Press event Tuesday, Jan. 18th.


Well-Known Member
Iger's going to be there?

Like, whoa.



New Member
(Still speculation, but)

Look back to the comments between Lee and I in the FLE threads last week about "...there is another..."

Oh, where you discuss what might be delaying any announcements? I had assumed it was about how Shanghai was supposed to be getting a mine train as well.

So Shanghai stuff?


Well-Known Member
I see, I see . . . . a heady soup, they are a'brewin', indeed.

WDW is but one small piece in the puzzle, it would seem . . .

Thanks for your contributions, Juan!

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
If Iger's going, it seems like a great time to do it.
Do you know if there's any chance for an announcement for anything else at WDW besides the FLE stuff? spirit of 74 over at laughing place (WDW1974 here formerly) is saying that there's a possibility of something else, but they are still trying to iron things out and it may or may not get announced. He's a pretty trusted source so i'd think he knows what he's talking about, but have you heard anything? Maybe MI Coaster?

David S.

Sometimes I'm shocked at how many people hate to see SWSA go... yes it's a classic, but there are hardly ever lines for this ride and nothing innovative about it... just a run down dark ride... it makes perfect sense to take this theme (or any theme really) and create a "mini-coaster" in the expansion. Use that space for a highly popular M&G.

Different strokes for different folks. Personally, I could care less if the rides use new, "cutting edge" technology and are "innovative" as long as they give that warm, fuzzy, happy feeling, feature beloved characters and songs, tell the stories of the Animated Classic Films they represent, and give the goosebumps of a "Happily Ever After" ending.

And for me, the current version of WDW's Snow White delivers ALL of these things. Just like the other so-called "run down", so-called "C-ticket" dark rides in Fantasyland do. In my book, they are "E-tickets" to me that I actually prefer over things like Mansion and Pirates because Snow White, Peter Pan's Flight, Winnie-the-Pooh, as well as things like Disneyland's Pinocchio dark ride (sadly missing from the MK), perfectly capture the essense and heart of these great classic movies that I love so much. They just make me feel happier and more "warm and fuzzy" inside, and more in touch with my Inner Child, than many of the more high-tech so-called "E-tickets" do.

So hopefully, this gives you some insight into why some will be sad to see Snow White go (if it does). For me, it has NOTHING to do with technology and EVERYTHING to do with emotions. And not emotions grounded in nostalgia based on a past association with the ride. Emotions based on the fact that these classic, short but sweet, Fantasyland dark rides still work their magic for me NOW, in the present!

Maybe the 7 dwarfs coaster will tell the story of Snow White as good as the current dark ride does, but somehow I doubt it, especially if the focus is just the dwarfs and not Snow White. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.

But the current ride is so wonderful in it's faithfulness to the story of the original film and all the emotion it captures from it. Much better than the original WDW version of the ride, which, unlike the movie, was completely dominated by the evil, stupid witch.

In the current version, you get the lovely intro of Snow White singing "I'm Wishing" at the well, in her beautiful, operatic style. Then the vile Queen plots against her and she has to flee into the woods. But next comes the soothing, calming, score where the menacing eyes in Snow White's imagination are shown to be the gentle birdies, bunnies, squirrels, etc. This scene is faithful to the movie and the current WDW version of the ride is the only one out of all the Snow White rides worldwide which has this scene and musical score, which is one of my favorites in the ride. Next is another favorite scene, the happy scene with the dwarfs singing "The Silly Song" (aka "The Dwarf's Yodel Song") in their cottage.

After the witch steals the show for a little while but thankfully meets her doom (unlike the original WDW version of the ride where the stupid hag wins), guests are then treated to one of the most beautiful and sublime scenes in any Disney dark ride anywhere. The lovely choral strains of "Someday My Prince Will Come" plays, the Prince awakens Snow White, and she says goodbye to the Dwarfs and her animal friends to live Happily Ever After. If you look at the backgrounds here, they gradually go from dark to light, symbolizing that evil has been defeated and Snow White is riding off to her happiness. The quality of the artwork in this final scene is beautiful and stunning. It's like stepping into the beautiful artwork of the animated movie itself! Again, this "Happily Ever After" scene is found in the current WDW version of the ride, but not at Disneyland, where, due to space limitations, a much smaller "Happy Ending" illustration was tacked on to the end more abrubtly.

So who cares that there are newer attractions that use more "cutting edge technology" than that which is found here? When all of those attractions can give me the goosebumps and warm, fuzzy, Disney Magical Happily Ever After feeling I get on the CURRENT version of the WDW Snow White ride, then we'll talk! ;)

Here is an article about the current version of the WDW Snow White ride which illustrates why I prefer it over all the other "Disney Parks" Snow White rides (although many, including the author, would probably disagree):


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Very excited to hear this. I just hope Disney does 2 things with it:

1. Make it worth the wait. You know the lines are going to be massive like what you see for Peter Pan/Space Mountain. Hopefully it's not like Goofy which lasts only a few seconds.

2. When they break down Snow White, they use a lot of the set pieces for this ride. If not I hope it at least ends up in a museum or something. This is such a classic, old, ride that I would ber upset to see it get trashed.

Good news overall though! :sohappy:

Well, it's the Seven Dwarves Mine Coaster. So unless you are talking about a few jewels here and there from the old ride, I don't think fluffy little bunnies and creepy, moving trees would fit the picture too well.

For me, this press event should be confirming things we already know as well as presenting new concept art.

...which has been complete for quite some time time.

In the current version, you get the lovely intro of Snow White singing "I'm Wishing" at the well, in her beautiful, operatic style. Then the vile Queen plots against her and she has to flee into the woods. But next comes the soothing, calming, score where the menacing eyes in Snow White's imagination are shown to be the gentle birdies, bunnies, squirrels, etc. This scene is faithful to the movie and the current WDW version of the ride is the only one out of all the Snow White rides worldwide which has this scene and musical score, which is one of my favorites in the ride. Next is another favorite scene, the happy scene with the dwarfs singing "The Silly Song" (aka "The Dwarf's Yodel Song") in their cottage.

After the witch steals the show for a little while but thankfully meets her doom (unlike the original WDW version of the ride where the stupid hag wins), guests are then treated to one of the most beautiful and sublime scenes in any Disney dark ride anywhere. The lovely choral strains of "Someday My Prince Will Come" plays, the Prince awakens Snow White, and she says goodbye to the Dwarfs and her animal friends to live Happily Ever After. If you look at the backgrounds here, they gradually go from dark to light, symbolizing that evil has been defeated and Snow White is riding off to her happiness. The quality of the artwork in this final scene is beautiful and stunning. It's like stepping into the beautiful artwork of the animated movie itself! Again, this "Happily Ever After" scene is found in the current WDW version of the ride, but not at Disneyland, where, due to space limitations, a much smaller "Happy Ending" illustration was tacked on to the end more abrubtly.

:eek: I think I got a toothache from reading your overly sweetened description of the ride. :lol:

That's what it was supposed to be. In reality you really don't have time for all of that on the ride. It's more "OH! Look at that... oh, nevermind. Wait. What was that? Tommy stop covering your eyes, it's almost over."


(Still speculation, but)
Look back to the comments between Lee and I in the FLE threads last week about "...there is another..."
Yeah, a couple of my sources have been hinting around about somehing else that Disney may be keeping up their sleeve. Unfortunately, they have been even more vague than Juan about it.:lol:
I know some concept exists...I just don't know what it is, exactly.


Yeah, a couple of my sources have been hinting around about somehing else that Disney may be keeping up their sleeve. Unfortunately, they have been even more vague than Juan about it.:lol:
I know some concept exists...I just don't know what it is, exactly.

well they better announce everything they got and it better be able to view online....or i'm going to be screaming outside the entrance of magic kingdom "let me in!" lol.


Well-Known Member
The magic of Disneyland for kids as that even with NO lines, there are 11 (if my math is right) amazingly fun rides that take at least 2-3 hours to go through. That's a full day for many guests. Their magic may never leave Fantasyland.

Over to WDW, they are taking away a kiddy ride and adding one that the under 5 crowd has a 50-50 chance of riding, a movie, and 6 rides. Barely half.

I really don't like killing one for the other. I don't understand the problem with having two rides celebrating the first and maybe most adored princess of them all.

Besides, what's wrong with eating another 200 people at any given time. The GPH is much greater than the M&Gs.

I think it is a sad state for WDW to dump another traditional dark ride for no good reason. DL supports Tea Cups and Alice with no problem. I don't get the quick desire to purge. Actually, given a very slim budget, it could be updated into a nice little ride.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, a couple of my sources have been hinting around about somehing else that Disney may be keeping up their sleeve. Unfortunately, they have been even more vague than Juan about it.:lol:
I know some concept exists...I just don't know what it is, exactly.


Completely out of left field, but would be very hushed up and the best way to combat wwhp.
Wonderland not Snowwhite. If come Tuesday they announce Wonderland do I get accepted into the clique around here? I was very confident that the Indy Stunt show was being replaced by a mine coaster. But the Car Stunt show proved to be so unpopular that Disney decided to keep Indy and we should see the Car Stunt show not get rethemed or made over but completely shut down in the near future. The popularity of Indy vs. the newer car stunt show was a surprise to many. You also have to factor in than when Disney bought Pixar - leadership changed and the money to give us an updated Star Tours & Indy ride was used for Pixar Place. A least we are now still getting the updated Star Tours. See you in Wonderland on Tuesday.

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