Really, REALLY bad decisions...


Well-Known Member
Respectfully, I disagree with every single thing on that list, here's why -

-the current DVC atrocity they're building next to the Contemporary
Looks to be a gorgeous building, and the tens of thousands of DVC members will appreciate having a MK resort they can book points for.

-moving the Micky Mouse Revue to Hong Kong in '84
That's right, I hate the fact that they moved it to Hong Kong more than 20 years before Hong Kong Disneyland opened. I wonder if it just sat fallow?

-moving the MSEP to wherever it is now
Nothing says "we stay current and with the times" more than synthesizer music and a Pete's Dragon that people don't recognize

-the wand
-the "Leave A Legacy" graveyard in front of SSE
Talked about ad Nauseam, I won't reiterate

-demolishing Horizons
Besides the Orange Smell, and the choose-your-own-adventure ending, what do you remember of this attraction? I remember it being removed for being unsafe

-changing World Of Motion into Test Track
Whoa be that learning have a bit of excitement involved. Remember when the Simpson's were making fun of Epcot? Yeah, the specific attraction they called out on being worthless was a hybrid of World of Motion

-demolishing Mr. Toad
Cheap cardboard cut-outs with unrecognizable characters that ends in an all-expense paid trip to hell.... You know, for kids!

-changing The Land into a grab 'n go Quick Trip
High quality (and thusly high-priced, boo!) food available at quick service when I don't have time to wait for a full service meal? Do you WANT to only have hamburger options for a quick bite?

You want to know what I think the worst decisions in WDW are? Hiding the Bill Justice mural in the back of exposition hall in favor of a worthless break area. Preventing guests from entering into the castle to see Dorothea Redmond's amazing mosiacs so that Dream Along can be shown 400,000 times daily...

True magic lost..


New Member
Switching Alien Encounter to Stitch
AE was one of the most original and greatest things Disney had done, and will do 9excluding Everest) in a long time.


New Member
The worst decision ever made at Walt Disney World? (in my opinion)

Four words:

Journey Into Your Imagination

I wholeheartedly agree. I miss the animatronics and the song. While I do miss Horizons, I enjoyed Soarin'. And Alien Encounter-it was scary but fun and it was a change of pace- can't we have 1 not-so-kid friendly ride?

Plus not enough Snow White princess stuff. Come on, she was the original Princess. I barely found anything there in January, excluding a red headband, I seriously chased down a few people who were wearing a SW crown and asked where they got one, which unfortunately was a long time ago- but now I'm prepared, hooray for ebay.

DVC Dave

New Member
Ok so I'm gonna throw this out there. What do you think are some of the worst decisions Disney has made when it comes to the whole resort? I'm not talking about the refurbing of a ride per se.. I'm talking about the REALLY dumb ideas and absolutely terrible decisions. Here are some that come to mind...

-the current DVC atrocity they're building next to the Contemporary
-moving the Micky Mouse Revue to Hong Kong in '84
-moving the MSEP to wherever it is now
-the wand
-the "Leave A Legacy" graveyard in front of SSE
-demolishing Horizons
-changing World Of Motion into Test Track
-demolishing Mr. Toad
-changing The Land into a grab 'n go Quick Trip

I can appreciate the fact that some Disney World Exec. might read these threads, but whats done is done in WDW. Plus there hundreds of thousands of people that go to WDW every year and I am sure that not everyone of them like the same thing. For example on your list: I love the fact that they are building a DVC resort at the contemporary. And I like to ride test track. I never saw Mr. toad so I do not care about that. anyway..thats my 2 cents.


New Member
Sadly im too young to have seen Horizons, but i have watched a vid of it on you tube and that make me want to ride it, so thats one.

Puttting in the Alien Encounter "extraTERRORestrail" thing was a waste of good time and money.

.....then changing it to a stitch ride :S

i would have to agree with the sword and the stone thing, as i remeber DLP having it when i was little and it was still called Euro Disney [infact i was there on its opening weekend!] and its just the small things like that, that make a trip to disney more special.

The Hat at MGM/HS


I have to agree that Alien Encounter was bad, but the titch Ride is EVEN WORSE. Stitich is so cute and they could have done a million things with him but that ride is gross.

I did not realize they had done away with the Sword in the Stone bit, that was cute and always had tons of kids and adults watching.

Taking Captain Hook out of MGM what's up with that Peter Pan was quite a successful film for them. They really need to bring more villains back to the parks....


Well-Known Member
Lost_in_hollywo said:
Puttting in the Alien Encounter "extraTERRORestrail" thing was a waste of good time and money.
Funny, I'd say that was an awful decision, at least IMO. I loved AE, and I'm still upset that I can't ever ride it again.


*Changing the name of MGM next year (It;s never going to be HOLLYWOOD to me, it will always be MGM )
* getting rid of 20,000 leagues under the sea, that ride was my fav when I was little
* The Timekeeper, I don't remember seeing it
* The "body" pavillion
* Mission to the moon (that scared the crap out of me when I was little) and on the same area topic, changing Alien to Stich, that was the dumbest move ever!
* Not offering more perks during the spring when I can actually go to Disney with my husband

Now Is The Time

Original Poster
Respectfully, I disagree with every single thing on that list, here's why -

Looks to be a gorgeous building, and the tens of thousands of DVC members will appreciate having a MK resort they can book points for.

That's right, I hate the fact that they moved it to Hong Kong more than 20 years before Hong Kong Disneyland opened. I wonder if it just sat fallow?

Nothing says "we stay current and with the times" more than synthesizer music and a Pete's Dragon that people don't recognize

Talked about ad Nauseam, I won't reiterate

Besides the Orange Smell, and the choose-your-own-adventure ending, what do you remember of this attraction? I remember it being removed for being unsafe

Whoa be that learning have a bit of excitement involved. Remember when the Simpson's were making fun of Epcot? Yeah, the specific attraction they called out on being worthless was a hybrid of World of Motion

Cheap cardboard cut-outs with unrecognizable characters that ends in an all-expense paid trip to hell.... You know, for kids!

High quality (and thusly high-priced, boo!) food available at quick service when I don't have time to wait for a full service meal? Do you WANT to only have hamburger options for a quick bite?

You want to know what I think the worst decisions in WDW are? Hiding the Bill Justice mural in the back of exposition hall in favor of a worthless break area. Preventing guests from entering into the castle to see Dorothea Redmond's amazing mosiacs so that Dream Along can be shown 400,000 times daily...

True magic lost..

I was going to reply to each of your responses individually, but in a nutshell - it's simply not worth it. For starters, Mickey Mouse Revue is in Tokyo, not Hong Kong - so that's my bad. For the rest of the comments, anyone who only thinks of "that orange smell" and nothing more when it comes to Horizons... anyone who uses the Simpsons to back up his statements... anyone who depicts Mr. Toad as nothing but a ridiculous acid trip... is obviously is a little, shall we say "out there."


Well-Known Member
I can appreciate the fact that some Disney World Exec. might read these threads, but whats done is done in WDW. Plus there hundreds of thousands of people that go to WDW every year and I am sure that not everyone of them like the same thing. For example on your list: I love the fact that they are building a DVC resort at the contemporary. And I like to ride test track. I never saw Mr. toad so I do not care about that. anyway..thats my 2 cents.

We all understand the fact that whats done is done, however, what's wrong with having a discussion about what we wish had or hadn't been done in the past? Like looking at my list, I don't expect them to bring AE back, I'm just saying I wish they hadn't removed it, but as you said, whats done is done. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Removing the Skyway... I know there have been discussions of why they did it , but I loved it and I miss it! You could get the best pictures from there and it was so relaxing. :cry:


New Member
i have to say.. IMO i am really excited for the DVC at the contemporary.. But a few things i think they just.. messed up..

- The Seas with Nemo and Friends.
(the LINE getting to the ride was longer than the ride itself... it said 10 minute wait, walking to the ride was the wait)
- Mickeys Toontown Fair.
I never go. I've been in it. It's just not amusing. And i love meeting the characters and such.

-Perhaps, the stupidest thing.. but.. MK got rid of sprinkles for ice cream! what the heck? Not one ice cream place serves their ice cream with sprinkles any more... sooo disappointing.


that 99.9 percent of the merchandise sold at WDW is made in China. Worried my cat will die from chewing on Pal Mickey. (I don't really own a pal mickey)

But honestly, the cm's are paid the same as a walmart employee and the merchandise is made by near slaves. It disgusts me.


20 days til WDW but I can say already what I will not like...

No MR Toad... We have it here and it is a classic ride. My thinking is hopefully the pooh ride is better then the one in CA.

Dumbed down version of POC... NOW I would of added HM but HM re-opens the day we show up and I am looking forward to that ride more then any. I think this may be a better version now. Either way yes or no its going to be awesome.

No Main Street Electrical parade at any of the parks.

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