Ride videos!!!!


New Member
Universal Video Number 1

I just uploaded the first full video of a ride at Universal. The ride is E.T. Adventure, and includes the OLD preshow. I'm still waiting for my movie camera to get fixed from best buy before I can film/upload any more (unless I find some that I burned on a cd somewhere). The file should be in the uploadz folder, and then in the woofboy111 folder. I would post a link, but I'm not sure how to link to a ftp.

Note: Due to the software that I used to upload the video, it will only play with quicktime because it is a .mov file. Maybe someone has the software to convert it to mpeg or aif, but I don't...Sorry. If you don't have quicktime, it's a free download (for windows and mac) from http://www.quicktime.com.


New Member
Hi! Exactly how do I download all these videos? When I right click and SAVE AS it says "password not accepted"....but I NEVER enter one? Is there an FTP site that I can try to download from? Thanks


=who cant wait to see allllllllllllllll these videos!


New Member
I have all the parts to put into the computer and then away I can go and upload the Paris film, the drawback is my dad only wants to open up the PC once and wants to put another board in at the same time so I have to wait for that to arrive before I can put anything up. But as soon as I can I will post them.:rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by Atticus
Hi! Exactly how do I download all these videos? When I right click and SAVE AS it says "password not accepted"....but I NEVER enter one? Is there an FTP site that I can try to download from? Thanks


=who cant wait to see allllllllllllllll these videos!

just standbye for a bit, i'm fixing things up and organizing everythign a bit better for smoother downloads and what not...
should have it all set in a few days...


New Member

Bravo and thanks so much for your work Popkid!!! I love being able to revisit w/o out going. Now the only thing left is to buy a motion simulator to simulate the rides....:lol: :lol:


New Member

Quick question ! Through AOL I was able to access the FTP server, but it seems like a lot of the videos aren't on there. I don't see any Splash Mountains or other big rides. Are they just not showing up? On internet explorer, I right click and pick "save target as"....next a box appears that says
"Internet Explorer cannot download cop003.wmv from The password was not allowed"

The problem is I never put in any password? Does anyone know whats happening wrong?




Well-Known Member
Does this mean that this thread is coming to an end??:( It made it so long!

Thanks for all of your hard work Popkid, and to those who contributed!


New Member
This thread should never die.

When it started, PopKid wasn't the main contributor. Other people were posting links to sites with WDW audio/video. We should continue that path, and not rely exclusively on PopKid's FTP. We should contribute to his FTP and this thread.


New Member
here's a great splash mountain video from dalton30720

<a href="ftp://wdwmagic:media@">splash mountain</a> 3:10 (5.02MB - wmv file)


New Member
Original Poster
What ever happened to the Bachelor House videos??? I was able to download a few, before they went down!!! Anyone know if they are still alive???:sohappy:


New Member
I e-mailed them recently, and they're working on getting the videos back up. They're doing somting with the servers. They recently went back to WDW and DLP so I really want to see those videos! :D

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