Red Sox in Disney?


Well-Known Member
The thought of a grown man knowing when miss irrelavent (Spears) has a new cd coming out is outside my comprehension as well.

Thanks for jumping in, but I just said I knew it was coming out. I didn't express any emotional attachment to it one way or the other. I think that's a whole other realm than people becoming "traumatized" over a sporting event that one doesn't personally participate in.

But again, thanks for your input. Oh, and it's "irrelevant". ;)



Well-Known Member
LOL whole-heartedly agree (in a lighthearted way of course).

It's funny, I can't even run errands around town without seeing all kinds of FANS walking around with their chests stuck out talking about this like they personally just saved Earth from certain destruction.

I guess I would sort of care if the Red Sox players actually were locals, but I have a hard time getting all this "pride" just because the business is located here and just hired the right people from around the country. I can appriciate the business side of it, but I just can't feel this "pride" everyone seems to be walking around with.

That's just me, though - but I do find all the straight-male man-crushes to be amusing. :)


Hey... 4% of the Red Sox Active Roster is local. (OK, so that's really only 1 out of 25, but still....) :animwink:
But I do admit that some fans get a little TOO into things... I'm a very big Red Sox fan (yes, I have the Red Sox/Jimmy Fund license plate on my car), but I get annoyed by people who use the term "we" when referring to the Sox. "We won!" "We did it!" (Once in a while I even find myself letting it slip and I have to literally stop in mid-sentence, mentally kick myself, and substitute "they" for "we"...) It should be "They won" and "They did it!"

Am I happy they won? Heck yes! :)
Do I think I, as a fan, had anything to do with their win? Nope.

(and don't even get me started on the crazy idiots who used the celebration as cover for smashing car windows and stuff last night...)


New Member
Yeah, another victorious year for me. The Red Sox win now, and the Patriots will be again in February. Now if only we could get the Celtics and Bruins to win for once. Even though the Revolution haven't won, they've made it extremely far for the past three or four years. Boston is the sports capital of the country!

There's still a lot of football left, and while the Pats look unstoppable, don't disrespect the current Champs, who are also undefeated. I lived in New England for 13 years, and I've never seen more arrogant fans than Sox or Pats fans (don't even mention NY fans... they can be loud, but they're not as obnoxiously arrogant as New Englanders).


Well-Known Member
Dxer and Champion--read what I wrote. It said the Yankees wanted to but the Comissioner Office stopped them from doing. MLB can control announce of teams during the World Series, but it has no control over Players and Agents making announcements.


Well-Known Member
Wow so even WDWMAGIC is not safe from the all encompassing Yankee-Red Sox rivalry.
I live in the south and just so you know. We do care about it. There are as many Sox or Yankees fans around here as the other teams put together. Only the Braves following is close.
As far as teams being local, who cares its pro sports, we have a local, Dan Uggla who plays for the Marlins. We wish him well but do not cheer for the Fish. Its pro sports not high school. They have drafts that almost assure you that your local franchise will be national and sometimes international.
As far as "A-rod's stunt" and the manager search stealing the headlines, the Sox won the Series nothing trumps that. Yankees fans are grasping at straws these days. It may make them feel better but they have watched Boston win 2 of the last four.
I hope they do march down Main Street, like it or not the Red Sox are the champs.


Well-Known Member
There's still a lot of football left, and while the Pats look unstoppable, don't disrespect the current Champs, who are also undefeated. I lived in New England for 13 years, and I've never seen more arrogant fans than Sox or Pats fans (don't even mention NY fans... they can be loud, but they're not as obnoxiously arrogant as New Englanders).

More obnoxious than Yankee fans? As a lifelong baseball fan, I find that statement remarkably untrue. Yankee fans feel like they have a right to win every year. I must admit winning is the name of the game and I kind of respect that George puts the Yanks in position every year, but there is an arrogence to Yanks fans that far outweighs the Boston fan. Boston fans hope they win, Yankees fans demand they win. Try growing up a Brewers or Royals fan. Living in a city or town always polarizes people. You lived in New England of course you found them irratable. I lived in Kentucky and grew to hate UK basketball. Its called "home team envy". I have never lived in New York or Boston I have visited both areas and been aorund fans of both teams. I'll take Sox fans over Yankee fans any day.
Of ourse this is a very un Disney response.


Well-Known Member
and the Patriots will be again in February. /QUOTE]

That's a pretty confident statement considering we're only halfway thru the season and the Pats aren't the lone undefeated team. :wave:

Don't forget the Colts have won the last 3 in this great series of the 2 best teams of the 00's.(Not discounting the Steelers either as they rank up there too)so while all the talk has been on New England the Colts have won 12 in row(4 playoff and last regular season game last season)and gotten their defense working well.I cant wait for this sunday as I was exstatic that both teams are undefeated as it means this game will be that much more exciting.I think this game will come down who has the ball last as they are like 2 heavyweights going toe to toe for 15 rounds.

Congrats Red Sox on the win(as anyone but the Yankees is good for me!)


Well-Known Member
They never had a parade at Disney for the Cardinals last year, so I suppose they won't be doing so either for the Red Sox. But if they do have a parade for them this year despite skipping the Cardinals last year, then I will be very angry. :mad:

As far as I know, they haven't had a parade for a Championship team since the Red Sox in '04. It stopped in 2005 because of something to do with the Happiest Celebration on Earth. I think it was that they had used their marketing budget to promote the HCOE and decided not to put any marketing money towards the "I'm going to Disney World" campaign. The Patriots didn't get a parade when they won the Super Bowl in 2005. The White Sox, to my knowledge didn't get one for their World Series win. So if the Red Sox were to get one it's only because they reallocated the budget and started doing the promotion. It's more likely that if they haven't gone back to it yet, then it will be either next year or the following year.


Well-Known Member
As far as teams being local, who cares its pro sports, we have a local, Dan Uggla who plays for the Marlins. We wish him well but do not cheer for the Fish. Its pro sports not high school. They have drafts that almost assure you that your local franchise will be national and sometimes international.

Exactly. :)

I currently live in Worcester, MA and grew up a couple towns away from here. Worcester is the hometown of Tanyon Sturtze, a pitcher for the Braves. Before the Braves, he played for the Yankees. (in fact, he was one of the major people involved in one of the infanous on-field Sox/Yankees fights during 2004) Apparently he grew up as a Sox fan, and then when he started playing for the Yankees it took his family a couple years to actually start rooting for the Yankees. :animwink:
Now that he's switched leagues, I'll bet his family is happy that they can go back to rooting for the Sox again. :)

Worcester's also the home to the Blue Jay's GM J.P. Ricciardi. In fact, Ricciardi was a coach (basketball, I think) at the high school I used to volunteer at (I volunteered in their theater department) until he got the GM job. (I think he was a scout for them before that)

They may be hometown people, but it doesn't mean I'm going to be rooting for either of them...



New Member
red sox in disney

please please please someone post if they hear of red sox in disney.....we r going to the world in 4 weeks. We are huge fans here in Maine.
(go pats!)


Well-Known Member
I paid close attention to the parade yesterday and it was just regular grand marshalls.

Since there is a rally in Boston today, I doubt anyone will be in MK from the Red Sox organization.

Tomorrow is my day off, so if someone is in the parade, I will miss it.

However, unless you are in the MK this week, I think your chances are slim, but who knows.

And there is a reason it is called the Red Sox Nation. Nearly every park they play in is filled with numerous Red Sox fans. Sometimes the Red Sox fans outnumber the hometown fans. So yes, people outside New England care.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Eeek...I had no intention of this thread becoming a Red Sox "praising and bashing" thread!

My parents are down in the World right now and called me to find out :lol:

Thanks for trying to get it back on track Bryan! :wave:


All I have to say is GO PATS!!! Im not a huge baseball fan.....Sleepy time:snore:. Ill have to say.......cant wait to play the Colts! The most exciting game of the season, well besides the the playoffs and Super bowl.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for jumping in, but I said I was coming out. I didn't express any emotional attachment to it one way or the other. I think that's a whole other realm than people becoming "traumatized" over a sporting event that one doesn't personally participate in.

But again, thanks for your input. Oh, and it's "irrelevant". ;)


Thanks for the spell check.

It is hard to explain, the emotional attachment to sport or to a team. I was born in Lexington Kentucky and was raised on UK sports. I love to see them win and hate to see them lose. After a loss, am I suicidal. . . Nope. After a win, do I celebrate wildly. . . not really although I tend to smile more. Sport is a great diversion and a super way to get involved and feel like you are part of a group.

Way to go Sox!!

AEfx - Like you said, "to each his own"


Well-Known Member
Amen! ... Oh, and just to let the Colts fans know, I like the Colts, too ... them and the Buccaneers. It's just friendly rivalry. I still find it kind of funny that people get so worked up about things they aren't even doing themselves.

I am not trying to be critical but that last statement. Last time I checked there are a lot of people posting on here who just "attend the parks," who get pretty excited about all things Disney. Lets not jest at people who go to games, support athletic teams and get get worked up, I don't see a big gap in the two.:) By the way go Titans.

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