Riders hit by outage at Epcot


New Member
I got stuck on the TTA, and we had to get off and walk through space mountain. I also got stuck on tower of terror, and as soon as they were going to make us walk down from the top of the shaft it started back up. We had to go down with all the lights on, imagine the people stuck in the shaft. Now that would have been tramatic for me..!

Oh, yeah! If I got stuck at ToT, or HM, I would be scared to death. But Soarin'? Give me a break. Not even an easily scared freak like me would get traumahtized....


Well-Known Member
There were only 1500 hundred people in the park because yesterday was a special EMH night as part of the Million Dreams Celebration. 1500 people were randomly given wristbands during the day to attend.

Storms further north caused a huge power surge through most of the state of Florida. A power surge would trip any major ride and shut it down for the safety of the people on it and to protect its components...just like a surge protector. Backup generators would work for lighting, etc, and I'm sure they have them for safety reasons. Rides however use way too much power to justify the number of generators needed. Plus, the generators aren't instantaneous, and the ride would still go down.

The guy from this article was a complete NUT.JOB. He freaked out because his kids didn't get to ride anything and they were stuck on Soarin' for 5 or 6 minutes. He literally yelled from The Land to Guest Relations, and was on the phone with Orlando Sentinel when he got up to the desk. I kid you not, he demanded onsite grief counseling for his children. I CANNOT make this up.

I really hope you are kidding. Not because I don't believe you, but because I really don't want to lose that much faith in humanity. :hurl:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I really hope you are kidding. Not because I don't believe you, but because I really don't want to lose that much faith in humanity. :hurl:
You're a former WDW CM and you still have faith in humanity?


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
The guy from this article was a complete NUT.JOB. He freaked out because his kids didn't get to ride anything and they were stuck on Soarin' for 5 or 6 minutes. He literally yelled from The Land to Guest Relations, and was on the phone with Orlando Sentinel when he got up to the desk. I kid you not, he demanded onsite grief counseling for his children. I CANNOT make this up.

:rolleyes: I wish people like that would cease and desist being


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
The guy from this article was a complete NUT.JOB. He freaked out because his kids didn't get to ride anything and they were stuck on Soarin' for 5 or 6 minutes. He literally yelled from The Land to Guest Relations, and was on the phone with Orlando Sentinel when he got up to the desk. I kid you not, he demanded onsite grief counseling for his children. I CANNOT make this up.

This was truly a sad day :hurl: :( :brick: :rolleyes:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Yeah... I did it. I googled the name and city.

If it's the correct Roger Ferrell, this isn't the behavior I'd expect from a minister... or a decent human being to be honest :rolleyes:


New Member

To prevent this sort of trauma again, there should be two versions of Soarin':

Orange: current version

Green: does not leave the ground. Guests sit in one row and watch the movie.

Problem solved. No more trauma.


Well-Known Member

To prevent this sort of trauma again, there should be two versions of Soarin':

Orange: current version

Green: does not leave the ground. Guests sit in one row and watch the movie.

Problem solved. No more trauma.

Actually, people do ask if there are stationary seats.


We got stuck on SM, and the lights came on and we had a good ole time taking pictures. Y'all can analize all you want, but "traumatic" was waaaaaaaaaay over the top. Probably one of those dads that thinks the world revolves around HIS family when out in public. What a shame.


Well-Known Member
Traumatic?!? Any man who would say something like that in public, much less go on record with that statement to the media, isn't much of a man. The power went out at an amusement park and you were stuck on a hang-glider for 15 minutes. If that is what you consider "traumatic" in your life, then you seriously need to get out of your pansy little world your wife picked out for you and experience the real world brother. :cool:

And I agree with some of the other folks who feel this wimp probably made the situation even worse for his kids. Children look to their parents during unusual or scary situations, and if Dad is freaking out on his cell phone talking to a newspaper reporter and babbling on about being traumatized, then those kids have no other choice but to be just as scared and freaked out as their weak and ineffective father.

Poor kids. :(

tink rules

New Member
You know that commercial where the guy asks his wife to tell him if the lights go on and off when he tries a switch they don't know how it works and it ends up opening and closing his neighbors garage door???? Somebody's standing out on I192 with the switch....

Give the guy some t-shirts, a photo with Mickey and if he's still unhappy... an AP to Universal...

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