Sad News for Mission: Space


New Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
No. That's a gravity wheel, and you will find that in the queue--it shows how they simulate gravity in space.

I think it is clear this ride is nearly complete--I still have faith it will open before the 15th, but time will tell:) No promises from me now...but, again, from seeing that video and some other thoughts I'll leave out for now, I have a feeling guests will be riding this before August 15th.

The gravity wheel, referred to around M: S as the "cheese wheel," is actually a prop from the movie Mission to Mars (Please stop throwing the fruits and vegetables, I'm just a messenger. :) ). It was the living quarters on the ship. It's been modified for its new role but if you can actually sit through the movie you'll see it used fairly extensively.

And DR, you may very well be right about the ride being open to guests before the 15th of August. Operations is already in training. Two ride bays are ready. Number three should be online shortly. Rumor has it that WDI will turn the ride over to EPCOT operations some time in early June. It wouldn't make sense to let those ride bays just sit from turnover until August 15.

My guess is that the soft opening on August 15 is when all four ride bays will be up and running. M: S uses a lot of new tech that the imagineers are not familiar with so there will be some bugs to shake out and that will take time. So don't be surprised if M: S is open to guests, at least occasionally, by the middle of June.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Centrifugeer
The gravity wheel, referred to around M: S as the "cheese wheel," is actually a prop from the movie Mission to Mars (Please stop throwing the fruits and vegetables, I'm just a messenger. :) ). It was the living quarters on the ship. It's been modified for its new role but if you can actually sit through the movie you'll see it used fairly extensively.

And DR, you may very well be right about the ride being open to guests before the 15th of August. Operations is already in training. Two ride bays are ready. Number three should be online shortly. Rumor has it that WDI will turn the ride over to EPCOT operations some time in early June. It wouldn't make sense to let those ride bays just sit from turnover until August 15.

My guess is that the soft opening on August 15 is when all four ride bays will be up and running. M: S uses a lot of new tech that the imagineers are not familiar with so there will be some bugs to shake out and that will take time. So don't be surprised if M: S is open to guests, at least occasionally, by the middle of June.

Thanks! You made my night with that news. Now I'm gonna go get drunk and party all night long!!! I love college! Long live Mission: SPACE!!!!!!!:sohappy: :king: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
They made the mistake of getting Bud Light, I'm back online lol. I'm quite impressed that Disney got the only Lunar Rover that is currently in the United States from the Smithsonian for this ride--bet they paid a pretty penny for it. I wonder how long it's on loan for this attraction...hopefully more than a couple years, but, then again, it would be kewler if they cycled various vehicles used in space at one time or another through the attraction every few years...either way...I know Disney is preparing for my blast-off on August 1st, so I better get back to my preflight briefings (getting patches, in other words)!


New Member
Originally posted by magicimaginear
I even expect that the mountain, taking up an acre and reaching to nearly 200 feet, will become a new park icon.
Al Weiss
Walt Disney World

That is the saddest thing to ME ... what about the TREE OF FRIGGIN LIFE??? i believe that has more hold and meaning to an icon than a friggin roller coaster.... its like they're gonna advertise the ride by making it the icon :mad: ... thats sad, disney, reeeaal sad:(


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Sad News for Mission: Space

Originally posted by JTinCT
That is the saddest thing to ME ... what about the TREE OF FRIGGIN LIFE??? i believe that has more hold and meaning to an icon than a friggin roller coaster.... its like they're gonna advertise the ride by making it the icon :mad: ... thats sad, disney, reeeaal sad:(

He said "a park icon", not the park icon. The Tree of Life will remain THE park icon. As an example of park icons, at the Magic Kingdom, Cinderella Castle is THE park icon, but Splash, Space, Thunder, Pirates, and the Haunted Mansion are park icons. Or, at MGM, the hat is the park icon, but the Tower of Terror is a park icon. That's all Al meant :)

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Look, guys. I know some of you are disappointed about Mission: Space's OFFICIAL soft opening date, but people are getting confused and expecting it to be open before hand. It's ok if you want it to happen (who doesn't), but as of right now, it OFFICIALLY won't.

Here's hoping, but don't get your hopes up too high, please. Logical reasoning based on Disney's past decisions to not annouce soft openings makes sense, BUT things do change now and then under special circumstances. This must be a special circumstance, because they've OFFICIALLY announced it will soft open on August 15th, 2003.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA
Look, guys. I know some of you are disappointed about Mission: Space's OFFICIAL soft opening date, but people are getting confused and expecting it to be open before hand. It's ok if you want it to happen (who doesn't), but as of right now, it OFFICIALLY won't.

Here's hoping, but don't get your hopes up too high, please. Logical reasoning based on Disney's past decisions to not annouce soft openings makes sense, BUT things do change now and then under special circumstances. This must be a special circumstance, because they've OFFICIALLY announced it will soft open on August 15th, 2003.

:sohappy: A voice of reason! Thanks, Zac. I was trying to find a nice way to say what you just did. Glad you were able to do it without flaming someone like I would have. :zipit:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
this was what my avatar was supposed to be, but I can't get the animation right... so to hellO with it.. here's it is:

Mission: Space

Opening August 15

Not Earlier

Maybe Later

Get Over It


I hope this gets the point across


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
this was what my avatar was supposed to be, but I can't get the animation right... so to hellO with it.. here's it is:

Mission: Space

Opening August 15

Not Earlier

Maybe Later

Get Over It


I hope this gets the point across

to each his own:) I understand what has happened officially, but I still think something will happen unofficially, however I understand it's not guaranteed. We will simply have to wait and see how this works out. Disney does do a lot of things unannounced, and while it's not right for me to guarantee it will open ahead of schedule, it is also not right for anyone to guarantee it won't. When we ride it, we ride it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
this was what my avatar was supposed to be, but I can't get the animation right... so to hellO with it.. here's it is:

Mission: Space

Opening August 15

Not Earlier

Maybe Later

Get Over It


I hope this gets the point across
No offense but I don't see how you could possibly be so incredibly sure. I am still confused as to the reason for announcing a soft-opening. It just doesn't make sense. How could they possibly know exactly when the ride can begin operations? If they said, "Soft Opening sometime in August" maybe I could understand. But to announce the exact DAY of this soft-opening is absurd. Rides soft open when they are ready to do so and when the ride is finished. How can they possibly know the exact day the ride can be tested on guests? I'm sorry for rambling but I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect an opening at least a week or two before August 15th.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
No offense but I don't see how you could possibly be so incredibly sure. I am still confused as to the reason for announcing a soft-opening. It just doesn't make sense. How could they possibly know exactly when the ride can begin operations? If they said, "Soft Opening sometime in August" maybe I could understand. But to announce the exact DAY of this soft-opening is obsurd. Rides soft open when they are ready to do so and when the ride is finished. How can they possibly know the exact day the ride can be tested on guests? I'm sorry for rambling but I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect an opening at least a week or two before August 15th.
Couldn't agree with you more.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
No offense but I don't see how you could possibly be so incredibly sure.

please don't take what I'm about to say too offensively but..


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
No offense but I don't see how you could possibly be so incredibly sure.

It's an OFFICIAL announcement. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

Seems to me that the people who are questioning the annoucement are those who will be visiting Disney before it opens. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.:D


Well-Known Member
When is the last time Disney did something the way they originally announced it--whether a press release for a ride or press release on an attraction opening? It's not denial; it's a high probability that Disney will follow the same patterns it has followed for 48 years. Disney NEEDS to train their cast members with real guests prior to August 15th, when the press will arrive! The press reviews have to be good! You cannot open an attraction of this magnitude for the first time on the same date the press shows up, it is bad strategy, and Disney knows this. A small number of guests have been riding this ride since February, as posted on this site, in an unannounced, VERY limited, soft opening--why would we not expect this pattern to continue? You can tell me "because Al said it" all you want, but Al says a lot of things, just like Mike. They may say "attendance will be up next year" but that's not necessarily true. This is simply to make MONEY. That is why they picked the first weekend of the fall season, where hours start decreasing, to start the preview and why they announced this to the press and travel agents first--to get people to book and make money for the fall season. Clearly, unless Disney wants an insane amount of complaints, this ride needs to be functioning properly by that date, as guests will plan vacations based on that date. Last I checked, guest satisfaction was important to Disney. In order for it to function properly, it must be tested--the function of unannounced soft openings. But it doesn't really matter. I could say this and you could say your side of the story and the argument could go on and on and on. We shall just wait, and if I get to ride it, fantastic.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
Disney NEEDS to train their cast members with real guests prior to August 15th, when the press will arrive!

training starts next weeks, for the transferred CM's... ALL of which have previous guest experience. Also, 2 words: Cast Previews


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
You can tell me "because Al said it" all you want, but Al says a lot of things, just like Mike. They may say "attendance will be up next year" but that's not necessarily true.

so cause Kyle says it it's true? Sorry man.. but until you take Al Weiss' job, he will hold more credibility than you


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
so cause Kyle says it it's true? Sorry man.. but until you take Al Weiss' job, he will hold more credibility than you

I understand that. I am simply analyzing past Disney trends. But, again, it doesn't matter. We will have to wait and see. You have your opinion, I have mine, and we are all happy. I try to base my arguments primarily on fact, and you of course have the fact that Al said it to support your argument. That is fantastic. But, neither of us know we are right, so let's leave it at that and see what happens this summer. I'm trying to be civil here:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
training starts next weeks, for the transferred CM's... ALL of which have previous guest experience. Also, 2 words: Cast Previews

They are going to train for 3.5 months with just cast previews? I highly doubt that. If these cms are so skilled, and I think they are, then they don't need 3.5 months of training, do they? Are they going to send them home for a few weeks to chill after training, or open the ride early to make more money?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
please don't take what I'm about to say too offensively but..

I understand what you mean and I agree that it is indeed, "Gonna happen" in that it will in fact open on August 15th. This doesn't mean other things won't happen such as testing on guests before the date. Like I said in a previous thread, people like Weiss and Eisner sometimes no less than people in lower positions. Yet again I would like to state that Eisner called Animal Kingdom's new thrill ride, "CLIMING Everest" and called Magic Kingdom's newest attraction, "Mickey's SPECTROMAGIC" Yes Weiss said it and of course it is probably true to some extent but there is certainly a chance for an opening before August 15th.

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