Ride videos!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwcrazy
Get your VCR's ready, the travel Channel's having three more specials on wdw.

Aug 19 2002
9:00 PM Travel Channel Secrets Disney's Imagineers

Aug 19 2002
10:00 PM Travel Channel Secrets DisneySea Revealed

Aug 20 2002
9:00 PM Travel Channel Secrets Disney's Animal Kingdom

:sohappy: Finally the Travel Channel gets their programming right!

I'll be sure to capture them since it seems many of us (including myself) cannot get TC on cable. It was one of the main reasons for re-activating DirecTV:) I'll upload them to popkid sometime the following week.


New Member
Originally posted by wishiwere@wdw

I'll be sure to capture them since it seems many of us (including myself) cannot get TC on cable. It was one of the main reasons for re-activating DirecTV:) I'll upload them to popkid sometime the following week.
Thanks wishiwere@wdw!! I can't get TC, or cable for that matter.

Imagineers sounds interesting. Hope its good!


Account Suspended
That "Great Hotels" series would be really cool, but I can't stand the chick who hosts it. She doesn't act like a human being.

I think she's a robot.

And she doesn't focus on the cool stuff.


Hey PopKid, I uploaded some panoramas a while ago, you may want to make them public and post some links to them.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. While she is kinda cute, she annoys the hell out of me too! It seems like she is in every special I want to watch. Fortunately, she wasn't in the WDW and DLP shows so maybe we will get lucky.


New Member

i'm counting on you again :)

the captures of the WDW special, and the DLP special were just superb - so i'm looking forward to seeing these specials

i also have a request for everyone... this is an absolute long shot, but maybe someone has it...

i'd like to get a copy of the video loop from the space mountain queue.... the one with all the cheesy news reports and fed ex comercials...

anyone have it?

there have been a slew of new uploads as well, just give me some time to sort them all and post links... mega thanks once again to everyone who is constantly contributing :)


New Member
I have almost every attraction at Disneyland and Disney World on tape. If interested, e-mail me at CThaddeus@hotmail.com. Pay for the tape and the postage and I'd be happy to copy them. I should note, I'm not speaking of professional tapes. These are ones I've done and they're very good, if I do say so myself. If I don't have it yet, I'll be going in September and can accommodate most any request. Your wish is my command. And similarly, if you've got a good copy of World of Motion, Kitchen Kabaret, Adventure Thru Innerspace (Disneyland), or other long-defunct attraction, I'd love to get that.


New Member
Does anyone know where I can find the opening announcements for the magic kingdom? The Walt Disney World Sound and Video archive got shut down before I had a chance to download it again. Any help would be appreciated.:confused:


New Member
I was wondering if anybody had the reversed flute bonus track from the Haunted Mansion 30th Anniversary cd they could post. If not, does anybody know where I can find it?


New Member
I finally figured out how to get those videos! LOL! Thank you POPKID! You said that internet explorer usually works,so I downloaded internet explorer and got all the updates and then I clicked on save target and poof it worked! LOL!:lol:
Only took about 5 min. to get all of them since I have DSL!:D :sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
I finally figured out how to get those videos! LOL! Thank you POPKID! You said that internet explorer usually works,so I downloaded internet explorer and got all the updates and then I clicked on save target and poof it worked! LOL!:lol:
Only took about 5 min. to get all of them since I have DSL!:D :sohappy:

great! glad to hear it worked for ya... hopefully it was worth it :)

i just got a couple of new 'old' epcot videos to convert and upload so hang onto IE....


New Member
Originally posted by mikebrakes
I was wondering if anybody had the reversed flute bonus track from the Haunted Mansion 30th Anniversary cd they could post. If not, does anybody know where I can find it?

yep, i've got that and grizz just uploaded a version as well so i'll see which one is higher quality and i'll link it up for you...

it's... odd... to say the least...

General Grizz

New Member
BEWARE! Listen at your own risk!

Everytime I listen to this track, something goes wrong. Thunder, power outage, you name it. I only played it about four times, each time, after it starts - bam.

Let me know when it's up, or if you test it, if anything goes wrong. It might just be a truly Haunted file!! :eek:


Well-Known Member
I read through some of the posts about the three show about WDW on the Travel Channel. Does anyone know absolutely for sure that they are going to capture those three shows? I have to move back to college that week and won't get to see them.:( Someone record them, PLEASE!!! THANKS!:D

General Grizz

New Member
I will for sure be getting Imagineering and record it on SP. I'll upload it if no one else does; since it takes me a whiiile to capture and convert...dang system...



Thank you Popkid I am a big fan of your work and was wondering if you could help me?

I am filming 8 hours of Video in WdW and I don't have digital is there a way I can transfer it onto computer? or send it to someone who can?


I will be there in November for the first time in a long while. To give an example I havn't been to the Magic Kingdom in 14 years and I was 2 when I went. I will also see MgM for the first time!

Take care,
Kyle B


I can cap also.. well not really..

I stumbled on a wonderful method for making digital videos several months ago, but a few things are required

1) Dish Network satellite service
2) Dishplayer 7100 or 7200 receiver
3) Patience using many programs

Here's the method I am referring to make the vids:
C00Ki3's Dishplayer to SVCD Guide

The beauty of this method is that the video never has to enter the computer with a capture card.. it is ripped right off the harddrive that can be removed from the Dishplayer. I took the harddrive out of the receiver and mounted it outside the receiver, so I could unplug it, bring it upstairs in the computer room and rip the TV shows off of it that I have recorded. Then I run though the steps in that guide. The results are beautiful. That guide can also be modified at the end to make VCD or DIVX files with ease.

So what my long-wind'edness is saying is I will rip those 3 shows when they come on and convert them into probably DIVX files or VCDs. If they are needed here, I will find a way to get them to PopKid (my cable provider is cracking down on people uploading videos on the net by locking accounts). The whole copyright thing confuses me.. what's the difference with me recording a show on a VHS tape and letting a friend borrow it versus recording it, putting it on the PC and offering it to online buddies.. isn't this the same thing? Anyway.. I can be one of the backup people recording in case wishiwere@wdw has problems (not likely). :) Or maybe people would prefer the vids in a different format I could do?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cac2889
I read through some of the posts about the three show about WDW on the Travel Channel. Does anyone know absolutely for sure that they are going to capture those three shows? I have to move back to college that week and won't get to see them.:( Someone record them, PLEASE!!! THANKS!:D

Don't worry:D I've already scheduled the recording dates.:)

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