Pregnant and a scooter


I'm almost 6 months pregnant right now and will be 7-7 1/2 months when we are in Disney. I told my dr today of our plans and of course she said to drink plenty of water, take lots of breaks, etc. She also told me I should rent a scooter while we're there. Even going to Wal-Mart and the grocery store wear me right out, making my leg go numb and back and hips killing me, so I was already thinking I should get one. SO, now with my dr telling me I should get one and me already thinking it, I will be renting one.

Have any other preggo's rented one while there? I know I will get those looks and maybe comments like "what is she doing renting scooter? what's wrong with her, she's just pregnant...." :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Hi there...congratulations!

I think it's a great idea.
At the end of the day, don't worry about the looks or will definitely be more comfortable this way and this is easier on your body than walking around the whole time.
I wish I had a scooter there! :lol:
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New Member
I agree that this is a terrific idea!! Being 7 months pregnant is a lot of strain on your body and the amount of walking and STANDING you will do during a trip is going to take a toll. IMHO, I don'y think anyone will judge you seeing as how you will be visably pregnant, but even if they do you should not be concerned because it is in your best interest and in the best interest of your little mouse fan to come! Have a great trip!!
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One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Shoot, I'm only 5 months and would LOVE a scooter for everyday activities! If it helped make the most out of a preggy trip to WDW, I say go for it. :D

Congrats! :wave:
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I'd have thought they'd be more likely to wonder what you're doing in Disney at 7 1/2 months pregnant than worrying about whether you're using a scooter or not.
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Well-Known Member
MY MOM DID THIS! she was about 6 1/2 months pregnant and it worked out great!! My mom loved being pregnant in disney! she spent a lot of time looking at some little things that most people pass over. remember to drink lots of water!!
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New Member
Don't worry if people think anything, my mom used one (she had double knee surgery and is 70 yrs old and we didn't want her to feel left behind or have to walk too much) was the best thing she ever did, she had a good time in Disney then.

Honestly, most people do not even say or even think anything of someone on a scooter, except if they get hit or almost run over by one :)
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Well-Known Member
i am an obstetrician, if you need a scooter for some underlying medical condition, such as chronic back pain or leg dysfunction, then fine rent one. but there is nothing i would rather see my patients do than walk several miles a day. all pregnant women, without some other problem, should be active everyday, the old restrictions on activity have been shown to not only be unnecessary but actually counterproductive. studies show that ladies who exercise everyday have a much lower rate of c-section!
so unless that back and leg are really a problem, try walking as much as you's good for you and your baby
but i agree, drink LOTS of water everyday, if you start feeling contractions, you're overdoing, slow down, and don't do any of those bumpy rides!
have a happy and healthy pregnancy!
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New Member
My wife was five months pregnant when we went to Disney last December. The scooter is the only thing that allowed her to go (we later found out she had gestational diabetes and was put on bed rest for 9 weeks afterwards). We found that not only will people not give you nasty looks for being on the scooter, they really don't look at you at all. You'll find that most people at Disney are so self absorbed that they could care less what you're doing (or that they're in your way). You may want to bring an air horn with you, however, as the people that like to stop in the middle of the street eight across for no particular reason don't respond to nice words or the dinky little horn on the scooter.
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Well-Known Member
Hey there, If renting a scooter will make you more comfortable and make your time at WDW more enjoyable, I say go for it!!!!! I have already told my mom if she comes again rather than dragging her around the parks, we would definitely get her a scooter so she can keep up with her Disney obsessed kid!!!! That would be me of course!!! Seriously though, definitely get one, and have a wonderful time on your trip! Belle
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New Member
I rented a scooter last year when we went and I was pregnant with twins! It was a LIFE-SAVER! Nobody looked at me or treated me as if I shouldnt be in fact, judging by some of the other folks abusing the system by using one for non-important reasons, I think pregnancy is one of the top reasons for having one!

I rented one for 2 seperate trips when I was pregnant. We rented from off property (much cheaper) and they even delivered the scooter to our resort!

Just a perk of having one--you dont have to wait in the regular lines for rides--you can go through the handicapped line or straight into the fastpass line.
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Well-Known Member
I rented a scooter last year when we went and I was pregnant with twins! It was a LIFE-SAVER! Nobody looked at me or treated me as if I shouldnt be in fact, judging by some of the other folks abusing the system by using one for non-important reasons, I think pregnancy is one of the top reasons for having one!

I rented one for 2 seperate trips when I was pregnant. We rented from off property (much cheaper) and they even delivered the scooter to our resort!

Just a perk of having one--you dont have to wait in the regular lines for rides--you can go through the handicapped line or straight into the fastpass line.

Wow! I cannot believe I am reading this!
1. Pegnancy is not, nor has it ever been, an illness, disability or handicap! Unless you have a serious secondary condition, then you are in no way disabled.
2 The above post from the OB doctor extolls the virtues of walking when pregnant.
3. You chose to visit WDW during your pregnancy.. no one forced you to go. If you didn't feel that you could manage the parks when pregnant, perhaps going at a different time might have been a better option.
4. You have the gall to boast that you actually took up a place in line designated for disabled/handicapped individuals. That's not a perk, that is blatant abuse.

I have no issue with scooters or wheel chairs for the ill, elderly or handicapped, but I fail to see how you fit in any of those categories.
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New Member
Wow! I cannot believe I am reading this!
1. Pegnancy is not, nor has it ever been, an illness, disability or handicap! Unless you have a serious secondary condition, then you are in no way disabled.
2 The above post from the OB doctor extolls the virtues of walking when pregnant.
3. You chose to visit WDW during your pregnancy.. no one forced you to go. If you didn't feel that you could manage the parks when pregnant, perhaps going at a different time might have been a better option.
4. You have the gall to boast that you actually took up a place in line designated for disabled/handicapped individuals. That's not a perk, that is blatant abuse.

I have no issue with scooters or wheel chairs for the ill, elderly or handicapped, but I fail to see how you fit in any of those categories.

I agree that pregnancy is not an illness or disability, but it is certainly more of a reason to have a scooter than OBESITY, which is the reason the majority of folks I've seen in scooters are using them.

I was pregnant with twins and was not able to walk around the park. The OB that spoke of walking during pregnancy might be right for some people, but not all. We could have chosen a different time to visit, especially since we are season ticket holders, but we wanted to take our older child to Disney before his 2 new siblings arrived.

I in NO WAY feel that I need to justify my use of a scooter to you or anyone else on this board, but you do need to remember that there are many other people who have no medical issue whatsoever that use scooters because they are too lazy to walk around or to wait in lines.
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Well-Known Member
I agree that pregnancy is not an illness or disability, but it is certainly more of a reason to have a scooter than OBESITY, which is the reason the majority of folks I've seen in scooters are using them.

I was pregnant with twins and was not able to walk around the park. The OB that spoke of walking during pregnancy might be right for some people, but not all. We could have chosen a different time to visit, especially since we are season ticket holders, but we wanted to take our older child to Disney before his 2 new siblings arrived.

I in NO WAY feel that I need to justify my use of a scooter to you or anyone else on this board, but you do need to remember that there are many other people who have no medical issue whatsoever that use scooters because they are too lazy to walk around or to wait in lines.

It's odd that you left out a few details about expectant twins and an older child. But, that withstanding, I still have an issue with people using handicap services (or entrances) that are not handicapped. Just because the people that YOU have determined are fat and lazy do it, does not make it right for anyone else. You can respond if you like, but I have said my piece on this issue and will not be returning to this thread.
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Active Member
I'm almost 6 months pregnant right now and will be 7-7 1/2 months when we are in Disney. I told my dr today of our plans and of course she said to drink plenty of water, take lots of breaks, etc. She also told me I should rent a scooter while we're there. Even going to Wal-Mart and the grocery store wear me right out, making my leg go numb and back and hips killing me, so I was already thinking I should get one. SO, now with my dr telling me I should get one and me already thinking it, I will be renting one.

Have any other preggo's rented one while there? I know I will get those looks and maybe comments like "what is she doing renting scooter? what's wrong with her, she's just pregnant...." :rolleyes:
Both of my sisters rented scooters/wheelchairs when preggo. The 1st was my youngest sister 3 years ago rented one when she was 7 months pregnant with my nephew. On the first day she walked but, after that she rented a scooter and was so much happier (her feet and ankles were very swollen and sore after day 1).
On our trip in Jan 2008 my other sister (also younger) used a wheelchair because the doc. reccommended it. She was 5 1/2 months and was receiving daily shots to prevent pre term labor, she lives in Florida and always come to Disney with us. We just pushed her around and it was no problem. We actually were able to get the wheelchair for FREE from the resort (Pop) and used it the entire trip. All we had to do was ask at the resort main desk and they gave us one, no doctors note required.

*We did not use the scooter or wheelchair for any "special" treatment such as cutting lines etc. it was just merely for their comfort, and in the case of my 1 sister it was doctor recommended.
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Original Poster
I think it's interesting to see all the people who believe pregnant women shouldn't rent a scooter. I understand we aren't disabled, but we do get numbness, sore backs, hips, pinched nerves, swollen feet and ankles. If we have younger children (or not) you still need to be able to go at a certain pace. If renting a scooter makes my trip to Disney easier, that's what I'm going to do. Especially after my dr advised me to rent one. No different than any other person with medical problems and their dr telling them to rent a scooter. I have no intensions of cutting lines, using the fast pass line or the handicapped line. I can park the scooter and walk in line....that's not a problem. Walking all day in the heat is, especially with how I can't hardly feel my leg after walking a short distance.

The only advice I was looking for was from other pregnant woman who had rented one. But I know making a post on a board I'm not just going to get the responses from people I'm asking it from.....
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Well-Known Member
Well said Lisa!!! and as always consult your doctor as they are the ones who know best your personal condition and how to advise you!!!! Have a great time!!! Belle
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