It makes me hate steve jobs even more. I hope hes healthy but I hope he leaves everything he touches alone very soon.
What in the world are you talking about? Why, because everything he touches is generally insanely popular? It's funny how the debate between Apple and PC is almost more divisive than the debate between Democrat or Republican. It's funny, the people who seem to hate on Apple the most are generally the people who know the least about their products.
Why would you hate someone who innovates, runs a green company, and makes products people want? Is it because he has amazing success? If you don't like Apple, don't buy their products. The rest of us will continue to appreciate how much joy their products have brought to our lives.
Besides, Jobs has really been pretty hands off with Disney since being on the board. Iger was the one who put Lassetter and Catmull in charge of Disney Animation, not Jobs. And how dare he?! After all, Tangled and Princess and the Frog sure were a step down from everything else Disney Animation has produced over the last 15 years, weren't they? :brick:
Disney retail also asked for Apple's help re-designing their stores because Apple Stores are the most profitable stores in retail. Disney has worse problems than to be concerned with running as well or being as profitable as Apple. Last I heard, the object in business was to make money. The great thing about Apple is that the reason they're so successful is because they make amazing products.
What does all of this have to do with Project Z anyway? If it's because it may be a Pixar ride, Pixar IS Disney. Get used to it. When Disney becomes as relevant again as Pixar is now, I'm sure we'll get plenty of Disney properties turned into rides as well.