Magenta Panther
Well-Known Member
Just sayin', if anyone here thinks that a potential Biden AA won't generate as much audience resentment as the Trump one, you're kidding yourselves. Florida is a red state. I remember the undercurrent I felt when the old Obama AA spoke, every time I visited the attraction. I hate to say it, but maybe this nation is now too fractured politically for HOP to not be a trigger for fools. Times have changed, and not for the better. General respect for the office of President has gone out the window, perhaps forever. For that reason, perhaps it's time that Disney dispenses with the new-President-speaks schtick and just let Lincoln speak. That should be a lot less controversial.
Although, come to think of it, rioters across the country are starting to pull down Lincoln statues now...

Although, come to think of it, rioters across the country are starting to pull down Lincoln statues now...