News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
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I’m sure state republicans would be more than happy to add a constitution curriculum in their state if not already there. Do you think Dems would support it?

Or perhaps going back to teaching CIVICS. Make it a required course like I had to take in middle school in Florida.

I'm sure Democrats are perfectly fine with...and would love...teaching the Constitution in school.


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Original Poster
Even at their best, the Board is a waste of resources. Reedy Creek Improvement District already adopted the Florida Fire Prevention Code in 2016. But this is one of the governor’s lies so they’re going to do something that’s already been done.

Can any of this happen if the courts grant an injunction?


Premium Member
I imagine it’s still there in most states but maybe not a specific curriculum and rather during the discussion of the founding of the country. Honestly I know learned about it in school but cannot remember the specific context of how/when. Which is not surprising because that was years ago.

Due to efforts by some to want to limit speech (ie hate speech, religious speech), 2A, state power, etc.
Or perhaps going back to teaching CIVICS. Make it a required course like I had to take in middle school in Florida.

I'm sure Democrats are perfectly fine with...and would love...teaching the Constitution in school.
I think it’s possible to teach the constitution without introducing politics. Just pure what is in the constitution and what it means. Even make them memorize some of it. I can still rattle off the first half of the Gettysburg Address from memory….I believe the 2nd half was lost to a long night of drinking that started with an Eagles tailgate and ended at some club on Delaware Ave😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
I think it’s possible to teach the constitution without introducing politics. Just pure what is in the constitution and what it means. Even make them memorize some of it. I can still rattle off the first half of the Gettysburg Address from memory….I believe the 2nd half was lost to a long night of drinking that started with an Eagles tailgate and ended at some club on Delaware Ave😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Ehh. But then you also need to talk about the court cases that deemed certain actions constitutional or unconstitutional. The interpretation by the courts is just as important imo. And to avoid politics there would be difficult. Maybe at an elementary level it is easier but at a high school level it becomes challenging.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I think it’s possible to teach the constitution without introducing politics. Just pure what is in the constitution and what it means. Even make them memorize some of it. I can still rattle off the first half of the Gettysburg Address from memory….I believe the 2nd half was lost to a long night of drinking that started with an Eagles tailgate and ended at some club on Delaware Ave😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

I meant Democrats would love that the Constitution be taught in school, not that they should be doing the teaching.

Civics is more than history. It teaches what one's responsibilities are as a citizen.


Well-Known Member
Or perhaps going back to teaching CIVICS. Make it a required course like I had to take in middle school in Florida.

I'm sure Democrats are perfectly fine with...and would love...teaching the Constitution in school.
A number of folks I believe that come from all over the world that become US citizens know far more knowledge of the Constitution and levels of government than folks that are born right here in the USA. I know my friend who became a citizen was studying up late nights after work on these matters. His glorious day was when he took his oath, dressed in his best suit.


Well-Known Member
"Ok, now it's our turn to use that phrase!".
By twisting its meaning into something different. Attempting to obscure the original meaning and make it a meaningless catch phrase. A common tactic, Fake News as another example.

The Right is generally libertarian and focused on individual rights, I doubt they genuinely don't understand the concept of Freedom of Speech.
That’s nostalgia and no longer true. People like that are called RINO now. The new right has a different view on rights. It’s not that they don’t understand, they don’t want to understand and instead twist to mean something else. Thereby loosing the original meaning.


Premium Member
Shouldn’t be consequences from the government. Maybe business consequences like people making a choice about using their products, services.
Exactly. I’ve said from day 1 that Disney could have consequences from taking a position on the original bill. Those consequences could be a loss of customers, boycotts, protests, etc. I even went as far as saying if DeSantis the citizen on his own time and without use of government resources organized a boycott or protest that would be legal. What is unacceptable is DeSantis the Governor using the powers of his office that we the people (really some of you guys “the people” who actually live in FL) granted to him to retaliate against and punish a political foe. So as you say the consequences cannot be government retaliation. We the people are free to retaliate as long as we do it lawfully.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Thanks for making my point.

The First Amendment does not mention “protected speech”.

Free Speech is much more complex than just the text in the Constitution.

We need to remember under what context the amendment was written. The colonists had just endured the full force of the most powerful military on the planet at that time. That speech which was acceptable in Hyde Park was crushed with ruthlessness in the colonies.


Premium Member
I think that was a catchphrase (freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences) that first appeared on the Left in response to accusations of Cancel Culture. I think people on the other side of the political aisle were angry about that and are now delighted to wield it against the Left in response, like "Ok, now it's our turn to use that phrase!". The Right is generally libertarian and focused on individual rights, I doubt they genuinely don't understand the concept of Freedom of Speech.
Freedom of speech is not freedom from all consequences. That’s absolutely true. It is freedom from Government imposed consequences. A KKK group has the right to gather and speak. The Government cannot stop them from speaking even if their words are hateful. However, a group of counter protesters also has every right to show up and drown out the words of those people. Freedom of Speech protects them against the government stopping them from assembling or speaking it doesn’t protect them from fellow citizens drowning out their words with their own protected speech. It also doesn’t protect them from people posting their picture on Facebook and outing them as a KKK member. Those are some possible consequences of free speech but none are government imposed.

I agree with your opinion on the traditional right. I don’t think a lot of these people are traditional right. They embrace certain aspects of “conservative” but not all or even most. Just look at DeSantis. Hard to call him a traditional conservative.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Can we talk more about this citation role they’re creating? How come after 50 years all of a sudden they need a citation magistrate?

I find the use of the word "magistrate" interesting. Magistrates are lay judges who can issues citations, hold hearings, determine fines, etc. In the UK.

In the US, magistrates are officers of the various courts who handle a variety of judicial proceedings, typically things like traffic court, etc. They are appointed by the court itself, i.e., judges.


Well-Known Member
Maybe Mrs. DeSantis can recommend her husband redo high school...
Disney’s lawsuit wording seems convoluted. “As punishment for speech.” Just because one has right to free speech, doesn’t mean there isn’t consequences for free speech. One could put a sign in their yard saying something offensive, but that doesn’t protect him from the consequences of public opinion or fallout. If Disney is the only entity gifted the special privilege of self-government, how is taking away a privilege that no other entity has been granted a “punishment?” If the threat was taking away an amenity that all businesses and competitors were given, that might be deemed a punishment. But taking away a privilege is a reciprocal renegotiation of the relationship. It seems more like a case of ‘don’t look a gif horse in the mouth’?

My personal opinion at this point is that it’s silly retaliation, and a political stunt. Why not just sit down and work it out? I am generally anti-government and it looks like zealous over reach. However Disney’s “punishment” counter seems flimsy to me.

Once upon a time there was an inn keeper. The inn keeper has honorary guests, and he put cookies out on a silver platter for them every day. They were the only guests of the inn to get free VIP cookies. The guests would eat all the delicious cookies, however they felt morally compelled to spread word to the neighborhood that the inn was not sanitary. They guests even funded the local DeSanitary Club against unkept inns. So the inn keeper decided not to bake any more free cookies. The guests sued the inn keeper for retaliation for taking away their free cookies, and for punishing them for their First Amendment right to tell the public they have a dirty inn.

The End
Confused Gary Coleman GIF

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
There’s a lot of interesting aspects to this. IIRC, you have one bill that dissolves what was RCID. Another that creates the CFTOD. A series of contracts entered into. A series of actions that purports to invalidate those contracts. New legislation and acts by the board that continue. The need for both Disney and RCID/CFTOD to continue running operations.

point being, the courts and the parties are going to have to play whack a mole with all the evolving issues and legislative/executive/board actions.

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