Rumor no more(well...kinda) WAND COMING DOWN!!


Well-Known Member
I kinda got ignored so I will ask again. there is an electrified rail that runs along the concrete track right? If thats true is it possible they are closing that section down so that the crain doesnt touch the rail ?

Overhead construction work including cranes is performed around live electrical lines all the time. I doubt that would be the reason for shutting down the monorail.

The monorail power should be supplied in different zones as there are numerous rectifiers on the track, current from one would not be permitted to "spill" over into another section - however I have no idea how long a section of track each rectifier would serve.


I disagree:
Come on people! There isn't a CM who doesn't have info about it,
I'd venture to say that a vast majority of CMs have no idea whether or not the wand is staying or going.:shrug:

and Disney execs probably know the majority of people (myself included) hate the wand
Majority of people couldn't care less.:snore:

and plus it was never part of the purpose of the EPCOT CENTER.
Which is dead and buried, and therefore irrelevant.:rolleyes:


Let the joyous news be spread the wicked old wand at last is dead! Ding dong the wand is dead, the wicked old wand! Ding dong the wicked old wand is dead!

Let's hope so anyway. Let's hope Lee is wrong on this one. No disrespect intended Mr. Lee.


New Member
In shuttle mode, is there only one train or one train per side ie one train running back and forth on what would normally be the return path and another train running on the other side?


New Member
Third Rail

From my understanding, the monorail tracks do have an electric rail (similar to the "Third Rail" many subways run on). This is how the trains draw their energy to run etc. So I would imagine any work that involves being near that third rail, would probably be cause for that section of track to be closed for the duration of the project.
So the "rumor" the Rails CM told you might actually have some teeth. Shuttle mode for the monorail wouldn't be too hard to accomplish. It would just involve the monorail driver switching ends of the train at TTC and Epcot.
Anyway I would guess they are taking down...or putting up something around SPE.
But like all rumors all we can do is assume...and you know what assuming does! So I like to say...I'll believe it when I see it=p


Well-Known Member
I hope we aren't honestly taking something from a monorail driver as fact. Don't you think if Disney were actually divulging such information to Cast Members, we would already know it and have it confirmed from many individuals? As for the shuttle mode rumor--sounds bogus to me. They didn't need to do this when they built the structure and it would be an absolute mess running that route effectively at 25% capacity. They would certainly have to start a bus route b/t the MK and Epcot. Not saying the Wand won't come down, but this rumor lends nothing to our knowledge.


Well-Known Member
From my understanding, the monorail tracks do have an electric rail (similar to the "Third Rail" many subways run on). This is how the trains draw their energy to run etc. So I would imagine any work that involves being near that third rail, would probably be cause for that section of track to be closed for the duration of the project.
So the "rumor" the Rails CM told you might actually have some teeth. Shuttle mode for the monorail wouldn't be too hard to accomplish. It would just involve the monorail driver switching ends of the train at TTC and Epcot.
Anyway I would guess they are taking down...or putting up something around SPE.
But like all rumors all we can do is assume...and you know what assuming does! So I like to say...I'll believe it when I see it=p

Welcome to the boards!

The monorails do indeed require electricity to run so the rails do have DC current on them which is used to power the electric drive motors on the trains.

Work is performed around energized conductors all the time so I doubt that would be the reason to re-route the trains. If they do end up changing the existing monorail configuration for the alleged and rumored removal of the wand, it would most likely be due to safety clearances around the work zone. Though that is even doubtful...

LeeLee D

New Member
What I find interesting is how divided DW fans are on this whole wand issue.

I was in the Kingdom last week with a friend. She likes Disney, but is not a nut like me,:lookaroun so I was having fun telling her some of the topics we discuss here.
We were in EPCOT and she mentioned the wand. I told her about the love/hate threads and she asked my opinion. I told her I didn't like it because EPCOT is not a word, it is an acronym and as such should be in ALL CAPS. She muttered somthing about grammar-freak and we continued on.

I don't know the %s of love/hate and why, but that's one of the reasons I don't like it.


Well-Known Member
Epcot can't be an acronym, because you can not copyright acronyms - only words. That was why the name was changed from EPCOT to Epcot. Sure, it'll always be EPCOT to us fans, but in the legal sense, it will be Epcot from now on.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I told her I didn't like it because EPCOT is not a word, it is an acronym and as such should be in ALL CAPS. She muttered somthing about grammar-freak and we continued on.


According to Disney, Epcot is now a word and it officially stands for nothing. That's how it's written on all the official material you'll find these days.


New Member
Welcome to the boards!

The monorails do indeed require electricity to run so the rails do have DC current on them which is used to power the electric drive motors on the trains.

Work is performed around energized conductors all the time so I doubt that would be the reason to re-route the trains. If they do end up changing the existing monorail configuration for the alleged and rumored removal of the wand, it would most likely be due to safety clearances around the work zone. Though that is even doubtful...

Hey, thanks! I'm suprised it took me so long to dip my feet into these boards. I am a big fan of the forums! Yeah, its all speculation. But I guess we can "imagine" what might be happening hehe. Since I love playing with MSPaint. I took the liberty of showing what the monorail path would look like if they were to put the Epcot Monorail in "Shuttle" mode. The monorail would run back and forth between Epcot and TTC, while the red line going to epcot and ttc would be unused! (I got this map from wikipedia!)



Active Member
Hey y'all,

The pilot of the monorail informed us (as we were getting closer to epcot) that Disney execs informed them that the wand would be coming down (sooner rather then later) and they would be re-routing the monorail so that it wouldnt go around the big ball during construction. No specific date was given, but the monorail pilots were given notice so they know about their new paths to Epcot.

so, there it is folks! almost official news....get excited!!! I have a feeling it will be coming down as SSE is down for refurbishment. Have a magical day!

-WelcomeHome OKW aka Garrett

Well I just had my roommate transportation manager strike down this idea.:king:

LeeLee D

New Member

According to Disney, Epcot is now a word and it officially stands for nothing. That's how it's written on all the official material you'll find these days.

Whoa! Color me uninformed:hammer: !

I bought a hat on opening day (now, nowhere to be found:brick: ) that said EPCOT Center. I wore it to MK the next day and was not allowed to get on "If You Had Wings" until I told the CM what each letter stood for.

Wow, I didn't realize Disney had the power to demote acronyms to lowly words that stand for nothing. Alas:( ...well, it will always be EPCOT Center to me!

Thanks for the info:wave: .


Active Member
Original Poster
I would just like to clarify that by new path i just meant that they would be re-routing, not that they would be creating a whole new path.

Also, I have been apart of this website since 04 and have been respectful since I got here. I would never create a rumor to cause some craziness. I heard this straight out of the pilots mouth and I feel it holds some validity. I didnt mention I was a big disney fan, I just asked him if he thought the wand was coming down. he said "Its not a matter of if, its a matter of when." I think they need to be aware of such things, and I am guessing they were probably put under embargo but he broke it. Things like that happen all the time. I did say take it with a grain of salt, as i have heard cm rumors that were totally bogus. But, this guy was a kind man with no reason to give me false information.

We will see if this comes true or not within the next couple of months. I give it until November.

P.S. last time i started a rumor thread that i head from a cm, it turned out coming true. (do a search)


Well-Known Member
hahahhahahahaha. Is all I have to say to that.
Cast Members love to mess with guests.

Remember when they put the 2000 structure up? They had to take down the monorail track and move it twenty yards over. Took over 3 days to do that.
Lucky the monorail tracks are light enough to move easily. They do it all the time around the holidays to get the tall christmas trees into the parks.

Yes I am kidding of course.


New Member
In shuttle mode, is there only one train or one train per side ie one train running back and forth on what would normally be the return path and another train running on the other side?

If they did it the way Disneyland has in the past, two trains would be running, however when the lead train reached the station, it would unload its passengers, then continue forward on the track to a point just beyond the station. It would wait there until the second train arrived, unloaded, reloaded, and then began its return to the other station. It would then move back to the station, load up, and take off. Unfortunately, it's not the greatest system, as it gets huge amounts of people all at once, then causes a long wait for the trains to return, but it still gets more people than I'm sure a single train could (especially with the distance it has to go between the TTC and Epcot). It's possible they might even run three that way, with two waiting while the third loaded.


New Member
As a WDW monorail pilot, I can tell you for a fact we have not been told anything concerning the wand, its removal or any effect it would have for our operations. Anything concerning the wand's removal is speculation at this point and should be treated as such until Disney, Siemens or some other company releases a statement confirming its removal or denying it outright.


New Member

CMs get their information from rumor forums.
Rumor forums get their information from CMs.

PARADOX!!!!! x / 0 = OH ____-

Suppose this is true and the monorail ends up being operated in shuttle mode. Since only one train can run on a track operating in shuttle mode with only two stations, would it be possible to run the train at a higher speed on the World Dr. straight a way and not compromise safety? It is my understanding that the main reason the monorail's speed is limited is to prevent collisions (excluding speeding through the Contemporary and the hazards associated with that.) Since there would only be one monorail on the line, it seems reasonable to crank it up to sixty or so miles per hour on the straightaway. It might squeeze a few more loads of guests out of the operation per hour.

I seriously doubt they would even bother with it. Just run buses to and from Epcot. Even had to do that for about an hour today because lighting hit the Epcot beam and it knocked out some MBS transmitters (proximity detection). Monorails are not considered an attraction at WDW. Buses transport people just fine.

This is just an over-zealous monorail pilot. I can assure you nothing has been announced over this nor even murmured about.


I suppose that it's possible. :shrug:

I really have no clue as to if the electricity is done in zones or not :wave:

Anybody else???

Yes, it is done in zones. A crane hitting the bus bar would probably do nothing. Cranes are designed for lightning strikes, I doubt 600VDC is going to annihilate their crane.

Let the joyous news be spread the wicked old wand at last is dead! Ding dong the wand is dead, the wicked old wand! Ding dong the wicked old wand is dead!

Let's hope so anyway. Let's hope Lee is wrong on this one. No disrespect intended Mr. Lee.

Reminds me of when folks in Miami were on the street celebrating Castro's demise. If I was a religious person, I would be forced to believe that a higher power loves the guy, he can't be stopped.

In shuttle mode, is there only one train or one train per side ie one train running back and forth on what would normally be the return path and another train running on the other side?

Running on two sides would require building beamway. Only from pylon 210 to concourse would be suitable. If (as with the crane theory) a zone is killed, it will even require a MAPO override to even get it into Epcot station (correct me if I am wrong here), essentially overriding the most important safety system we have. So as I said... buses. If it can't be operated under "normal visual," I seriously doubt the trouble will be taken since both Studios and DAK get plenty of people via buses. Plus, not many people use the Epcot loop. Had they not have built it when they did, they would have never built it. Such a tiny fraction of people use it. Guests freak out when you tell them to switch at TTC. To think, Epcot station was designed to be another hub for future gates. Shows Disney's faith in the system back then. But they know better now.


According to Disney, Epcot is now a word and it officially stands for nothing. That's how it's written on all the official material you'll find these days.

Every Paycheck Comes On Thursday

CMs are paid on Thursdays.

As a WDW monorail pilot, I can tell you for a fact we have not been told anything concerning the wand, its removal or any effect it would have for our operations. Anything concerning the wand's removal is speculation at this point and should be treated as such until Disney, Siemens or some other company releases a statement confirming its removal or denying it outright.

As a WDW monorail pilot, I confirm everything you have said.

Operators (both drive and platform) should be careful what they say, because their typical BSing might be heard by some Disney forum nut. CMs get their information from forums just like this one. Enough real interesting stuff has happened the past two days (Monorail workers know what I am talking about) to be making up stuff or passing along forum rumors.

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