Really, REALLY bad decisions...


Well-Known Member
I absolutely agree with NOT finishing Pop Century: Legendary.
Why continue to build 'new' without finishing whats already started... could even make it DVC if they wanted to.

Respectfully, I disagree with every single thing on that list, here's why -

Looks to be a gorgeous building, and the tens of thousands of DVC members will appreciate having a MK resort they can book points for.

That's right, I hate the fact that they moved it to Hong Kong more than 20 years before Hong Kong Disneyland opened. I wonder if it just sat fallow?

Nothing says "we stay current and with the times" more than synthesizer music and a Pete's Dragon that people don't recognize

Talked about ad Nauseam, I won't reiterate

Besides the Orange Smell, and the choose-your-own-adventure ending, what do you remember of this attraction? I remember it being removed for being unsafe

Whoa be that learning have a bit of excitement involved. Remember when the Simpson's were making fun of Epcot? Yeah, the specific attraction they called out on being worthless was a hybrid of World of Motion

Cheap cardboard cut-outs with unrecognizable characters that ends in an all-expense paid trip to hell.... You know, for kids!

High quality (and thusly high-priced, boo!) food available at quick service when I don't have time to wait for a full service meal? Do you WANT to only have hamburger options for a quick bite?
Tell us what you really think.
Enderikari said:
You want to know what I think the worst decisions in WDW are? Hiding the Bill Justice mural in the back of exposition hall in favor of a worthless break area. Preventing guests from entering into the castle to see Dorothea Redmond's amazing mosiacs so that Dream Along can be shown 400,000 times daily...

True magic lost..

As a CM, you can be sure to tell everybody about those little details, just like all the other little hidden details, especially during your tours.


Well-Known Member
As a CM, you can be sure to tell everybody about those little details, just like all the other little hidden details, especially during your tours.

I haven't been a CM in what is it, like 11 months now..? I don't see how that has any bearing on what I posted.

The "Bad decisions" that are listed are only bad in the eyes of a few people whom, in the posters own terms, are "out there." There is ALWAYS a reason behind change, and for the most part, its pretty darn good. As someone who isn't a DVC member, I won't get much enjoyment from the Contemporary, but my time as a CM had me meeting several thousand people who would. I am happy I don't have to explain to my daughter why the fish in the lagoon are on strings, and how the Toad's bad action and drinking led him to hell. I find it funny how people fight tooth and nail for the next rollercoaster, but hate the fact that something like World of Motion made way for Test Track.

Walt closed 7 attractions in the first 5 years of Disneyland, things that didn't work, didn't make sense, or were not necessarily the best thing for the guests. The plans for the Mickey Mouse park across from the animation studio denoted EVERY SINGLE attraction changing out after 7 years. He was always disappointed when he put a movie in the can, because it was done, he could no longer touch it... But Disneyland was a place where he could always make things better, add to things, change things, try something new.

Now here's the trick, not every single person is going to like these changes. There are people who still miss Food Rocks! But for every person sitting here complaining, there are thousands of people who enjoy introducing their children to a new experience at WDW. There is a fine line that WDW must walk, they must keep everything never, but ever-changing. Changes HAVE to be made, and people always complain about change. But, there is always a plan, always a reason.

See also Have your cake, sir


Well-Known Member
I haven't been a CM in what is it, like 11 months now..? I don't see how that has any bearing on what I posted.

The "Bad decisions" that are listed are only bad in the eyes of a few people whom, in the posters own terms, are "out there." There is ALWAYS a reason behind change, and for the most part, its pretty darn good. As someone who isn't a DVC member, I won't get much enjoyment from the Contemporary, but my time as a CM had me meeting several thousand people who would. I am happy I don't have to explain to my daughter why the fish in the lagoon are on strings, and how the Toad's bad action and drinking led him to hell. I find it funny how people fight tooth and nail for the next rollercoaster, but hate the fact that something like World of Motion made way for Test Track.

Walt closed 7 attractions in the first 5 years of Disneyland, things that didn't work, didn't make sense, or were not necessarily the best thing for the guests. The plans for the Mickey Mouse park across from the animation studio denoted EVERY SINGLE attraction changing out after 7 years. He was always disappointed when he put a movie in the can, because it was done, he could no longer touch it... But Disneyland was a place where he could always make things better, add to things, change things, try something new.

Now here's the trick, not every single person is going to like these changes. There are people who still miss Food Rocks! But for every person sitting here complaining, there are thousands of people who enjoy introducing their children to a new experience at WDW. There is a fine line that WDW must walk, they must keep everything never, but ever-changing. Changes HAVE to be made, and people always complain about change. But, there is always a plan, always a reason.

See also Have your cake, sir

Enderikari, you're just as opinionated as those other posters... that's all.

...and I couldn't remember if you were still a CM or not. My apologies if you felt that was a cheap shot. It wasn't. It was sincere. THATS what I would expect a CM to do... tell me more about the 'little details' overlooked.

...and for the record, I have not commented on that particular list. I don't necessarily agree with it all, so I just added what I thought was a bad move. You could have just pointed to your sig with a post and we all would have gotten your point... without all the sarcasm.

No harm, mate.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I thought demolishing World of Motion in favor of Test Track was a great idea. Test Track is a much better attraction than World of Motion. It's also infinitely more popular.

My list would include the following, some of which have already been mentioned...

-changing Alien Encounter to the Stitch monstrosity that is over there now.
-the Cake Castle
-not doing more with Roger Rabbit (I know this is a rights issue, but he is my favorite character, so it upsets me)
-ignoring Wonders of Life all those years (I miss Body Wars!!)
-eliminating the AP lounges
-the generic merchandise (although apparently this is being eliminated)
-declaring that celebrating a park's anniversary would make it seem "old." (i.e. the Epcot 25th anniversary debacle)


New Member
I agree completely with Enderikari summation. Most of the things people mentioned as worst decisions I don't even remember. Although I loved 2K the last time I visited I did not realize it was gone. I think the meals at the Land are some of the best that Disney has to offer and I can't wait for a contemporary DVC.

Not to get of track but is the contemporary a definite.


Well-Known Member
I agree completely with Enderikari summation. Most of the things people mentioned as worst decisions I don't even remember. Although I loved 2K the last time I visited I did not realize it was gone. I think the meals at the Land are some of the best that Disney has to offer and I can't wait for a contemporary DVC.

Not to get of track but is the contemporary a definite.
Just a little...Yes.

(Courtesy of Mousermerf.)


Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I think the All Stars were a mistake. Pop i can deal with, but the All Stars jsut seem cheap in many ways. They could have been done better.

Hmmm. interesting thought there Merf. I can agree with you with most of them...though i love AS Music. The others i find tacky and cluttered....screaming loudly like the tourist attractions they are. But.......some people may find that charming and a great "novelty".

I love AS Music....dunno really, i just do. A lot of it has to do with the inexpensive rates and also for it's basic hotel simplicity. I suppose that would turn some folks off...but they can just stay at Movies, Sports, and Pop!


Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
The worst decision ever made at Walt Disney World? (in my opinion)

Four words:

Journey Into Your Imagination

I think just about anybody within the company (answering truthfully) would admit that to replace an original classic EPCOT Center attraction with a cheap tie-in to HISTA was a real howler! And the company certainly paid for it with the whole fan backlash, and spending money to 'correct' it within a year or so...

And probably the only real good thing about the second refurb was the addition of 'With Figment' to the title!

Absolutely and totally agree!!



I loved Horizons also but it was sinking. 20,000 Leagues was leaking (always hated that ride) WOL was a total waste of a pavilion, I'm glad it's being removed. But the number one thing I hate about Disney is what they did to the beauty of Epcot. When we walked in and saw the beautiful flowers with SSE in the background, it took my breath away! Now, all those tank blockers in the front. If they ever ruined anything it was the beauty of the Epcot entrance!


Well-Known Member
Enderikari, you're just as opinionated as those other posters... that's all.

I whole heartedely agree with that statement... My distaste of Mr. Toad? My opinion.. My dislike of 20,000 leagues? Completely my own thoughts. And people are allowed to have differing opinions.. It is just far too often, threads like these are strictly negative towards Walt Disney World, and an unknowing person who stumbled upon it would be given a wrong impression about the quality of Walt Disney World.

Everyone, you can feel that Walt Disney World is slipping, and you can feel as though Walt Disney World is the most magical place in the world (I do). Both of those opinions are ok, but opinions presented as fact tend to throw off some seriously bad vibes.

Bwana.. my second reply was more meant towards the OP not towards you. I bear no ill will towards you, and you have proven several times in the past your ability to back up information, and reputation for sticking by your ideas.

And don't worry about my ex-CMness. I am proud of what I was able to do, and will always look back towards my time as a Disney Cast Member with a sense of amazement. I miss it, but, life happens and I have other responsibilities now.

And the link above is to a different thread than the one in my sig


New Member
Hmmm. interesting thought there Merf. I can agree with you with most of them...though i love AS Music. The others i find tacky and cluttered....screaming loudly like the tourist attractions they are. But.......some people may find that charming and a great "novelty".

I love AS Music....dunno really, i just do. A lot of it has to do with the inexpensive rates and also for it's basic hotel simplicity. I suppose that would turn some folks off...but they can just stay at Movies, Sports, and Pop!

We have stayed at Movies and Pop and will be staying at music next week. We are also a DVC member and have stayed at some of the higher end resorts. I dont know what it is but I really like the all stars. Perhaps it is the food court as you get more counter service choices then say board walk.


Well-Known Member
Not building Beastly Kingdom, Not building the roller coaster ride that was suppose to be somewhere in world Showcase, getting rid of the EVIL TOWER U R DOOMED letters on ToT before the library. Getting rid of Horizons when they could have put M:S where WoL is. Theres more, obviously, but I can really think of them now.


Well-Known Member
Horizons sinking and being gobbled up by a sink hole is an urban legend/disney myth that has been repeated so many times it seems people have accepted it as fact.

There is zero evidence in any pictures of the ride, and the interior/exterior of the structure that would support the claim that it was "unsafe" due to major structural defieciencies. I must also wonder why would WDW re-open Horizons to the public like they did if it were sinking, or if the ride were unsafe. I bet their legal dept. would have loved that one...

The reports that claim WDW frantically tried to save the structure which was having trouble supporting itself are laughable. A structure that is straining to support itself would have obvious signs of stress and fatigue. Also how exactly would they have made those "frantic" efforts to save the building without anyone noticing construction going on? In order to save a structure that is unsafe and straining to hold itself up would require some visible signs of constrcution. There were many people documenting Horizons during this timeframe and none of them noticed anything.

Beyond that is the claim that the ride system was tearing the building apart. An Omnimover traveling at an astonishing 1.7 MPH would just put incredible stress on a structure...

I now release control of the soap box...


Well-Known Member
The dumbing down of rides (El Rio del Tempo, Living Seas)

Allowing gay committment ceremonies (no flaming please...I'm just being honest and the OP DID ask)

Refurbishing POTC to match the movies (I know I'm in the minority here)

I'm sure I can think of several more, but those are the ones that come to mind right off the bat.

L Fisher

New Member
The dumbing down of rides (El Rio del Tempo, Living Seas)

Allowing gay committment ceremonies (no flaming please...I'm just being honest and the OP DID ask)

Refurbishing POTC to match the movies (I know I'm in the minority here)

I'm sure I can think of several more, but those are the ones that come to mind right off the bat.

I liked your quotes..:ROFLOL:

Now I hated when they ditched Mr.Toad,MSEP,20,000, and sold their rights to every dept store to sell Disney products..Instead of keeping it special when going to the DS or WDW etc....

I wish they would expand the monorail, but I know that'll never happen.:(

Now Is The Time

Original Poster
I whole heartedely agree with that statement... My distaste of Mr. Toad? My opinion.. My dislike of 20,000 leagues? Completely my own thoughts. And people are allowed to have differing opinions.. It is just far too often, threads like these are strictly negative towards Walt Disney World, and an unknowing person who stumbled upon it would be given a wrong impression about the quality of Walt Disney World.

Everyone, you can feel that Walt Disney World is slipping, and you can feel as though Walt Disney World is the most magical place in the world (I do). Both of those opinions are ok, but opinions presented as fact tend to throw off some seriously bad vibes.

Bwana.. my second reply was more meant towards the OP not towards you. I bear no ill will towards you, and you have proven several times in the past your ability to back up information, and reputation for sticking by your ideas.

And don't worry about my ex-CMness. I am proud of what I was able to do, and will always look back towards my time as a Disney Cast Member with a sense of amazement. I miss it, but, life happens and I have other responsibilities now.

And the link above is to a different thread than the one in my sig

Enderikari, the problem I had with your reply was your assumption that the original post was nothing but negative whining. It wasn't. I don't need to hear the 'ol "there's a reason behind change" and "people always complain about change.. blah blah blah" Every educated person with reasoning skills understands this. This post was just me saying "Hey in my opinion, this is where I think Disney really messed up. Let me hear others state their opinions." I'm fine with people disagreeing with me, but the odds are not high that a true Disney parks lover could disagree with EVERY single thing I listed. I made mention of some of the parks' most beloved and most missed attractions and you toss them off like they're nothing. If you drank the Kool-Aid and believe Disney isn't capable of making bad decisions, then that's your opinion.

The point where you really lost me was your Horizons comment. Horizons was the best attraction in Future World and fully encompassed what Epcot was all about. The detail, storyline, design.. everything.. is unparalleled. If you are so interested in backing up statements factually, then you can't comment on a ride that you yourself can barely remember.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
I really hate not being able to get area or ride specific merchandise anymore. I remember when a shop in Frontierland would have three or four different shirts specifically based on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, now I think they sell about three or four different shirts throughout the MK!

Now Is The Time

Original Poster
Horizons sinking and being gobbled up by a sink hole is an urban legend/disney myth that has been repeated so many times it seems people have accepted it as fact.

There is zero evidence in any pictures of the ride, and the interior/exterior of the structure that would support the claim that it was "unsafe" due to major structural defieciencies. I must also wonder why would WDW re-open Horizons to the public like they did if it were sinking, or if the ride were unsafe. I bet their legal dept. would have loved that one...

The reports that claim WDW frantically tried to save the structure which was having trouble supporting itself are laughable. A structure that is straining to support itself would have obvious signs of stress and fatigue. Also how exactly would they have made those "frantic" efforts to save the building without anyone noticing construction going on? In order to save a structure that is unsafe and straining to hold itself up would require some visible signs of constrcution. There were many people documenting Horizons during this timeframe and none of them noticed anything.

Beyond that is the claim that the ride system was tearing the building apart. An Omnimover traveling at an astonishing 1.7 MPH would just put incredible stress on a structure...

I now release control of the soap box...

Well said and agreed on all points. :sohappy:


Active Member
I haven't been to WDW in quite some time - I had no idea you couldn't see the murals inside the castle anymore...

To me that is terribly sad

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