Star Wars could be an answer to Potter but Disney has to get Lucas to agree. That wouldn't be cheap and it may also be something Lucas is not interested in. Who knows, he may have his own plans in mind for the future. :shrug:
Oh, Im not disagreeing with you. I suspect to pull off a Star Wars thing would certainly require a significant licensing investment.
I'm just saying that I think it's one of the few things that can be a true Potter Swatter. I don't think Marvel has the traction to do it. I don't think Lord of the rings has the traction to do it. I've seen far more absurd suggestions, like Bond and Star Trek....
all don't come close to Star Wars. I have my issues with the movies as do most people....but at the end of the day they carry far more of the immersive fantasy than any of the above mentions movies do....and that's what's needed to convince the muggles that WWOHP isn't worth coming off of WDW property for.
Now in an effort to push this thread back on topic...I have to say this.
I've spent the past several days thinking about Tron and something really bothers me. Back in the first few pages of this thread, Raven said this:
Here's the thing with building an attraction, especially an "E-ticket" attraction: It has to have staying power.
Attractions take a very long to from concept to the time it actually opens. If WDI were to start drawing up plans for an attraction on the next big Disney movie before the movie is released to the public, they risk the change of the movie bombing in theatres and they'd scrap their ideas. If they wait to see how well a movie does before they decide then they risk the hype dying down by the time the attraction opens.
What I am saying is that if they base a movie off of a film or character, it needs to either have been around for a while with gaining popularity or they can draw upon movies and ideas from the past with the same staying power. The opposite of this would be to build a whole new original attraction that has nothing to with Disney movies or current characters.
So it's strange to hear the odd suggestions thrown out like "I hope it's a Homeward Bound ride!" or "Maybe something to do with Enchanted." (These are just examples, not actual quotes).
If you want to have an idea what they might be planning, you have to start thinking like an Imagineer. :animwink:
How exactly does Tron fit this mindset?
To me, it doesn't. Prior to any knowledge of Tron:Legacy being in production, Tron was barely an afterthought. It was a considerably more obscure cult favorite than 'Escape From NY' with all the cheesiness of 'The Last Starfighter.' If anyone actually watched the original recently, you'd see that it was as 'tomorrow' as Gil Gerard's Buck Rogers.
So they come out with this Tron:Legacy....pull the original off the shelves everywhere so no one can reference it (unless you grabbed it off of a budget bin for $1.99 last summer, like I did)....and they're thinking this movie will have enough staying power to get people into an attraction that will likely be completed 3-5 years from now? It doesn't make all.
Seriously....unless Disney is considering greenlighting Tron 3 (and from what I've read, that isn't definite anymore in light of the lower than expected box office numbers from Tron:Legacy) we're talking about an attraction with hype that will most definitely die down by the time the attraction opens.
Even if they release Tron 3....and coordinate it with a Tron E-ticket ride....what happens 20 years from now? Is anyone out there going to be able to say with a straight face that a Tron attraction wont look completely dated 20 years from now? Especially given the fact that the original tron was dated 5 years from its original release?
I'd love to hear the thinking here....really.
Again, I still think Adventure land needed the love before tomorrow land....and there was more potential for a truly immersive ride.....but if someone were to build something in Tomorrowland, it REALLY needed to have zero attachment to a movie or pre-determined characterization.