Press event Tuesday, Jan. 18th.


Well-Known Member
Spirit of '74 (formerly WDW1974 on here) over on Laughing Place is reporting a new attraction may or may not be announced at the event on Tuesday. If I was a betting man (and I'm not), I'd put my money on the Monsters Inc. coaster at Pixar Place or maybe a ride at Japan or Germany over at EPCOT.

So if they don't announce a new attraction he will be right and if they do he will be right. :lol::rolleyes:

At the back of my mind I'm wondering if they'll announce the changes to the Rivers of America/Tom Sawyer Island, but that may be farther off.

You can't imagine how much I would like to see the TSI changes I think you are hinting at. Mind boggles at the possibilities. :) And it could pay for itself in a year I bet. It literally would be AWESOME!


Well-Known Member
Spirit of '74 (formerly WDW1974 on here) over on Laughing Place is reporting a new attraction may or may not be announced at the event on Tuesday. If I was a betting man (and I'm not), I'd put my money on the Monsters Inc. coaster at Pixar Place or maybe a ride at Japan or Germany over at EPCOT.

At the back of my mind I'm wondering if they'll announce the changes to the Rivers of America/Tom Sawyer Island, but that may be farther off.

Still, not getting my hopes up for this.

I can't do that to myself, again!

Operating theory: nothing much. Hope to be pleasantly surprised.
I am agreeing with this Wonderland thing. TDO is very good at Cashing in on things they think are current trends. Why would they make a ride based around a movie that hasn't gotten much hype? I would see them more saying "Hey guys, so we are going to take out Snow White's Scary Adventure, but don't worry someday we will make a Seven Dwarves Mine Coaster, not sure when that day will be but trust us, it will happen."

I love the idea of wonderland, my only issue is again TDO. Alice in Wonderland has always been my favorite Disney movie and I would really like to see them do this story justice. I would love to see an updated version of the DL Alice dark ride and a play space for the kids would actually work really well with this theme which since both play spaces have been taken out (Pooh's Playful spot and the one in ToonTown). Also, if there is an Alice Gift shop, I will probably end up living there. :king:


Well-Known Member
Spirit of '74 (formerly WDW1974 on here) over on Laughing Place is reporting a new attraction may or may not be announced at the event on Tuesday. If I was a betting man (and I'm not), I'd put my money on the Monsters Inc. coaster at Pixar Place or maybe a ride at Japan or Germany over at EPCOT.

At the back of my mind I'm wondering if they'll announce the changes to the Rivers of America/Tom Sawyer Island, but that may be farther off.

I hope that they don't turn it into a pirate island. If they can't develop a new, they should just go home.


Well-Known Member
Ewww I hate to lose a attraction to a meet and greet... BLAH! Can't they just stick em in a corner somewhere and put up a curtain behind them of a castle or something!:fork:

Technically, we're not. They're putting a bigger snow white attraction in a different location so the old Snow White would have to close anyway. To make room for the bigger, better, faster, newer Snow White ride, they had to move the planned M&G's so it's actually a net gain of a newer, bigger, better ride for an extremely dated "classic."


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
No Dwarf Mine Coaster. I will come back Tuesday evening and face my punishment if this is wrong. But mark my words - either Disney will not mention anything new for the Fantasyland area where this coaster is suppose to go or if they do finally let the cat out of the bag - it will have nothing to do with Snowwhite. - but from my sources it is only Wonderland.

Sorry. It isn't Wonderland at all but is indeed the Dwarves.

While I would be very sad to see Snow White go, a coaster would be pretty cool. Like other have asked though, is it supposed to be more kiddy (like Goofy's) or something between kiddy/adult like Space Mountain?

More like a mix between darkride/coaster. Think of a small version of MTMRR.

If I was a betting man (and I'm not), I'd put my money on the Monsters Inc. coaster at Pixar Place or maybe a ride at Japan or Germany over at EPCOT.

Nothing for Epcot. :(


Sorry. It isn't Wonderland at all but is indeed the Dwarves.:(
Yeah. Like I said above, any Wonderland stuff will be some potential NextGen enhancements to the Teacup area.

Sorry, Timothy.
Looks like your last prediction, from 2003, was a bit off, too...
People, people,
We are getting an Indy rollercoaster, like Paris, but longer with more theming and inside dark elements like the new Tokyo Indy coaster that is going in 2005/2006. MGM's Indy coaster will also compete with the new Mummy coaster that opens up in Universal.
Just wait and see. Disney has the right to cancel out an Indy Stunt show and replace it with another Indy attraction that has already been approved by Lucas for Tokyo. He is not going to stand in the way of this, if anything he is encouraging it.


Well-Known Member
It'll be cool to get some official news but so sad to see Snow white go. Why Disney...why?

This is my issue as well. I understand having two similar rides or two rides with the same story as being a problem, but why not just retheme the coaster to one of the other million movies they have? MK is too big to be getting rid of rides, and what's suppose to take swsa's place? A shop? A meeting greet? Disneyland's FL is still going to be better. As small as it is as a park, it utilizes it's space to it's full potential. I'm not a huge die hard fan of the ride either, I just hate that they're getting rid of it and have all the space in the world but they still have to destroy something classic. Very stupid.


Active Member
How often has management closed a park to make an announcement like this? What other projects/news has/have been announced in this way? Any precedent to go on?

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