

Well-Known Member
See, I guess that's the real difference between guests of yesterday and today. Actually there is a HUGE difference, and it's not the cahracters that are in it or the special effects.

What is different is the whole feel of the ride. The lack of a sountrack. The fun and innocence of it. It used to be jolly. Pirates at one pint used to be jolly. Today they are deep and dramatic. You used be traveling through, you could participate as you wanted - you were immersed in the environment. Now, you just passivly watch the story - it's all written out for you already. It's no longer fun - it's dramatic. How can they get you adrenalin running. Too much focus on one thing, not immersive. No rhythm to it.

Anyway, I guess people today don't relate to that. They don't seem to even remember it. Which is kind of sad, because it has gone so much from this world and I miss it, but I guess I have to learn to conform to the rest of the masses.

So for how long has Pirates suddenly been dead defore the rehab? Every time I had gone it was quite busy - never heard anyone complain how bad it was then.

I can't agree with the "being in the story" comments. I tihnk that it really hasn't changed the interactive elements all that much. The soundtrack I miss a bit, but this change was for the better. It helps a whole new generation enjoy the ride! Things cannot stay the same way forever, even the classics. They get remade all of the time. And many times, for the better. Be glad they didn't remove it for a Pixar dark ride or something equally superficial.

head mouse

I don't think Disney is going to listen to the vast minority when it comes to changing rides. I love the classics, but leaving them as is and not improving them is a horrible business decision. You want to draw people to your parks, not have them think, oh, I'm sick of riding the same rides over and over again. Change is good, get used to it.

Not all change is good. (look at our president for example)

I don't like being yelled at first thing in the morning. The classics have to be plussed from time to time or else they go stale. POTC is "new and improved" and I'm very happy with the way the money thrown at this attraction was spent. I hope and pray that SM is down for a long time and we get some new effects, killer audio and a smoother track. I'm sick and tired of MK gettting less love than Disneyland and its other clones.

Well, since I wasn't yelling at you. I guess you don't have anything to worry about. On top of is the internet so I doubt that large type is really hearing your ears. If it is I suggest you see a Dr. :wave:

What most of you don't understand is that it is not a minority of people that are upset with said changes. it is the majority of Disney fans. Yes ther are a few hundred of people like you that say "Change is good, we all need change. Blah blah blah" but for there are THOUSANDS that feel that changing everything is not a good idea.

You will not win this argument, there are too many web boards and too many threads/post to back up my answer.

Sure Disney may have made LOTS of money from people going to see the new changes, Simply out of curiosity, but after everyone has seen it and dis likes it, then what? you get threads like this saying how much they dislike it.


Active Member
Quick question, why is the gigantic disembodied head of davy jones floating on a waterfall? That really makes no sense in the ride as a whole, the skull head was definitely much more in tune with the ride, heck its even shown everywhere where you see the words pirates of the carribean in both the ride and the movie logos and they take it out?! Bad decision!


Well-Known Member
What most of you don't understand is that it is not a minority of people that are upset with said changes. it is the majority of Disney fans. Yes ther are a few hundred of people like you that say "Change is good, we all need change. Blah blah blah" but for there are THOUSANDS that feel that changing everything is not a good idea.

You will not win this argument, there are too many web boards and too many threads/post to back up my answer.

Examples please!! Please show me the thousands of posts of people who don't like the changes. From what I can tell, the majority of people on this site think the change was a positive thing, since the attraction was in such disrepair and had poor attendance before hand. There have been dozens of discussions on the subject since it reopened after the changes, and the people who have protested and disliked the changes have definately been in the minority here.

Your arguement is baseless unless you show me proof. This thread is proof enough that your wrong. I just did a quick tally and there are 8 against the changes and 30 that liked them in this thread alone. So please show me something that disproves those numbers. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Not all change is good. (look at our president for example)

As said in other threads and site rules, please leave politics out of message board discussions. Its a very slippery slope.

What most of you don't understand is that it is not a minority of people that are upset with said changes. it is the majority of Disney fans. Yes ther are a few hundred of people like you that say "Change is good, we all need change. Blah blah blah" but for there are THOUSANDS that feel that changing everything is not a good idea..

ok, lets test this theory and setup a poll for Disney fans.
Also what is the definition of Disney fans? Is there a minimum number of times you must visit the parks during a certain timespan to be eligible as a Disney Fan?

You will not win this argument, there are too many web boards and too many threads/post to back up my answer.

Sure Disney may have made LOTS of money from people going to see the new changes, Simply out of curiosity, but after everyone has seen it and dis likes it, then what? you get threads like this saying how much they dislike it.

Time will tell on the ultimate popularity of POTC the ride. So far during its first eight months of operation it has experienced a renaissance rebirth.

Also, by my count, there are 9 posts, including your two, that are in the negative for the changes in this POTC thread out of a total 65 so far.
I think there were far more skeptics before and during the actual rehab, but that's because no one really knew what the final product would look like... and the fear of repeating the same fate of JII creeped into the hearts of many posters. I myself was relieved that the final product was keeping and/or improving 90% of the original elements & effects; plus adding a new subtle storyline and three characters from the movie. (note that only the Davy Jones in the mist, and Jack's appearance at the end were the non-subtle additions.


Got in late last night from WDW. The Imaginears...messed up POTC. now I know that people love jack sparrow. Lots of angry posts to follow will say how wrong I am. I like the movies and I like the ride. One inspired the other but while similar they are seperate and thats how they should have stayed. I am a tradionalist. I want to take my three kids to the ride I went on if I want them to see capin jack I will turn on the DVDs.
This was the last ride Walt supervised. The gift shop even has asian themed "artifacts" to go along with the "asian pirate" in the auction scene. all for the new movie. I am fine with progress and I know I am late to the party with this referb happining long ago. I am fine with little changes but the skull before the drop is gone and the whole last room shrunk. My wife bought me the soundtrack which includes the float through to shut me up... It didn't work.

I can't agree with you more....:sohappy: :wave:


Active Member
What most of you don't understand is that it is not a minority of people that are upset with said changes. it is the majority of Disney fans. Yes ther are a few hundred of people like you that say "Change is good, we all need change. Blah blah blah" but for there are THOUSANDS that feel that changing everything is not a good idea.

on a comparative note - 88.956% of people on this forum think that im awesome :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
What most of you don't understand is that it is not a minority of people that are upset with said changes. it is the majority of Disney fans. Yes ther are a few hundred of people like you that say "Change is good, we all need change. Blah blah blah" but for there are THOUSANDS that feel that changing everything is not a good idea.

You will not win this argument, there are too many web boards and too many threads/post to back up my answer.

Sure Disney may have made LOTS of money from people going to see the new changes, Simply out of curiosity, but after everyone has seen it and dis likes it, then what? you get threads like this saying how much they dislike it.

Still waiting on those links to the threads and posts that supposedly backup your answer.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I think many folks need to read the definition of opinion :

1. personal view: the view somebody takes about an issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment

Some people like it, some people don't - that's fine. The changes are done though so you'd better suck it up or just not ride it. Period


Active Member
What most of you don't understand is that it is not a minority of people that are upset with said changes. it is the majority of Disney fans.

Most people who visit Disney World aren't major "Disney" fans anyway.

They're just regular people who want to give their family a GREAT family vacation.

Shouldn't the WDW executives cater to the majority of people who visit the WDW property.

Now Disneyland, a park that caters to die-hard Disney fan locals, may be an entirely different story.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Shouldn't the WDW executives cater to the majority of people who visit the WDW property.

Now Disneyland, a park that caters to die-hard Disney fan locals, may be an entirely different story.
Ideally, both. Both will certainly benefit from overhauls of 36 year old attractions.


Well-Known Member
I think many folks need to read the definition of opinion :

1. personal view: the view somebody takes about an issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment

Some people like it, some people don't - that's fine. The changes are done though so you'd better suck it up or just not ride it. Period

I agree! But discussion is good. I, for one, would love to hear evidence that most people don't like the change. Giving an opinion is great, but you shouldn't provide evidence unless you can back it up. It would be like me saying "Mission: Space is bad because it makes your brain turn to liquid goo" or "Mickey wears BIG ARMY BOOTS at home!" Unless there is some proof, don't claim it!


Well-Known Member
Not all change is good. (look at our president for example)

Well, since I wasn't yelling at you. I guess you don't have anything to worry about. On top of is the internet so I doubt that large type is really hearing your ears. If it is I suggest you see a Dr. :wave:

What most of you don't understand is that it is not a minority of people that are upset with said changes. it is the majority of Disney fans. Yes ther are a few hundred of people like you that say "Change is good, we all need change. Blah blah blah" but for there are THOUSANDS that feel that changing everything is not a good idea.

You will not win this argument, there are too many web boards and too many threads/post to back up my answer.

Sure Disney may have made LOTS of money from people going to see the new changes, Simply out of curiosity, but after everyone has seen it and dis likes it, then what? you get threads like this saying how much they dislike it.

I was going to comment about your ridiculously stupid post about our president, but I'll leave politics out of here like we're supposed to.

Funny, cause I would say the exact opposite, I have seen FAR more Disney fans say they enjoy the changes than ones that don't. And even with that, Disney fans that post in forums ARE NOT the majority of the guests that go to WDW. So no, you are not in the majority.

There's a reason people like you aren't put in charge of the theme parks.

You want proof that more people like the new PotC? Look at the wait times before the refurb and after...facts hurt don't they?


Well-Known Member
Please do not turn this into a political debate, those tend to get really ugly.

Please stick to the subject at hand, how people post false information about public opinions of an attraction with no proof to back up the claims. :p

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