Save the Adventurers Club


I really had no intention of visiting the parks the last week of December, but now I am definitely have to go see the CW (and hopefully also some of the AC) CMs do their thing.

And I hope that there will be long lines. The company needs to see that people are still seeking out that kind of entertainment.

If you are local and have a few hours to spare, go see the comedy offerings at DHS. The more the merrier!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I really had no intention of visiting the parks the last week of December, but now I am definitely have to go see the CW (and hopefully also some of the AC) CMs do their thing.

And I hope that there will be long lines. The company needs to see that people are still seeking out that kind of entertainment.

If you are local and have a few hours to spare, go see the comedy offerings at DHS. The more the merrier!
I thought these events were one time, cast member only events and not open to the general public.


Well-Known Member
This is the EXACT reason why this thread should continue to exist. The AC continues to have a pulse.

Let this be proof to those that come to this thread constantly to complain about its existance that they should keep their mouths shut. :cool:


Well-Known Member
So, here are the first pictures that have made their way to the "Save the Adventurers Club" Facbook Group of the Cast Member event that was held at the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular stage. From the looks of the pictures, they had a Holiday Broadcast, since Beulah Belle has the mistletoe stick and Emil is wearing his Santa hat. Boy, I hope this means that New Years Eve midnight announcement is truely Adventurous!




Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!


Good LORD... Was the camera being used to take the pictures from 1937 too??????? :(

Would be nice to have some clear, clean shots.


I really had no intention of visiting the parks the last week of December, but now I am definitely have to go see the CW (and hopefully also some of the AC) CMs do their thing.

And I hope that there will be long lines. The company needs to see that people are still seeking out that kind of entertainment.

If you are local and have a few hours to spare, go see the comedy offerings at DHS. The more the merrier!

Agree completely! If people turn out in droves for the CW shows (I don't know if the AC shows are one time or scheduled) it will show the company that there is still interest in the entertainment these venues provide.

I thought these events were one time, cast member only events and not open to the general public.

The AC show was a private event held for CMs with 10+ years of service. The CW shows are scheduled Christmas week in the Sounds Dangerous theater.

This is the EXACT reason why this thread should continue to exist. The AC continues to have a pulse.

Let this be proof to those that come to this thread constantly to complain about its existance that they should keep their mouths shut. :cool:

Again, agreed completely.


Active Member
I really hope disney does announce a redo of the adventurers club. I went once right before it closed and loved it.

They could make it a full restaurant and still keep the feel. Jekyll and hyde club in NYC has a similiar feel to the adventurers club and does real well.

IT would fit into what they are currently doing to downtown disney.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
First video of last nights event has appeared on youtube!

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!

I would have loved to have made it through the entire video but the ear piercing WOOOOO!!!! every 15 seconds was down right painful. Hopefully some video sans the woooing will surface.


I thought these events were one time, cast member only events and not open to the general public.

I was talking about the performances that will be happening in the Sound Dangerous area the last week of December. The CW (and AC?) people will be putting on several shows a day to help with the crowds.


Sorry, but your post was just rudeness..
His post was not rude at all, and expressed an opinion shared by most who visit this thread.
Yours...not so much.

If you don't like the AC...don't click on this thread and attempt to annoy/insult those of us that do. Easy as that.

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
I think now is the time to call upon an intercessor of seemingly hopeless situations. Therefore, I now beseech St. Jude Thaddeus to resurrect The Adventurers Club. :wave:


Active Member
Just wanted to chime in and say something (rant) about profit.

These are sad times we are living in as Disney fans when profit is the most important factor in deciding whether or not to close or keep open a club or attraction.

So what if a club like AC wasn't a huge money maker? How much do they make (directly) off of the Electrical Water Pagent? Off nightly fireworks? Off an afternoon parade or dance party or castle show?

In fact the point can be made that, taken individually, they each cost more than they directly bring in.

In those cases profit isn't (and shouldn't be) the point. They are all individual and integral pieces of the Disney experience, where the whole is more important than it's parts. The highly-paid and over-educated consultants lost sight of that. Now the clubs are closed and those morons are, in many cases, no longer with the company.

It's been a lose-lose situation. Closing the clubs has cost Disney tremendously in the financial area (Some profit is far better than none...) and in the area of good will. Shame they won't acknowledge making a mistake and try to make good...

I think this statement by Lee says it best.

I only got to PI one time. And got to go to AC that 1 time at Christmas holiday time. I do not drink mind you but had a FANTASTIC time! And Lee I video taped the show but unsure how to upload it to YouTube.
I am thrilled that the talent is refreshing the material but in no way will I be getting my hopes up. If, say, there is a NYE performance only, that does nothing for most long distance patrons..

Master Gracey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Kungaloosh Adventurers,

Well, today we have two Disney Park Blogs to post on! Number one, let us all go and congratulate the Disney Beverage Program for receiving Cheers Magazine’s 2012 “Cheers Beverage Excellence Awards” and also the 2012 VIBE VISTA Award for “Best Wine Program”. Let's all post them a message and tell them how much we enjoy their "Kungaloosh", "Hoopla", "Gypsy Moth", "Funmeister", etc. A short list of your favorites may be found here:

Two, now that the Comedy Warehouse shows at M.G.M. Studios have been announced please go and plug the Adventurers Club like crazy especially sine the blog post that states that this show is "including alumni from the Comedy Warehouse on Pleasure Island"!

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!



Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I am very surprised to see them mention PI officially. That's a clear change in direction from how things were after closing. Makes ya think....

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