Rich/poor class division in Disney


Well-Known Member
One of Walt's original ideologies behind Disney, was making a world not only for fun and joyment, but where it would not matter what colour, creed, demographic, disability, wealth class - everyone would be treated equally.

Now i'm noticing a rather new phenomenon slowly creeping into Disney - that is the wealth divide. I was at Epcot, looking for a view for the night time fireworks, and was told rather abruptly i wasn't allowed to go into a certain area that was always open to public as it was reserved paying guests. Okay so i see the sights of people dressed up the max in suits and dressing sipping on champagne watching the fireworks. Okay, so i move around and look for other viewing spots and saw people on boats, with champagne, first class views. It was slightly disturbing.

Of to Magic Kingdom, and once again i noticed they were building a seating area right at the front of the castle, for paying guests who wanted to reserve premium views, with champagne and meals, waiter service, not even hidden rite infront of the general public. I thought this was utterly disgusting, it's basically thrashing wealth into your face. The wealth gap is obvious, you can't escape it - it's not what Disney is about.

Then over at Animal Kingdom whilst looking at the new Night time show, i was asking a cast member how there doesn't seem to be much seating area. He told me the seating area would be reserved for those who pay for it, and that the general public would have a standing area. Now i can't confirm the truth in this, but it won't be much of a suprise if this is the case, as like i said the seating area does seem very small.

I don't care about other parks, i'm looking at Disney. Anyone else feel uncomfortable about this new phenomenon ? Corporate suits ruling over Disney again and ruining the experience ever so slightly.

What next? Premium boats on Jungle cruise with meals (ahem).

But you missed one big point. All 3 experienced you described are available to all via FP+ as well. I believe you're splitting hairs.


Original Poster
Alot of you are commenting without having seen the area they have cordened of at the Magic Kingdom. It's essentially central, upfront, with great views, that only a few months ago was open to anybody who got their early enough.

The issue is not people paying a 'little' extra to have a nicer experience, it's the fact that wealth is pushed in your face. Disney was the one place it didn't matter how much money you had, once inside the gates everyone was equal. Wishes nightime fireworks - when you are told you have to move back and go stand further away, because this area is for people who have paid. Then you see them come along, dressed up in suits, makeup to the max, to watch the nightime spectacular. It was almost comically sad to witness.

Few of you might have seen the Epcot scenario, but the Magic Kingdom one is new ... it's right infront of the castle. A few rows back is the fast pass standing area (this is not the area i am talking about), this is a new area that has just been built for those who pay, table service, accompanied with foods and drinks. Then when only those who have paid can seat at Animal Kingdoms night time show will only showcase this divide even more.

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Well-Known Member
Alot of you are commenting without having seen the area they have cordened of at the Magic Kingdom. It's essentially central, upfront, with great views, that only a few months ago was open to anybody who got their early enough.

The issue is not people paying a 'little' extra to have a nicer experience, it's the fact that wealth is pushed in your face. Disney was the one place it didn't matter how much money you had, once inside the gates everyone was equal. Wishes nightime fireworks - when you are told you have to move back and go stand further away, because this area is for people who have paid. Then you see them come along, dressed up in suits, makeup to the max, to watch the nightime spectacular. It was almost comically sad to witness.

Few of you might have seen the Epcot scenario, but the Magic Kingdom one is new ... it's right infront of the castle. Then when only those who have paid can seat at Animal Kingdoms night time show will only showcase this divide even more.

You do realize that if the people are dressed up in suits and what not, then it was most likely a party or special event that was paid for right? Normal people do not wear suits and ties to MK or Epcot; if you see a group of people like this, it's probably a good indication that it's a special event and not a regular occurance such as the Wishes Fireworks Dessert party.


Original Poster
You do realize that if the people are dressed up in suits and what not, then it was most likely a party or special event that was paid for right? Normal people do not wear suits and ties to MK or Epcot; if you see a group of people like this, it's probably a good indication that it's a special event and not a regular occurance such as the Wishes Fireworks Dessert party.

Once again you haven't been lately have you, so you have no idea of the area i am talking about. It's not a private party, it's just people with wealth being flash, or those just living it up a little. Us mere peasents aren't allowed at the front no more. It's for those who pay.

But you missed one big point. All 3 experienced you described are available to all via FP+ as well. I believe you're splitting hairs.

Once again another who hasn't seen this new area in the magic Kingdom. The FP is further back. This is a special area rite at the front of the magic kingdom.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
Once again you haven't been lately have you, so you have no idea of the area i am talking about. It's not a private party, it's just people with wealth being flash, or those just living it up a little. Us mere peasents aren't allowed at the front no more. It's for those who pay.

How can I book this? I would like to flash my wealth...

Or borrow someone else's wealth to flash as I am a bit short right now.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, this stupid practice has been increasing each year. It's not enough that we pay over the top prices just to walk through the gate, but now have to pay for everything else. Like us, you can choose to not participate. Our last trip in October was just that.....our last trip. I still enjoy checking out this site and seeing what everyone is doing, and the new attractions that are being built, but have no plans to give any more money to them.

You know the whole notion that the OP put forward is bogus. It was after Walt had died that they went to a one price gets anyone in for all they can do. Before that it rides required tickets... yeah the horror you wanted to ride 2 rides it would cost you the price of two tickets you wanted 4 rides you needed twice the money... Then they started the value ticket books that had multiple tickets but guess what you didn't have to buy those books so I guess even during Walt's time the rich were laughing all the way around the Matterhorn with their expensive book of tickets while the poor folks were trying to collect enough bottles to sell so they could get one ticket.

The reality is Disney doesn't discrminate on who can and can't shell out a chunk of change for premium viewing areas. If you're poor you can still save up and drink champagne. Frankly I only wish Disney would double the price of admission, it might thin out the crowds a bit because at the moment the ridiculous fastpass system and long lines are pushing me closer and closer to simply shelling out for the VIP tour when I go so I can't skip all the wasted time standing in line.


Well-Known Member
On a more serious note, it should be mentioned that you're not just paying for a spot to watch fireworks...that would be absurd. You're also paying for some type of event such as a dessert party. These spots that you're referring to are typically a sponsored event or some kind or a party, similar to the dessert party at MK.

If you're going to charge someone the prices that Disney charges for these events, you had better offer them premium spots to watch the show or else there wouldn't be a point in charging extra for the event. Does it take away spots from the non-paying customers, sure...but there are plenty of other places to watch fireworks at Epcot and MK that offer just as good or better views.

I should also mention that some other premium spots are still just need to use a FP to get them. I'm fine with both scenarios because it limits the amount of people crowded into one spot. I will gladly pay extra to watch fireworks without having to get to my spot 2 hours early and fight crowds, all while eating all the dessert I want.

And if it makes the OP feel any better the food and drink they give you at the EPCOT Illumination parties is nasty, so maybe the OP can smile knowing that us folks that paid for it regret it and feel ripped off.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Once again you haven't been lately have you, so you have no idea of the area i am talking about. It's not a private party, it's just people with wealth being flash, or those just living it up a little. Us mere peasents aren't allowed at the front no more. It's for those who pay.
Indeed. And I'm rather upset you caught glimpse of us. We were assured the rabble would be kept both at bay and out of sight....


Well-Known Member
I don't see how the experience is being ruined. Disney, like a lot of life is not fair. Any of us fortunate enough to even be at Disney makes it not fair for billions of others who will never experience Disney on any level. Disney is a mirror of real life. Some can afford luxury, some can't. We all still get to exist and get the most we can out of life. Is there a wealth division at Disney, yes. Is it growing wider every year, yes. At the end of the night, I still get to see the same Wishes show for my general admission while eating a Mickey bar as the guy who paid an additional $75.00 a head to have a chair and choice of multiple desserts. Don't let it bother you and just enjoy the experience.


Well-Known Member
Once again you haven't been lately have you, so you have no idea of the area i am talking about. It's not a private party, it's just people with wealth being flash, or those just living it up a little. Us mere peasents aren't allowed at the front no more. It's for those who pay. don't realize I'm there at least twice a month and I know exactly what area you're talking about. I guarantee you it was a special event.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
You are going to Walt Disney World. That does not make you poor. Poor is the 50 year old salesperson who waited on us in at a Walmart in Georgia about 2 hours from the Florida border who had never been to Florida (let alone Disney World) in her life but she hoped to save enough gas money just to cross the state line to show her children what Florida was some day.
Whoa there Mr. Life Choice Advisor.. You got a little too deep there. My post was not very serious.


Well-Known Member
From now on, this is all I will see when I think of Iger

King jump Queen.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Alot of you are commenting without having seen the area they have cordened of at the Magic Kingdom. It's essentially central, upfront, with great views, that only a few months ago was open to anybody who got their early enough.

The issue is not people paying a 'little' extra to have a nicer experience, it's the fact that wealth is pushed in your face. Disney was the one place it didn't matter how much money you had, once inside the gates everyone was equal. Wishes nightime fireworks - when you are told you have to move back and go stand further away, because this area is for people who have paid. Then you see them come along, dressed up in suits, makeup to the max, to watch the nightime spectacular. It was almost comically sad to witness.

Few of you might have seen the Epcot scenario, but the Magic Kingdom one is new ... it's right infront of the castle. A few rows back is the fast pass standing area (this is not the area i am talking about), this is a new area that has just been built for those who pay, table service, accompanied with foods and drinks. Then when only those who have paid can seat at Animal Kingdoms night time show will only showcase this divide even more.


And here I was going to allow you to join our exclusive little party in World Showcase at the UK Lochside, but then I remembered you're not a member of my daughter's wedding party....

Disney does have special paid events (think corporate) throughout the year - that's most likely what you witnessed. And if it was a special party, I would hope the guests would dress up.

Your comments make me think of those overly sensitive college students who are demanding that Princeton remove a former president's (both college and U.S.) name from one of its schools. Would you also complain about those who can afford to pay for premium seats at a sporting event, concert, Broadway? And then would dress accordingly? (for Broadway, not my local college football game) Because that's capitalism, baby. If you want a truly classless society, then move to... oh, wait, there isn't one...

We visit WDW several times a year. Have never had "wealth pushed in our faces".

Arthur Wellesley

Well-Known Member
Wishes nightime fireworks - when you are told you have to move back and go stand further away, because this area is for people who have paid. Then you see them come along, dressed up in suits, makeup to the max, to watch the nightime spectacular. It was almost comically sad to witness.
Is this another parody thread? :confused: If it is, let the record show I had no part in this one whatsoever.

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