Rich/poor class division in Disney


The Epcot Manifesto
"Let them eat cake (at $12.95 a slice)" - Bob Iger
From now on, this is all I will see when I think of Iger


Well-Known Member
One of Walt's original ideologies behind Disney, was making a world not only for fun and joyment, but where it would not matter what colour, creed, demographic, disability, wealth class - everyone would be treated equally.

Now i'm noticing a rather new phenomenon slowly creeping into Disney - that is the wealth divide. I was at Epcot, looking for a view for the night time fireworks, and was told rather abruptly i wasn't allowed to go into a certain area that was always open to public as it was reserved paying guests. Okay so i see the sights of people dressed up the max in suits and dressing sipping on champagne watching the fireworks. Okay, so i move around and look for other viewing spots and saw people on boats, with champagne, first class views. It was slightly disturbing.

Of to Magic Kingdom, and once again i noticed they were building a seating area right at the front of the castle, for paying guests who wanted to reserve premium views, with champagne and meals, waiter service, not even hidden rite infront of the general public. I thought this was utterly disgusting, it's basically thrashing wealth into your face. The wealth gap is obvious, you can't escape it - it's not what Disney is about.

Then over at Animal Kingdom whilst looking at the new Night time show, i was asking a cast member how there doesn't seem to be much seating area. He told me the seating area would be reserved for those who pay for it, and that the general public would have a standing area. Now i can't confirm the truth in this, but it won't be much of a suprise if this is the case, as like i said the seating area does seem very small.

I don't care about other parks, i'm looking at Disney. Anyone else feel uncomfortable about this new phenomenon ? Corporate suits ruling over Disney again and ruining the experience ever so slightly.

What next? Premium boats on Jungle cruise with meals (ahem).

Would it offend you that we are thinking about paying the $350 for a boat to watch the fireworks on our next trip?


Beta Return
I just called my local sports stadiums and insisted that I be able to use a suite at the next NFL or NBA game, for the cost of an end-zone/nose-bleed seat.

I also told my local gas station that I wanted high-octane for the price of 87. If the guy with the sports car can have better gas, why can't I?

I also told my bank that I need more interest on my savings account, even though there's no money in it. Other customers are collecting interest.

I went to a steakhouse for lunch, and told them I wanted a steak and beer, for free, with the salad I ordered. If other people in the restaurant can have steak, so should I.

I'm going to a concert soon, and I just called and demanded that I get front row seats, even though I bought tickets in the back of the arena. It's not fair that those people get to sit down there, and I don't.

French Quarter

Well-Known Member
I will come to your defence, OP. WDW shouldn't even charge admission. I mean, there are so many people who simply can't afford the ticket prices. And while we're on the topic of corporate greed, they should double the salary of every CM. Do you know those poor people don't even get a turkey for free any more for Christmas? The horror! And what's with them charging for food? Why should people have to pay for food? Isn't it a human right?


Well-Known Member
I don't think the OP ideas of Disneyland were ever really true. Even back in the day you could spend more money and buy more tickets to ride more rides. The person with more money got on the Matterhorn more than the average Joe.

Hey, Perhaps that could help wait times? With the Magic Band they could limit the number of times some one rode an attraction - virtual a-E tixs! Make it fair for everyone who enters the park (unless you buy more tickets)!

Sadly, in a capitalistic society fair is concept, not a reality.


Well-Known Member
"Let them eat cake (at $12.95 a slice)" - Bob Iger
^^^Let me just say this post made the thread for me lol!

Okay switching gears now and OP here is my take on this. It happens and is what it is. Disney is going to do all they can to make money because that is what they do. If they didn't make money in this world, they probably wouldn't (sadly) exist.
People pay to have their weddings there which is more than likely what you saw going on at EPCOT, is it kind of a pain because you wanted to stand in that one place and couldn't, maybe, but the world isn't going to end because you can't stand there because someone paid to be there for their wedding. As far as MK, that was FP+ viewing and we all have the ability to plan ahead and make that one of our FP+'s of the day. Would I personally? NO. Why?, because the best places to view fireworks, etc isn't in the FP+ places or the places in EPCOT that you have to pay for to sip on sub-par champagne.

The way I see it is, it happens, there's always going to be people that have more money and can do whatever it is more than others. Big deal, I don't even let it bother me.


Well-Known Member
I initially had a real problem with this. They took over the nice garden in back on the Rose & Crown for private events. This was my favorite spot to see IllumiNations, but I got kicked out. Then I started noticing private events at the prime viewing locations around the lagoon, like the France island or the Italy island. I eventually just decided to let Disney make the money. As long as there are plenty of good spots to view the show, I'm fine.

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