Save the Adventurers Club

Did Knee

Active Member
With this performance at the cast event, is seems the steady drip, drip, drip, of actions by TDO that ignite the AC fan base seems to have become a steady flow. To allow this without having some plan to use the material long term seems ludicrous. Someone on this board a couple of pages back said that TDO may just be doing these things to inflame the AC fans. I thought that was a silly statement. I know of no business that ever wants to inflame any potential customers ever period. They are testing the waters to use the AC franchise in some way, whether it is the return of the club in some form remains to be seen.

I recall someone posting that the windows on the club itself have been blacked out. Does anyone have any recent knowledge on what is going on inside? Is there any hint of remodeling or the return of artifacts? Was Zeus ever removed?


Well-Known Member
Someone on this board a couple of pages back said that TDO may just be doing these things to inflame the AC fans. I thought that was a silly statement. I know of no business that ever wants to inflame any potential customers ever period. They are testing the waters to use the AC franchise in some way, whether it is the return of the club in some form remains to be seen.

That was me (well, one of the posts was me)--I saw the attitude of some of the suits in the final days, I've heard stories since. I think you're misjudging the petulance of corporate MBAs. I respect your posts on just about everything, but agree to disagree on this one.

I recall someone posting that the windows on the club itself have been blacked out. Does anyone have any recent knowledge on what is going on inside? Is there any hint of remodeling or the return of artifacts? Was Zeus ever removed?

A number of the artifacts can still be seen in D Street. Various chairs and tables turned up at Property Control, and have since been sold off. If there is construction going on in that Club, they are sneaking workers in late at night, because there are no signs of life (and no permits since the outer construction work).

Trust me, between permits and actor auditions and having to hire/train staff, in the still unlikely event the AdvClub re-opens, we will all know about it months in advance.


Chairs can be replaced easily. The uniqueness of the experience that was the Adventurers Club can not.

They've held Congaloosh at the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular and now the castmember service event in the same venue. They could always do shows there on certain days until the building can be reopened. I see no reason why this could not happen immediately.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
I am very surprised to see them mention PI officially. That's a clear change in direction from how things were after closing. Makes ya think....

Makes ya think. To see them post the Pleasure Island name in anything official is promising. The fact a lot of new signage in DTD use "Pleasure Island" is promising. The fact the Hyperion Wharf "delay" announcement never mentioned the words "Hyperion Wharf" is promising.


Well-Known Member
I see no reason why this could not happen immediately.

The actors saying as recently as last week "It's not coming back" is a pretty big reason.

Look, I miss the Club more than most. But realistically, even if the NYE announcement is about PI (which I highly doubt), it's months away from re-opening. The infrastructure is simply not there. 24/7 construction, maybe they could have PI open for Spring Break.

As for doing it in another venue in the meantime--it would screw up park ops (where's Indy going to do his show? Or staff DHS all evening just for the ersatz AdvClub?) And while it would be a nostalgia fix for the hard core Club fans, it would be pretty bad show for anyone who just happened to wander in.

Mad Stitch

Well-Known Member
I didn't see this posted yet so here it goes. Here is the latest from outside the Adventures Club.



"You can't give up hope just because it's hopeless. You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears and go 'bla bla bla bla bla'" - Philip J. Fry


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure anyone saw this but the Members of The Adventurer's Club came together one more time during a CM Event at DHS. They had there Hoopla at the Indy Stunt show arena.


Well-Known Member
It looks more pink in this picture...or is that the lighting / camera?

Take a close look at everything in the picture, the roofing, the other building, the steps, even the plants. The camera has put a blue hue on top of everything and the blue will make it look more pink. It's the camera, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Just recieved this picture from a friend who rode the Backlot Tour yesterday. They say that it is hard to see from the photo, but the items seem to be getting a fresh coat of paint. Howpefully, they will be moved back to their propper location soon!


I rode the BLT a couple of days ago and noticed the tail section of the plane has been removed. Does anyone know if this was used in the CM performaces last week?

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