Princesses may not rule fantasy land after all! Frontierland expansion rumor reality?

Future Guy

Active Member
Yes, it will be a temporary M&G area until the FLE is complete. But the area being planned for this will not be liked by everyone. In other words, something has to go in order for something else to move in. After the FLE is complete and the M&G moves to their respectful places, the temporary M&G place will not be returned as it was but rather turned into something else.

Hey, I'm being as discript as I can without giving away the candy store. :lol:

Oh my god, they're moving the Princess M&G to the candy store on Main Street, aren't they? And after the FLE is done they're going to turn it into a store that sells nothing but Michael Eisner bobbleheads! OMG!


Well-Known Member
I really dont understand why the hell some of these posters are satisfied with having the Princess Meet and Greets part of the expansion. They should be replaced with dark rides that appeal to everyone.

Dude, they are very popular. Whether or not they appeal to you, lots of people line up for them every day. Disney can't get rid of them and not replace them. No matter how much the FLE budget gets slashed, Disney is going to have to provide princess, Tink and Mickey M&Gs somewhere.

I love dark rides too. But come on! There's room for M&Gs too. You don't like them, go ride something. The lines will be shorter because of all the kids waiting in line to meet the princesses.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Dude, they are very popular. Whether or not they appeal to you, lots of people line up for them every day. Disney can't get rid of them and not replace them. No matter how much the FLE budget gets slashed, Disney is going to have to provide princess, Tink and Mickey M&Gs somewhere.

I love dark rides too. But come on! There's room for M&Gs too. You don't like them, go ride something. The lines will be shorter because of all the kids waiting in line to meet the princesses.

The whole addition will be a people eater and will make the entire park feel less crowded.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what Jim Hill's record of being right on things that can be proven either way is. I bet less than 20% correct.


Well-Known Member
Okay so thinking of places in the MK that could be cleared out easily and at the same time cause controversy I thought of these areas (This is based on the belief that MS Expo Hall is guaranteed to be for the fab five only):

1. CBJ
2. Tiki Room
3. Mickey's Philharmagic (It's a stretch since it's only 7 years old and hold pretty good crowds)


Well-Known Member
Yes, it will be a temporary M&G area until the FLE is complete. But the area being planned for this will not be liked by everyone. In other words, something has to go in order for something else to move in. After the FLE is complete and the M&G moves to their respectful places, the temporary M&G place will not be returned as it was but rather turned into something else.

Hey, I'm being as discript as I can without giving away the candy store. :lol:

could this be Cinderella's Royal Table restaurant?
Big enough open area to have everyone inside, fits the theme of princesses and would be perfect for a refurbishment once the BatB restaurant opens.


Active Member
I'm glad they are rethinking parts of this expansion... while I love Characters and don't mind Meet and Greets, the planned ones for the expansion seemed way too big a focus and way more than was needed or would be practical... not to mention that no matter how they tried to spin it the new M&Gs wouldn't be a big draw except for little girls. I wouldn't have been surprised if within 10 years all/most of the new princess buildings turned into yet more nice to look at but never used buildings (and MK has WAY too many of those already).

I for one would have liked Pixie Hollow... IF it meant another dark ride and some other attraction(s) and not just an expanded Meet and Greet... but there was no guarantee of that.

I'm just worried they will cut all these heavily themed things and basically replace them with nothing to take their place :\ I would love to see more attractions added to Fantasyland or elsewhere so I am glad they are rethinking the focus on princesses; however, I really hope that Fantasyland does come out with most/all of the elaborate themeing that is seen in the concept art.


Well-Known Member
I wonder who this looks worse on, Jay Rasulo or TDO? I'd have to say Rasulo... The other parks projects seem to be going according to plan.

The next D23 should be interesting. Maybe they won't even mention the FLE.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it will be a temporary M&G area until the FLE is complete. But the area being planned for this will not be liked by everyone. In other words, something has to go in order for something else to move in. After the FLE is complete and the M&G moves to their respectful places, the temporary M&G place will not be returned as it was but rather turned into something else.

Hey, I'm being as discript as I can without giving away the candy store. :lol:

I love candy....;)

Oh me too! :animwink:

Clearly you're talking about Candy Mountain

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
Pixie Hollow was always DOA. Rasolu's Fantasyland unvieling was so vague at D23 you could just tell it was half-baked. That is why literally an hour later at a press conference Rasolu quickly clarified that Pixie Hollow was just a bluesky idea on the table and that "things were still up in the air".

Honestly, I still think a wonderland area is the way to go with a new dark ride, interactive area, and charecters from both the burton film and cartoon walking around for meet & greets. It has appeal with both guys and girls.


Well-Known Member
Clearly you're talking about Candy Mountain



Candy Mountain, Charlie? :lookaroun

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