Prices for the Polynesian DVC Bungalows


Think for yourselfer
Lots of handwringing from a group of people who simply don't get it. The cost of these rooms is immaterial. The people on this earth that can afford $2100 per night rooms are people at do not give a bleep about the $2100. If a room is 1800 or 2400 per night, it does not matter. That kind of wealth means not caring about the cost.

Jealousy I get, I am jealous too. Shock and awe, I don't think so.


Premium Member
Well the bungalows are less than the King Kamehameha Suite at the Poly - so they don't take the crown as the most expensive room at the resort.

Disney is obviously going to sell these at the highest price the market will support. Perhaps the bigger issue is resort pricing all over. $429 is now the cheapest rack rate Poly room in 2015. For around 4 times that, the bungalows at $2100 don't look that bad a deal.

The bungalows are an extreme example, but they do highlight the high room rates throughout WDW.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Why would anyone in their right minds spend that money when for the same price they could get a flight to an actual tropical island and rent a far bigger place? People *really* need to get out more if they think WDW is the best option for spending that kind of cash.
Why would anyone pay $6k for a phone, $1800 for a purse, or $1.8 million for a car?

People value things differently and some have so much money that $2k is not worth picking up off the ground if they dropped it.


The Epcot Manifesto
Why would anyone in their right minds spend that money when for the same price they could get a flight to an actual tropical island and rent a far bigger place? People *really* need to get out more if they think WDW is the best option for spending that kind of cash.

There are many things for which I cannot imagine spending money on. I can't imagine people who spend money on Starbucks coffee every day. I can't imagine people who buy new automobiles that cost over $30k. I can't imagine why on Earth my wife needs to purchase so many handbags... :cautious:

But, I'll assure you, I'm also not in my right mind. I also realize why it is that it offends me when people do so. It's jealousy, pure and simple. I try very hard not to judge how others decide to spend their money. I fail at it quite often, but I at least typically realize when I am doing so.

Why do any of us spend thousands of dollars to go on vacation when there are <insert charitable cause here>? We make the decision of what is best for us and do so.


Well-Known Member
But there are plenty that would. There are plenty for which $2100 / night is the same as $150 a night to me. Heck, there are those that $2100 a night is the same as a cup of coffee to me. And some of those people enjoy Disney.

I think the point is that Disney has been focusing too much lately on catering to the super rich just to make their own pockets grow.

How about the rest of us? The majority? A few more true "value" resorts would be great but, I'll say it again, a new park needs to come along soon to help spread out the capacity.


Well-Known Member
Wow... I shouldn't be surprised but there's a whole lot of jealosy in this thread. Can any of us afford these? No. Not a chance. Is that Disney's fault? Nope. Does Disney have hotel rooms I can afford? Yes. Therefore I'll choose those.

For those people who can afford this, congrats! To Disney for developing a room designed for those people, congrats! You'll make a ton off this because you developed something unique to the region in a location that can not be duplicated.

For those of us who can't pay for it, well, Pop's a nice place too. I'm happy to stay there. Glad Disney has that option for me. Disney did a great thing for them and a very small portion of their audience and they can charge whatever they want for these 20 unique rooms. No problem. They have tons of other options for the rest of us.


The Epcot Manifesto
I think the point is that Disney has been focusing too much lately on catering to the super rich just to make their own pockets grow.

How about the rest of us? The majority? A few more true "value" resorts would be great but, I'll say it again, a new park needs to come along soon to help spread out the capacity.
The last resort that they build was a "value" resort. While I might argue how the Art of Animation prices qualify as Value, the fact remains that Disney classes it as such.


Well-Known Member
I think the point is that Disney has been focusing too much lately on catering to the super rich just to make their own pockets grow.

How about the rest of us? The majority? A few more true "value" resorts would be great but, I'll say it again, a new park needs to come along soon to help spread out the capacity.

You do realize the last two new hotels they built were values, right? And, they just leased land for more values right across the street.
Edit to clarify: they just leased land to other developers. I know Disney's not building at Flamingo, but they are allowing values to be built on their land.


Well-Known Member
Would you pay that money per night for those rooms?
Why is that material to the conversation?

Well to my defense, this is EXACTLY why we have been getting nothing for years. They build things like this and people buy into it and Disney, then turns around and just assumes they no longer have to cater to the average guest when the mega rich seem to be easy to satisfy and profit off of.
Describe nothing please.


Well-Known Member
Yes but Walt and his bother did not run Disney just out of the goodness of their hearts, they did it to make money. Does that make Walt a money-sucking egoist. Disney is putting billions back into the parks over the next few years. Maybe not enough to stratify you, but just as any other company there actions have to be made with profit in mind. Just as Walt did.

Yeah, haters, leave Disney alone! :cry: Disney is a business!
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Well-Known Member
You do realize the last two new hotels they built were values, right? And, they just leased land for more values right across the street.

Yes I do realize this and they fill those up very quickly. But they really aren't that much of a "value" now are they? Maybe is Disney standards but for that price I can stay at a 3 or 4 star off property.

It's no secret that Disney's pricing on everything continues to go through the roof and make our jaws drop. But when they price a hotdog for $9.00? Come on. I'm not the only one peeved by this.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, haters, leave Disney alone! Disney is a business! :cry:
There hasn't been a solid argument that didn't boil down to a personal opinion of some sort presented against the cost of these rooms.

So it's not about folks shouting down the "haters" as you so pedantically put it, but rather quite a bit of teeth gnashing with no real purpose.


Well-Known Member
Might be a silly q, but why are they only showing the studio rates? The phase 1 and phase 2 is only showing studios and the bungalows. They will have all the other accommodations right?

Nope, it's just studios and bungalows. This is know to be true based on what they have posted in their legal filings and what has been reported to being built.

So they jack up the prices to sell DVC memberships then? Makes sense. I don't like the idea and it certainly would never convince me to buy into the DVC but I can see why they'd try it.

They most certainly do. One of the selling points is how much DVC ownership saves you to stay at that resort. Not to what you would currently be paying at wherever you stay, but what it would save you to pay cash for a DVC room. Kinda like telling someone who drives a Ford Civic that if they buy a Bugatti on lease for the low low price of $750 per month, they are saving a ton over paying for it outright at $1250 a month. So yes that person is saving money over paying outright for the Bugatti, but thats not a price they would otherwise be paying based on their current habits.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Yes I do realize this and they fill those up very quickly. But they really aren't that much of a "value" now are they? Maybe is Disney standards but for that price I can stay at a 3 or 4 star off property.

It's no secret that Disney's pricing on everything continues to go through the roof and make our jaws drop. But when they price a hotdog for $9.00? Come on. I'm not the only one peeved by this.
I find it hard to get upset about a company overcharging for a thing I don't need.

I do not need to stay in Disney resorts.

I do not need to eat their food.

I do not even need to go to their parks.

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