Rude Cast Members?


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by bigbadwolf
very creepy but we might of been there the same day. it was a woman and yes the line was damn long as hell. She was mocking off to people in the line how long it was going to take them to get on the ride! She was having too much fun... I do knw some castmembers who drive the boats try to be funny. But she was trying to be funny in the most negative way ever. People where waiting in line for like a hour. So she was yelling at them saying that they have a very long time togo, and that the people just entering the line should turn back now. oh my mom had a complant. The ride manager said to my mom "We will deal with the problem as soon as we can." Oh and they did... she was brought back away from the ride and told she was fired.

talk about overreacting.... that CM broke no rules, did nothing wrong... and your mom got her fired. I wonder if your mom knows the family that made the false accusation that got me fired...


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by pepsistar
:cry: MKT/Rob So sorry to hear you are not with Disney anymore? Could it be true??? Now what? Any chance you may be able to be reinstated? :( Offered something in another area?

nope.. liberated on July 30, 2003. It is true. Now nothing... I just wait. No chance for a reinstatement...

...however, I do have people on the inside fighting the good battle for me.

Don't forget... I will take over Disney one day... violently if possible :sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by mkt
nope.. liberated on July 30, 2003. It is true. Now nothing... I just wait. No chance for a reinstatement...

...however, I do have people on the inside fighting the good battle for me.

Don't forget... I will take over Disney one day... violently if possible :sohappy:

This may be a thread I missed. what happened that liberated you? If my question runs the risk of opening old wounds I apologise and will understand if you choose not to reply.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
IM me, or PM me.. i'd rather keep it off the boards..


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted By Gucci65-
Yep, I've run into rude cm's Universal!
That's funny. I have never even ran into a CM at Universal. There they are called Team Members.


Cast Members seem like a more depravetive term IMO. Team Members on the other hand seems much more inviting. That is another reason why Universal seems to be meeting (or beating, depending on who you talk to) the guest satisfaction level originally set by Disney.



When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Kicker
That's funny. I have never even ran into a CM at Universal. There they are called Team Members.


Cast Members seem like a more depravetive term IMO. Team Members on the other hand seems much more inviting. That is another reason why Universal seems to be meeting (or beating, depending on who you talk to) the guest satisfaction level originally set by Disney.


sorry Jeff.. gotta disagree with you there. Neither is providing good service at this point... not with the Ritz-Carlton and Florida Hospital/ORMC taking all of their worthwhile staff. If you want Disney caliber service in Orlando now, you have to go to the Ritz Carlton and break your foot.
I have been to WDW about 10-12 times and only have had 2 CMs that bothered me. The first one was when the <I>FAST</I>Pass was new. We were behind a family to get on Pooh in Fantasyland and the woman only let fastpass holders go, so when she let the family infront of the fmily infront of us go and then fast passes again. So after the entire fastpass line she let the family infront of us go, so my family and theirs ganged up and said we were together, and the family behind us said they were with us and a few more families did that, so we basically got the line going fairly..haha!! But that woman was really rude!!
Also when we were eating at the American Adventure/Experience there was this older CM (guy) walking though moving every signle chair, and they are loud when the yare moved. He walked by so many tables moving the chair for no reason if they were pushed in he would pull out then push in, and he wasnt even cleaning!!! ARGH!! Made my family so mad!
<P>But the nicest CM we have even had was on TTA, there were Seniors from highschool on it btoehrign everyone, and the normal guests were getting angry so all of the regular guests asked him if we could go around again, he let us going around 3 times because of the seniors...ok that's the end to my little event with CMs...haha:lol: Although that one at Pooh ARGH! :hammer:
Originally posted by Kicker
That's funny. I have never even ran into a CM at Universal. There they are called Team Members.


Cast Members seem like a more depravetive term IMO. Team Members on the other hand seems much more inviting. That is another reason why Universal seems to be meeting (or beating, depending on who you talk to) the guest satisfaction level originally set by Disney.


How can you say that?? Team Member sounds too much like a job, they aren't supposed to be concidered employees, cast members is better cuase they are a cast people helping the guests (us)...


New Member
Cast Members seem like a more depravetive term IMO. Team Members on the other hand seems much more inviting. That is another reason why Universal seems to be meeting (or beating, depending on who you talk to) the guest satisfaction level originally set by Disney.

I understand what you're saying, but I disagree. Disney's focus on hospitality is focused on the metaphor of a play. The employess are cast members and the areas of the park are considered to be a "stage." Thus, Disney creates a less perjorative feel to the term "employee." Also, I believe that Disney cannot afford to have rude cast members. People pay lots of money to feel like they are in a special world. I don't think we can play it off as just being human. I would never intentionally try to fire a cast member, but I would be dissapointed if I encountered one.

In my opinon, Universal can do all that it wants, but still not remotely compare to Disney. The last time I went to Universal, I felt like I was just visiting the local amusement park. They've got thrills and little else.

Disney feels so different in comparison...JUST MY OPINION OF COURSE:)


Account Suspended
Originally posted by mkt
at Universal Studios Florida, there's an ice cream fountain place named Schwabs (Which at the late night hour I posted this had confused as Ralphs). That's where she worked. Just a mistake.. lol

Okay, thanks for the clarification. I kept reading your post over and over trying to figure out what I was missing. Now it makes sense. I am familiar with Schwabs at Universal. It is a really cool place usually. Too bad the employee behaved that way. That's completely unacceptable.

Originally posted by mkt
I was fired because of a guests false accusation/mistaken identity/a whole big ordeal I'd rather not get into at 6am

I understand. Again, I'm sorry to hear about that. I'll keep my fingers crossed that things work out for you. I was once the victim of mistaken identity so I know how that feels. In your situation, if there were no witnesses or a pattern of behavior, then it was probably a bit severe for Disney to just fire you. Good luck.
Originally posted by Woody13
As a guest, I really dislike this sort of behavior from other guests. You created a disruption.

What? That's nuts.....If there is a physical issue on the ride, the CM should be able to handle it and take care of the "paying Customer."

Did you not read the entire post? They tried to get the CM's attention more than once. He was being rude.
Remember, A paying customer is always right. (Go home and vent about that customer in you own manner), but never ever act rude to a customer. I have asked for my money back in McDonalds because the girl in the drive through was rude towards me. I have done tech support on the phone for many computer compaines, I have been called everything in the book. How do I react? I make sure the customer can see me smiling through the phone. There have been times, when I got off the call, and walked outside and screamed my head off....but never on the phone. Customer Service......



Well-Known Member
Just to chime in again. I don't think anyone can argue with the fact that for the most part WDW do their best to keep everyone happy. Sure not everyone will be totally the same but for the most part they do the job well.

The only time I had a problem with a CM was when we were in WDW in 2000 we stayed at the All Star Sports and when we got there we found out there was a cheerleading convention going on. It was loud and crazy at the hotel. On our first night there I took my two brothers (7 & 9 at the time) to the pool. There were some teenage cheerleaders at the pool. One of them pulled down anothers suit. I'm sure my brothers did not mind :animwink: but my wife and I had taken them on vacation and did not think it was something my father and his wife would want them being exposed to. I went to the front desk and mentioned it to the customer relations person and their response was "kids will be kids". I understand this is true and was not asking Disney to do anything but to ask the people in charge of the convention to keep a tighter reign on the kids was all. In the end we just switched hotels.

In the end I realize the CM did not want to upset the convention people because they are customers too, but I just wish that had tried to do something about it. But we spoke to someone in Customer Relations in AK and they did all they could to help us move out. They found a way to get us in at Dixie Landings after the 2nd night with a free upgrade. That was mainly becuase I felt they should have told us when we booked the trip that the All Star Sports was being used for the convention. When we got back from our trip we wrote a letter to WDW Customer Relations thanking the gentleman who helped us out. I hope Disney did something for him.

I have to say it must be a tough job dealing with all those people. And that guest should be more understanding with the individuals they are dealing with. I understand if the CM does something that is obviously wrong, but for the most part if people keep a calmer head things will work out.


Account Suspended
MKT, Ive talked it over with the classes I teach and they've agreed to help in the attack/liberation/whatever you want to call it.....and thats about 180 people, give or take a few.

We've got the ammo as well- M-14s and M-16s plus a few other hand guns/rifles we use for rifle team. We'd need to order the rounds for the M-14/16s but that wont take long.

Besides, these people (The ones I teach) need a lesson in leadership since thats what the MCJROTC is all about, plus its boring around the classroom right now.

So say the word and I'll mobilize my battalion.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by X2CommNavISTC
MKT, Ive talked it over with the classes I teach and they've agreed to help in the attack/liberation/whatever you want to call it.....and thats about 180 people, give or take a few.

We've got the ammo as well- M-14s and M-16s plus a few other hand guns/rifles we use for rifle team. We'd need to order the rounds for the M-14/16s but that wont take long.

Besides, these people (The ones I teach) need a lesson in leadership since thats what the MCJROTC is all about, plus its boring around the classroom right now.

So say the word and I'll mobilize my battalion.



When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
my violent coup of Eisners office.. lol. I have the support of the Devil Dawgs in training..


For some reason when my Senior class (HS) went to The World in '01, I seemed to really just have a bad trip...the majority of CMs we ran into were totally not into it. I'm from Jersey, and it reminded me of Six Flags Great Adventure, which is a rotten place in all aspects (esp. compared to Disney). The worst was the CM on the Great Movie Ride, who couldn't have possibly been more disinterested and/or deadpan in delivery. It was uber-dissapointing , as I hadn't been there in ages.

The worst part was when we went on Tower of Terror - lo and behold, the ONE cast member who truly seemed to be 'into' his role...and some jerk guest made fun of him. I never wanted to kill someone more in my life than I did that guest.

I just went again in August, and it was like my trip in 2001 was a terrible dream or something. Despite certain unnecessary changes (can anyone say large gaudy EPCOT sign??) it was exactly as magical as it had been when I was a kid - truly a "Disney" experience in every way.

Guess 2001 was just a fluke :p


Well-Known Member
I've only had two experiences with not-so-nice CM's (i think)...the first time was i don't even remember when, i believe ToT had recently opened...we went up to the gate to get in line and a CM stopped us and said "sorry, the ride is broken", we were disappointed but were like "ok whatever we'll come back" and as we were walking away i turned around and saw a bunch of other guests being let in and my uncle goes to the CM "isn't it broken?" and the guy said "yeah" but people were being let uncle and my dad went to guest relations and we were given vouchers to go on the ride and go in through the back so we wouldn't have to wait...oh well...

the second one didn't happen to me but i was there when it was grad nite, april a little background, my friend was wearing a shirt that showed her belly button, and pretty much everyone was but whatever she was actually caught...she was sent to get one of those rather dirty shirts they had but she decided to skip it and went to a store and bought herself a tshirt and put that on over the shirt she had on...the whole night she went unbothered, but at the end of the night we decide to go on Snow White cuz it was empty so we get in line and when we get to this young college-aged CM he goes "excuse me you're not supposed to have that t-shirt on over your clothes"...thats what i remember i just know my friend argued with him and he kept insisting but in the end was like "whatever" and we got on.

oh well :lol:

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