreams and Billions of loosers!

Ok, first of all there usually is around 30,000 people in the parks, so that is no surprise. And second, the fastpasses are not unlimited. So yes, they could be gone by 2, 3pm. If you can't get a fastpass, just go at the end of the day. The wait time should have been done by then.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member

You are starting to make me think you are less mature than your 6 year old kid. Actually, it is a Year of A Million Dream and 1 whining Loser.. YOU!!!! Get over it. You didn't know you had to be at Epcot at 9 for a 3 PM ride?? How ludicris is that? First, you have been here on WDWMagic for a while.. You should have known SOARIN was popular... Disney is not to blame for you missing a ride.. You are to blame... And Disney is not to blame for your 6 year old being a whiny kid, YOU ARE!!!! Grow up already... Better yet.. Go to Universal where you fit in.. Whiner.... Maybe the intelligent people ruining, I mean running Universal will give you a prize.. Oh yea.. I forgot.. YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR A FAST PASS IN UNIVERSAL... Best stop posting before you look even more stupid. And one other thing... 30,000 people didn't go to WDW to try to win a prize. I would guess majority, if not all did not even KNOW of this promotion.. Let alone go to try to win something.. Get real...


New Member
WOW! 11 pages so far... read to page 3... figured out people were fighting...
just wanted to say that I love what they are doing for this celebration!!!:sohappy:


New Member
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by missionspace
I'm Sorry I won't post anymore! I wish you all the luck in the world. I hope you win something big!

:wave: We all just did! :wave:

:lol: :lol: :lol: lol

The D.T.C.

New Member
It really must be tough for Disney to put up with Democrats like you coming to The Year Of A Million Dreams. I know, you didn't say you were. But I'll bet you are. Typical carping and whining about what the next guy has that you don't. Boo Hoo. Let's get the government to pass a law against Disney givaways. Its just not fair! Wheres the humanity man. Save the spotted owl. Stop global warming. The horror. The horror.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Everytime you post you only make it worse. I would just head off to the other parts of the forums and leave this thread for good if I were you. Your lack of WDW experience shows in your posts and your false logic. You don't understand the fastpass system, either. It only makes you sound stupid when you criticize a system you know nothing about.

True..ignorance of how something operates is no excuse, just like ignorance of the law is no excuse to break it.


It really must be tough for Disney to put up with Democrats like you coming to The Year Of A Million Dreams. I know, you didn't say you were. But I'll bet you are. Typical carping and whining about what the next guy has that you don't. Boo Hoo. Let's get the government to pass a law against Disney givaways. Its just not fair! Wheres the humanity man. Save the spotted owl. Stop global warming. The horror. The horror.

You know, I have purposely avoided this thread because of the absolute ignorance. However, as ignorant as missionspace is D.T.C has shimmied right up the to the top of the pole. Your post is at best an attempt to start a flame war and at worst a violation of the forum rules against political arguments. I can assure you that the mentality of missionspace is not inhibited by political party affiliation. Please take the politcal diatribes elsewhere.

As for the YOMD promotion; I think it is great. Not everyone got a magical moment so adding more in my book is a good thing. If it makes 1 more special memory for someone then it is a success. Those that allow it to ruin their vacation would have found something else to ruin the trip anyway; this is just more convenient.


Well-Known Member
Y'all, this is getting a bit ridiculous. There are certainly valid points on both sides of the argument, and missionspace and others have every right to post upset natures. However, to attack on personal levels and to pull politics and what not into it is both immature, disrespectful, and blatantly against the rules of the forum. This is a DISCUSSION board, and those can get heated. However, that goes for concepts and ideas, not people and individuals. Listen to Mom. She knows what she's doing! :animwink:
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