Problems with Philharmagic 7/22

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Well-Known Member
For some reason, I'm always hearing of the "Brazilian tour groups from hell..." I mean, I have nothing against them, but why is it always the Brazilians that seem to cause problems from misunderstanding English?...


Well-Known Member
dandaman said:
For some reason, I'm always hearing of the "Brazilian tour groups from hell..." I mean, I have nothing against them, but why is it always the Brazilians that seem to cause problems from misunderstanding English?...
Because they don't bother to bring translators with them. I have nothing against them but they need to follow th rules no matter what language they speak. Also they should not ruin the experience for others, I hate walking down Main Street unable to hear the BG music because a large group is loudly singing in another language.


Well-Known Member
Add me to the toe stomper group!

My usual, um, apology... "Oh, I'm so sorry for that :rolleyes:, but if you had followed directions, it would not have happened."

I usually get some evil stares and sometimes a few choice words. Just smile, move on and step on the next set of toes. :lol:


Active Member
so the movie stopped and the screen turned a solid color red? how long was the screen red until the light stopped? did it continue in the be-our-guest, or start over? an hour is a long time to fix any film...but at least the CM tried...


Active Member
It's those foreigners. I was going on ToT, and it took them 10min to load, simply because they did not understand the instructions. If they don't have a responsible translator, then they should not visit.

Why dont you try going to Disneyland Paris and then you will understand how it feels. I went once and the cms could hardly speak any english at all.


New Member
stockboy3796 said:
maybe not the best thing to do, but when people sit in the middle and dont go all the way down, i do tend to step on feet and trip over people. :) . I also have been know to kick packages as well, much to the dismay of my wife. Hey, make a inconvience for me, i will do the same. :lol:

If we all did that, maybe people would learn, lol. Personally, I would think maybe more cm's in the theater attractions that could say "move all the way down, please" in more than English might help.


New Member
Mark_E said:
Why dont you try going to Disneyland Paris and then you will understand how it feels. I went once and the cms could hardly speak any english at all.

i would learn basic french, or bring a translator.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
GaryT977 said:
If we all did that, maybe people would learn, lol. Personally, I would think maybe more cm's in the theater attractions that could say "move all the way down, please" in more than English might help.

Personally, and not to sound racist, because I am far from that... I think if you are coming to the USA, then you should either know English or have a translator. Why do we, Disney World included, have to cater to those who are too lazy to learn our language? if you are coming here in a tour group, have a translator.


Mark_E said:
Why dont you try going to Disneyland Paris and then you will understand how it feels. I went once and the cms could hardly speak any english at all.

I would NEVER vacation in another country and expect them to speak my language, like people do when coming to the USA. If one chooses to vacate in a foreign country, then that person should learn some communication skills!


dxer07002 said:
Personally, and not to sound racist, because I am far from that... I think if you are coming to the USA, then you should either know English or have a translator. Why do we, Disney World included, have to cater to those who are too lazy to learn our language? if you are coming here in a tour group, have a translator.

Don't let these people fool you. Most of them can probably speak English. They just choose not to let you know it. Often for convenience, I think.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Firewolfe51 said:
Don't let these people fool you. Most of them can probably speak English. They just choose not to let you know it. Often for convenience, I think.

More than likely they can.. They may not be able to speak it that well and use their language since they are comfortable with it... With that being said, we still shouldn't have to cater to them...


New Member
dxer07002 said:
More than likely they can.. They may not be able to speak it that well and use their language since they are comfortable with it... With that being said, we still shouldn't have to cater to them...

YOU'RE not catering to them, Disney is. Without those Foreigners, I'm not sure you would still have a freaking WDW to go to (i.e. Foreigners' cash pays for a lot of things in those parks, you know.)

Generalizing about Foreigners, like you put it, is like me, Canadian, generalizing about fata$$ Americans who fill up every freaking Shoney's from here to Miami. Now, that wouldn't be great either...

I was waiting for a parade in early July, while some shotty hicks, about 17 years old, started hissing about us speaking french between us members of the family. "If they don't speak english, they shouldn't come here", one said to her friend. Of course, they were youngsters so I couldn't care less. My mom, who visited WDW for the 1st time, turned around and told them that we knew english and she should shut the f....up.

I thought: my, oh! my. is the USA turning into an intolerant country? I brushed it aside quickly, thinking they were only kids.

But after reading some comments here, I wonder.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
Firewolfe51 said:
Don't let these people fool you. Most of them can probably speak English. They just choose not to let you know it. Often for convenience, I think.

Well, to be realistic they do know how to speak english, they are faking it, I once had this problem and I really don't take it from anybody. I'm paying for my time there just like them, but I don't go to mess someone else's time so when they said no speak english, I said with a smile a very rude comment, what I like to call a colorful metaphor, well all of a sudden they knew how to speak it, and right in front of a couple of CM's. They were asked politely to move to th end or move out of the theater. My wife thought they would be outside waiting for us,and I was hoping they were but, alas they took off,shoot!!! I was ready for them too.:mad:


New Member
wdwishes2005 said:
i would learn basic french, or bring a translator.

You would, but most Americans don't. I lived in Montreal, where, every summer, hundreds, if not thousands of Americans come and visit. Do they learn french or bring a translator because they're visiting us? Nope. Do I care? Nope. That's what we call tourism hospitality.

And, know what? Disney thinks the same. That's why they now lend some portable translators.


Active Member
Just a observation here....
Foreign tourists who claim not to understand or speak English when asked to do something (move all the way across the aisle, sit down, etc.) but yet, they understand every word of a movie or a show that is in English....does this seem weird or is it just me??? :veryconfu

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
labattpark said:
YOU'RE not catering to them, Disney is. Without those Foreigners, I'm not sure you would still have a freaking WDW to go to (i.e. Foreigners' cash pays for a lot of things in those parks, you know.)

Generalizing about Foreigners, like you put it, is like me, Canadian, generalizing about fata$$ Americans who fill up every freaking Shoney's from here to Miami. Now, that wouldn't be great either...

I was waiting for a parade in early July, while some shotty hicks, about 17 years old, started hissing about us speaking french between us members of the family. "If they don't speak english, they shouldn't come here", one said to her friend. Of course, they were youngsters so I couldn't care less. My mom, who visited WDW for the 1st time, turned around and told them that we knew english and she should shut the f....up.

I thought: my, oh! my. is the USA turning into an intolerant country? I brushed it aside quickly, thinking they were only kids.

But after reading some comments here, I wonder.

Calm down there buddy.. I was not generalizing... I was speaking from experiences... And when I say WE, I don't mean me personally, I meant the USA... English is our official language.. You want to come visit here, then either bring some sort of translator, or learn basic English... A foreigner should expect us to know their language... Just like if we went to a foreign country.. I am sure as heck wouldn't expect them to cater to me.. I wouldn't expect them to know English.. I would do my best to learn their language a little, and have a translator (book or electronical device, not a real person) in order to help comminucate... And personally, I don't care what language you talk to your family... I didn't mean to offend ya, if I did...


New Member
Hey everyone!!

Let's not let this turn into another "speak english or die" thread. I experience the whole "keep the line moving" and the "keep moving down to the other end of the row" everyday as a CM. What I use to move ALL guests (english or non speaking) is the good ol' hand gesture(a non offensive one). What the ignorant guests seem not to understand is that, A: they are making the line slow down and B: not allowing other guests to be seated in a timely fashion.


New Member
Imho, If you are going to a crowded, popular place in america, At least know some english, for your own safety, since the CM's are not octlingual.

Wait, so someone tripped over another person, and the screen turned red? And why couldn't they let you just leave?


New Member
Before we start another world war, let's not forget one thing. The main groups being referred to are the Brazilian teenagers. It's not the Brazilian part that's the problem, it's the teenager part that irritates me. You put a bunch of 13-19 year olds ANYWHERE and they're going to bug the ____*t out of anyone who doesn't fall into that age range.

They are immature. Fact. Not all of them, but if it's a group and their parents aren't with them, then they are going to be disrespectful to others. I probably was the same way when I was a teen and didn't even know it. Well, I certainly knew better, but a lot of teenagers are pretty self-absorbed.

And, I don't care who you are, but unless you want to pay Disney to get the whole park to yourself, there's always going to be somebody that bothers you. Whether it's the irritating Mom that's screaming at her kids or if it's someone standing right on your heels behind you in line, it always happens. That's just the way it goes in life..........Thank goodness of course, because then what would we have to talk about? :D
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