Saw the "Dream Squad" in action today

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dream fast passes seem fine and dandy until you meet the operators of the ride. all its doing is cutting into the fast pass queue and then making that line longer. Great idea but.. i think upper management needs to cut down on the amount of fast passes each hour with this.


Well-Known Member
Dang, thats pretty neat. I hope something like this happens this weekend when Im down at WDW(4 more days, yea me :sohappy: ) Or atleast happen to me once during one of my trips during this celebration.

By the way, did the family have on any specific disney based thing, like a shirt, hat, plush, pal mickey, or were they just random looking guest. I know I would probably be a littel upset to see someone else recieve this instead of me, esp. if they got it when I was right there next to them.

Is this FP, good all day long for each attraction at the specific park, or is it a one time on each ride type pass.


New Member
OMG.. your son is in for a rude awakening if he feels that he is entitled to everything that everyone else gets.

I surely hope that you do not enforce this feeling of his by spoiling him rotten.

Too many people today feel that they are entitled to this and entitled to that. Whatever happened to earning something or the right to something.

Nobody is entitled to somebodys charity. [/rant]

:sohappy: Best post EVER!!!!!

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Dang, thats pretty neat. I hope something like this happens this weekend when Im down at WDW(4 more days, yea me :sohappy: ) Or atleast happen to me once during one of my trips during this celebration.

By the way, did the family have on any specific disney based thing, like a shirt, hat, plush, pal mickey, or were they just random looking guest. I know I would probably be a littel upset to see someone else recieve this instead of me, esp. if they got it when I was right there next to them.

Is this FP, good all day long for each attraction at the specific park, or is it a one time on each ride type pass.
I guess it's like being picked to be a contestant on the Price is Right....we all want to be picked but the odss are not in our favor.


New Member
It's kinda gross that I read that post about the parent feeling their child was entitled to win a prize. I go to the parks all the time, and I can't absolutely guaruntee that I'm going to win a single thing, but hey, it can happen. whether or not it's a 1 night stay in Cindy's Castle, or a simple hat or a t-shirt that says "Year of a Million Dreams" or whatever it might be, I would be special getting chosen for anything special at all. Some of you can imagine (cause some of you did it) but when I was chosen in Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: Play It! I felt so incredibly special. I had come to the show only a few times, before, and I knew how it worked, knew what needed to be done, and knew the odds of me getting into the hot seat if this this this this or that happens (I think a lot about those kinds of things) and when it finally happened, I was totally unexpecting it. It was AWESOME.

So this celebration is going to be great, and I can't wait! It's going to be one great Christmas holiday for me. :) Yay for those who have already won stuff. I would LOVE to meet the family or person or persons who recieved the very first prize of the day, and ask them how it felt to be the honored reciever of number 1 of 1,000,000 prizes.


New Member
They could give them front of the line passes to IASW, and make them stay on for 20 straight rides:drevil: ;)
I would LOVE a pass for this. My mom and I did this once in 95 (i think) when a thunderstorm blew in and we just kept running back on to get undercover instead of leaving the park. We talk about it all the time.


Well-Known Member
Here's my thoughts on the whole dream squad thing....

People who follow them around, and get disappointed when they don't receive a prize, are the exception, not the rule... Even in the small percentage of people who are going to visit the resort during the Year of a Million Dreams that know about the Dream Squad and the prizes they are handing out (remember, people on these boards represent a fraction of a percent of the daily attendance in the Magic Kingdom alone), amongst that small percentage there may be a few who are disappointed when they are not chosen, or when someone next to them wins a cruise. Look at these boards now, someone states their disappointment, and everyone jumps on him for being disappointed... A person can be good, its just people that sometimes freak out, Dream Squad is being as discreet as possible, and deserve a kudos to that...
But, the one or two crazy people, well, that is small potatoes compared to the Magic they are going to make every day. Just as in all jobs, there are pros and cons.

P.S. Hooray for Brand New Avatar... The dog is now gone, replaced by the single most important man in the formation and creation of Walt Disney World, looking over the work he now has to do


Well-Known Member
By the way, did the family have on any specific disney based thing, like a shirt, hat, plush, pal mickey, or were they just random looking guest. I know I would probably be a littel upset to see someone else recieve this instead of me, esp. if they got it when I was right there next to them.

But see, that's the point. It's nothing like that; the CM's have ABSOLUTELY no control over any of this.

A computer spits out times and/or locations. It tells them to go to the third customer in line at Casey's at 3:47PM, or to the family getting off the seventh car on Snow White. It's completely random, and from a computer controlled by an outside company.

So getting upset is silly, even if someone gets it when you are "right there next to them". It's chance.

It's a shame, but I really fear this is going to be one big nightmare all because Disney is giving away free stuff. First, the bloggers cried out because there weren't enough prizes, the prizes weren't good enough, the dates weren't fair, and every other attack they could think of. Now it's the very first day and already we have reports of unhappy employees and irate "guests" (I shudder to call them that with the behavior that has been reported at this fourm as well as others in the last day), and all because not everyone wins some lousy fastpasses.

Man, they better give the families that win the big prizes riot shields and stun battons so they can defend themselves, if the behavior gets worse. It's sad they are already talking about having to issue some prizes "discretely" because they are so (rightly, it seems) afraid of jealousy. I'd be SO psyched if I saw someone win a prize. It's just a game, it doesn't mean the world to me for it to matter if I'm the winner. Would I think "Aw, shucks? If only I had waited a few more seconds I might have been in that random spot..." Probably, for a second, but I'd still be smiling because I got to see magic happen in the park.

I'm really not trying to paint myself as altruistic; I love free crap, especially when it's cool stuff like they are giving away. But I don't begrudge others either. It makes me wonder what some people who seem to feel "owed" (not specificly the poster I've replied to here, but other more extreme people who actually threw fits in the parks today) do in their daily life. All I could think of reading some of the posts were, "Do these people meltdown every time they open a cereal box and find out they aren't one of the 'few who win' instead of the 'many will enter' ''?



Well-Known Member
If it was your 6year old It would be a different story!

Sorry ..coming from a mother of a 6 year old...what the hell kind of values are you teaching your little brat?? my daughter has been going to disney since she was 1 maybe once , twice even three times a year....she's is appreciative at the fact that she's going to disney...never mind not being picked for the special promotion....sounds like you need to show your child to appreciate being lucky enough to go to disney world...take a look around and see the how lucky he is...there are kids who can't even go on a vacation either due to money, parents work, school, or being terminally sick....etc...I find it very sad....if that's the case and your 6 year is going to be "ed", as others have said he's in for a very rude awakening!!


Active Member
Well at my calculation, if it really is a year of 1,000,000 dreams, then those cm's have about 2200 treats to give away each day for 15 months. That's a lot!
Perhaps the first thing to do is to put the Dream Squad in regular CM clothes, or even street clothes, so that they are undetectable from other cm's or guests in the park. Now I haven't been during this thing so I'm assuming here that they're somehow recognizeable that's why folks are following them around the park. They could flash some sort of special 'Dream Squad' ID at the time of the giveaway to identify them. Doesn't solve all of their problems, but it minimizes them a little...


magical dreams

this Is My First Time Responding To Anything I've Read On The Forums But The One About The 6 Year Old Really Got Me! I'd Like To Ask That If Disney Wasn't Giving Anything Away, Would You Still Visit?? So Whats The Big Deal...they Throw A Few Fortunate Visitors A Little Something Extra And It Causes All This "hatefullness" Give It A Break People...enjoy Disney As If It Were Just A Normal Vacation With Your Family Or Do Us All A Favor And Stay Home. Some Of Us Go To Disney To Just Enjoy The "happiest Place On Earth".


Well-Known Member
this Is My First Time Responding To Anything I've Read On The Forums But The One About The 6 Year Old Really Got Me! I'd Like To Ask That If Disney Wasn't Giving Anything Away, Would You Still Visit?? So Whats The Big Deal...they Throw A Few Fortunate Visitors A Little Something Extra And It Causes All This "hatefullness" Give It A Break People...enjoy Disney As If It Were Just A Normal Vacation With Your Family Or Do Us All A Favor And Stay Home. Some Of Us Go To Disney To Just Enjoy The "happiest Place On Earth".
yay for a great first post! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I was hoping for a Magical supprise today and nothing! I can tell you there is going to be alot of people upset! My son was so ed as a family next to us got a unlimited fastpass to all the rides at Epcot! He was so upset we didn't even go on sorin because the line was massive today! There is going to so many upset people, what was Disney thinking!

It should be called the Year of a Million dreams and a couple of Billion disappoiantments!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You are one funny little man. This is just about the funniest thing I have heard all day. If you go anywhere expecting to win something, then you are gonna be dissapointed 99% if not 100% of the time. Don't go in expecting to be a lucky winner and maybe, just maybe you will be pleasntly surprised... not like you deserve it or anything with that attitude. :brick: :hammer:

Oh, and your millions and billions statement just makes me think of that character from Austen Powers... what was his name... That's right... :drevil: Quit whining, you sound more like his son.


this Is My First Time Responding To Anything I've Read On The Forums But The One About The 6 Year Old Really Got Me! I'd Like To Ask That If Disney Wasn't Giving Anything Away, Would You Still Visit?? So Whats The Big Deal...they Throw A Few Fortunate Visitors A Little Something Extra And It Causes All This "hatefullness" Give It A Break People...enjoy Disney As If It Were Just A Normal Vacation With Your Family Or Do Us All A Favor And Stay Home. Some Of Us Go To Disney To Just Enjoy The "happiest Place On Earth".

Way to hit a home run first time up to bat. Wonderfully said. I too have a 6 year old, and have made sure that she knows how LUCKY she is just to be at Disney. I remind her that unlike her I was not able to go to Disney until I was an adult, because we could barely pay for the important things when I was a kid. I also remind her how many of her friends have never been. If she were to react like this particular child, it would be the last time she would go. What are we teaching our children to grow up to be? God help society.


Well-Known Member
Sorry ..coming from a mother of a 6 year old...what the hell kind of values are you teaching your little brat?? my daughter has been going to disney since she was 1 maybe once , twice even three times a year....she's is appreciative at the fact that she's going to disney...never mind not being picked for the special promotion....sounds like you need to show your child to appreciate being lucky enough to go to disney world...take a look around and see the how lucky he is...there are kids who can't even go on a vacation either due to money, parents work, school, or being terminally sick....etc...I find it very sad....if that's the case and your 6 year is going to be "ed", as others have said he's in for a very rude awakening!!

Teach a child to be appreciative for the good things that come his way and teach him the value of earning the rest. At the same time show him what it is like to be happy for the good fortune of others, and he will grow to be a caring, responsible adult who contributes something to the world instead of just taking.
I know. . . I raised two of those! :D


New Member
On the subject matter of this thread.. I'll just say this.. The human disease never ceases to amaze me.

take something wholesome, fun, and all around 'good', and the human disease will infect it and ruin it before long..



New Member
On the subject matter of this thread.. I'll just say this.. The human disease never ceases to amaze me.

take something wholesome, fun, and all around 'good', and the human disease will infect it and ruin it before long..


Could not have said it better myself! :brick:

I don't get why some people are so selfish. You know, my family and I have annual passes and we go all the time, practically once a month. If I were to win free fast passes or something like that, I would probably say give it to another family. One that is there on a once in a lifetime trip, not someone like me that goes all the time and has ridden everything hundreds of times. I would NEVER be jealous over someone else winning anything. Even when someone wins the lottery, sure, I wish I could have won too but I always think, Well, great for them, how wonderful! I am one of those persons that actually derives pleasure out of seeing those around me happy, even strangers!

By the way, I am not saying that if I got a DVC membership or a night at Cindy's castle I would turn it down. That is something we couldn't afford and would be delighted to win but the point is, I expect to win nothing, don't mind it one bit, and am thrilled for those who do! :wave:
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