Premium Member
Outside of maybe selling children out of the basement I’d be willing to look the other way on just about anything In-and-Out burger does. No politician should ever punish any business who brings us such tasty joyAgreed. Admittedly, I am a left of center liberal Democrat. But if Gavin Newsome retaliated against Chik-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, or In-and-Out burger for expressing their conservative opposition to a proposed California law, I would be just as much appalled and opposed to it. I may vehemently disagree with those companies political and religious based views, but they have a right to express themselves and participate in the democratic process by lobbying for or against issues they support or do not.
Some will bring up the fact that Newsome retaliated against Walgreens for their position regarding providing abortion medication, but having the state deciding not to do business with Walgreens is a bit different than say, prohibiting or obstructing Walgreens from conducting business in the state, which is what DeSantis is trying to do with Disney. Newsome's actions are practically a boycott of Walgreens, but he's not directing the state to punish Walgreens in a way that would affect their business lIke say revoking their licenses. One of these things is not like the other and there is a clear distinction.
Had Newsome directed the state to say, pulling the business licenses of any of those companies I mentioned just for having an opposing political ideology would be a gross abuse of power and I would be just as vehemently opposed to those actions as I am with DeSantis. We are not supposed to be a country that directs the state to retaliate against individuals or companies just for having opposing views of whatever party or individual is in power. That's just fundamentally un-American and quite frankly, unconstitutional.