Rumors. Musings. Casual.


Well-Known Member
gonna plant my flag here and hope i’m wrong: UO will open more new major attractions between 2026-2035 in its two existing parks than WDW will among its 4.
I’d believe that. I think they’re gonna aggressively add to their existing parks in the years following EU opens to try and create draws for the hordes of people coming to the new parks. Not to mention that EU already has some credible rumors for phase 2 expansions


Well-Known Member
I think this thread needs an abbreviation primer:

1) UOR: Universal Orlando Resort
2) USF: Universal Studios Florida
3) IOA: Islands of Adventure
4) CW: CityWalk
5) EU: Epic Universe
6) USO: Unlimited Sales Organization (but need to specify whether referencing the Disney or Universal branch)


Well-Known Member
When I was younger, I bought into DVC and made 3-4 visits per year with my family. I lived to go there!

Now I'm older and have far more disposable income, yet would not spend a nickel on that aging dump of a theme park.

So tell me if I am missing the boat...

Sounds about right to me. We also own DVC and at least I am having an extremely difficult time justifying any trip there these days. I wouldn't call it a dump, but the way things have been run for a decade has turned my once-stellar opinion into one more befitting someone who feels abused and taken advantage of.
Yeah, dump was a bit extreme - let's say "not worth tossing new money in that direction".


Active Member
If you ever watch the stock market you will see a lot of people always on the verge of panicking about losing or not making enough money. Those people are the antithesis to creativity.
Disney was perhaps one of the most creative companies out there. Creative visions take time and faith that the project will succeed. Walt branched out into the world with his parks and his company literally jumped off the screen. Today they've grown into a juggernaut. Way more than any one man can deal with especially when that man is pressured by wall street to keep the money flowing.

All businesses go through ups and downs especially when creating. And if that creation is meant to last the process can take very long.

However when a project finishes with the expected results everyone cheers and says when can I have more.

If the results are bad the money men panic, and the fans trash the results in their disapointment.

Disney leadership forgot what made their company great by listening to the money men.

Disney forgot it was a company that was built on traditional family values by embracing diversity over creativity.

Too much diversity leads to a hodge podge of unrealistic visions.

Updating an attraction because it needs refurbishment is one thing. Changing it because it reflects something that someone finds offensive is another.

It's bad enough to have creativity fight the bank, its worse to add in diversity and ip mandates.

now Disney is also fighting the government of Florida.

1. Let diversity happen naturally
2. Let creativity dictate progress not investment.
3. Let creativity dictate the ip

4. Stand up to the money men and remind them that the company wasn't built by safe decisions. It was built on making dreams come true. The first was Mickey Mouse. Walts dream to own his own cartoon studio, then movie studio, then park, then city of tomorrow.
5. Never forget those dreams of Walt's because they built the company, and they're the reasons anyone has ever made any money off of Disney


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Earnings up soon. I don’t have insight into what they’re gonna say and neither does anyone else.

Re: Hulu integration - was speaking more towards the back of house boring things that are still expensive. They also plan some content changes. A lot of Hulu subs with the TV package might get ed if they don’t have D+. They’re also the profitable customers.

YouTube TV a better option anyway IMO.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Re: Hulu integration - was speaking more towards the back of house boring things that are still expensive. They also plan some content changes. A lot of Hulu subs with the TV package might get ed if they don’t have D+. They’re also the profitable customers.
Hulu Live TV is likely to remain independent... until linear channels finally close down.

Hulu streaming on demand is already in Beta on D+ and will be fully integrated in March. Just like Star, the international version of Hulu is already fully integrated into D+ internationally.


Well-Known Member
Something I guess i don’t think i will understand unless im hand held through it, is why Disney chose to grow the value of hulu by doing things like moving FX content on there and creating so many originals. Surely a high 9, low 10 figure amount of money will be going to Comcast because it was managed… too well?

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