The Disney 2000 Travel Planning Video is now on POPKID's IRC server bot. Connect to IRC below with my link (or choose random NEWNET irc server).
Join #disney-central
Type: !dizvideos
It should connect you to POPKID's IRC server bot. now follow the commands below to start downloading. Type the commands in bold.
That should do it. I hope to get more of these up here, especially older ones from the 80s (if available).
Join #disney-central
Type: !dizvideos
It should connect you to POPKID's IRC server bot. now follow the commands below to start downloading. Type the commands in bold.
<bencjedi>[B] cd (((promos)))[/B]
<popkid> [\(((promos)))]
<bencjedi> [B]dir[/B]
<popkid> [\(((promos)))\*.*]
<popkid> ..
<popkid> 100 years of magic - one mans dream.mov 1.18 mb
<popkid> cirque de soleil.mpg 2.62 mb
<popkid> dca - overview.mpg 6.48 mb
<popkid> dcl - castaway kay.mpg 8.10 mb
<popkid> dcl - disney wonder.mpg 10.6 mb
<popkid> disneyland - overview.mpg 11.5 mb
<popkid> disneyland - still magical.mpg 8.86 mb
<popkid> disneyquest.mpg 5.87 mb
[COLOR=deeppink]<popkid> disney_2000_travel_planning_video.avi 322 mb[/COLOR]
<bencjedi> [B]get disney_2000_travel_planning_video.avi[/B]
<popkid> Sending disney_2000_travel_planning_video.avi «322MB».
—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— popkid «kashhjfj@» is attempting
to send disney_2000_travel_planning_video.avi «322MB» to you
on port 2743.
That should do it. I hope to get more of these up here, especially older ones from the 80s (if available).