Pre-Trip Report: The Top 30 Ways We're Anticipating Our August Trip!

Before we even get to the pre-trip report (which to me, covers our packing and 'night before' type anticipation), I wanted to give a pre-pre-trip report, which starts 31 days prior to our trip.

Prior to every trip Sarah and I take, I make a countdown calendar when we reach roughly the 31 day mark. The purpose of this calendar is two-fold: first, it gets us even more excited about our WDW trip (as if that were possible), and second, it provides us with reminder to condition ourselves for the trip (we each only mark off the days in which we exercise). It's one of those traditions that we both enjoy, and we look forward to the day that we get to post the calendar, because then we know that we are in the final leg "home" for our WDW trip.

Here is the calendar:

On the subject of anticipation, Sarah and I have been counting down the top 30 things we are anticipating most about our summer trip. We call it Sarah and Tom's Walt Disney World Top 30 Must Sees. This countdown will focus on the top 30 things that Sarah and I are looking forward to doing on our August trip to Walt Disney World. Now, since Sarah and I love so many things about Walt Disney World, we are sure to leave off some great things, but if we were able to include all of our favorites, there wouldn't be much point in making the list. Don't worry, in the spirit of any great WDW Countdown, our list will be filled with excitement and corny catch-phrases.

Now, let's get it on!Here we go, starting with number 30:

Round and Round it Goes. On what year it stops, nobody knows! It's Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress.

That's right, the Carousel of Progress. The Carousel of Progress is something Sarah and I invariably do at least 2-3 times per trip. There are a few reasons we just have to re-visit it so many times, none being because we fall asleep during the show. During the day, it's nice to hit in between FastPass waits or when everything else is just plain crowded. Plus, we love the attraction. Besides our love for the quality of the attraction, one of the biggest reasons we visit so many times is because it's an “easy thing to do” at the end of the night on those long days. It gives us a chance to sit down and build up our strength for the grueling After Hours photography sessions. One disappointing thing about the attraction is that it doesn't have a rule on photography—it seems entirely up to the Cast Member giving the spiel as to whether photography is allowed at that particular showing. I think the actual reason photography may not be allowed is because The Walt Disney Company is concerned that foreign spies taking photographs in hopes of duplicating our circa-1990s state of the art virtual reality gaming technology. In any case, Carousel of Progress is a can't miss trip around the century during which your theater becomes your carousel, and your time machine.


Where can you go from viewing Plasticus Mechanicus animals on a cruise in the heart of the jungle to viewing animals in the flesh and blood on a safari in the middle of Africa all in one afternoon? Where can you travel the world all in one afternoon--without a private jet? Only Walt Disney World, of course!

These seemingly crazy "trips" are possible because of what is fondly known as the "Disney Details." If you were going to have a list of the things that make Walt Disney World a truly "Disney" experience, number one on your list would be "magic", and followed closely behind at #2 would be "details." Whether it be in the intentional distressing all around Animal Kingdom or the clever and meticulously placed hidden mickeys throughout the parks, Walt Disney World is rife with details.

It is the attention to details that separates Disney from Six Flags, Cedar Point, and those amusement parks whose principal goal seems only to build the tallest, fastest, or most dangerous (well, maybe not that one!) coaster possible. Where Disney can't beat these parks on barbarian and raw thrills, they can't touch Disney on the minutiae. These details are one thing that Sarah and I are looking forward to the most--the little nuances of the parks, resorts, and 'The World' in general that make visiting Walt Disney World a totally immersive experience. So immersive for us that we don't want to spoil the "theming" so we isolate ourselves from the "real world" as much as possible on our trips (no internet, cars, newspapers, or non-WDW TV). For us, the Disney Details are one of the big things that keeps us coming back, and makes it all come together. Because you can't have the magic until you focus on the Details!


Over at Disney's Hollywood Studios is our next stop, where we have an attraction with as more laughs than one of Fozzi's shows. This is a visionary attraction that has incredible depth. MuppetVision in 3D, to be precise!

MuppetVision 3D is next on the countdown, and Sarah and I cannot wait to experience this again. From its overflow queue (ever seen it?) to the preshow area to the main show itself, MuppetVision has it all! While I generally like the Muppets because I am intriguied both by puppets and by talking cartoon animals, Sarah informs me that the Muppets have a biting comedic wit that is unparalleled. I'm not sure what that means, but I think she's insinuating that they're funny! So to is their attraction. MuppetVision has some excellent depth and gags--and the show building takes "Disney Details" to the next level. Another reason we look forward to the attraction is because it is one of the few things at Disney's Hollywood Studios that doesn't typically have lengthy wait times while we are there. If that isn't enough, the attraction has an orchestra of penguins, and even the Big Cheese himself, Mickey the...Rat...makes an appearance! Its an attraction so undeniably entertaining that even Statler and Waldorf crack a smile! We don't even harbor resentment against Gonzo the Great for lending his voice to annoying Figment (version 3 of the attraction) over in EPCOT.


Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh....and the story of man, and FIREWORKS, too!

What is the only show that tell the epic story of man through pyrotechnics and is narrated by Winnie the Pooh? Only Illuminations: Reflections of Earth. Now, you might be screaming at your computer right about now, saying "you dolts, how do you put one of the most beautiful fireworks shows on property at #27" and let me tell you, the complete, unequivocal answer is Sarah. Yep, Sarah is not a huge fan of Illuminations. I blame her completely (don't worry, there is plenty of finger-pointing towards me that will be done later).

Now enough finger-pointing, why is this show worthy of being in the top 30? Well, you have the elegantly written opening narration (and Winnie blowing out the torches, which is a bona-fide "goosebumps" moment), the beautifully told story of man through music and pyrotechnics, and of course, all of this is set in the perfect location, on World Showcase Lagoon. Out of all of that, for me the score is the best part of the attraction. That score is something I often listen to all by itself. The only thing disappointing about seeing Illuminations this trip is that it won't have the beautiful holiday tag that really makes the ending special.


Take a dip in the 'big blue world' with Nemo and friends at the Animal Kingdom splash hit, Finding Nemo: The Musical.

This one is a no brainer. The production value of this show is second to none, and the incorporation of in-sight human performers who control their underwater counterparts is nothing short of brilliant. Being a tough and masculine male, I don't know a lot about choreography, but there sure are some cool movements in the show. Then of course, there is the best part--the music. We find ourselves singing lines from "Big Blue World" year round. It's my personal favorite attraction at Animal Kingdom and Sarah's second favorite. While the placement in Dinoland USA might seem a little odd, we can only surmise that WDI located it there because of its unbridled awesome-ness; since Dinosaurs are awesome, the two naturally fit together.


When it's time to travel to or from the Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, the Ticket and Transportation Center, or your Monorail Resort, don't drive there the old fashioned way, take Walt Disney World's Highway in the Sky--the Monorail!

Everything about the monorail is exciting for us. From having the opportunity to get the best view by riding up front with the driver, to hearing the classic voice of the announcer indicate what we're passing, to just collapsing in a seat, taking a nice reprieve after "closing" EPCOT and heading to the Magic Kingdom at 10 p.m. to enjoy a few hours there. No matter what our reason for riding, our trip hasn't really begun until we've taken a ride on the Walt Disney World Monorail System. Not only does it never get old to ride the monorail, it never gets old to photograph the monorail. That sly monorail is always trying to get the best of me, sneaking around above me in EPCOT, trying to get away before my cat-like reflexes can get my camera ready to fire...and most of the time it wins. Still, trying is half the fun, and every now and then you get one that turns out okay. Oh, and don't forget, "Por favor, mantenganse allejado de las puertas." Loosely translated, I believe that means, "hold on to your hats and glasses 'cause this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness!"


As you approach EPCOT, what's that on the horizon? No, it's not a golf ball for giants, its SpaceShip Earth.

Arriving at EPCOT in the early morning, and catching that first glimpse of SpaceShip Earth is next on our countdown. Given its weenie status, SSE can be seen prior to entering the park, regardless of how you enter. As the stunning icon draws nearer, you can begin to hear that wonderful entrance medley background music, and hear the Fountain of Nations splash down near the backside of SSE. The wonderful feeling of being there gets to sink in for a little while, as we make our way through bag-check and reconvene inside the park. Then, rather than soaking it up further, we race off to Soarin', grab FastPasses, then get in the standby queue. After riding Soarin', we head back over to the SSE area, which is usually still empty, to enjoy the tranquility of the park a little more. This provides the perfect opportunity to capture some of the typical cliched abstract SSE shots that we all have. With a structure as grand and unique as SSE, you can't help but take pictures of it!


Arriving at your Walt Disney World Resort means stepping into the world of Fantasy for the first time. Whether that fantasy be the tropical air of Polynesia, or ostentatious pop styling, this is the moment when you first escape from reality.

Checking into our resort and arriving at our room comes in at #23. This is our third "Dose of Disney" (see later entries for the first and second), and it is well-deserving of its rank. Whether you're staying in a Deluxe/Villa Resort or a Value, the Resort is where the Disney immersion begins. There is nothing like inserting your key card for the first time, opening the door, scattering your bags, and turning on the Resort TV and cranking up the volume. Aside from the obvious benefits of Extra Magic Hours and Disney Magical Express, staying in a Disney Resort is essential for us because of this exquisite theming. As two people who try to avoid reality as much as we can, the last thing we want on our trip is to stay in a "regular" hotel, watch "regular" TV, and simply be in the "regular" world. Arriving at our resort is arriving at our true home, and it always kicks the vacation into high gear.


Well-Known Member
love the countdown! all the pictures and comments about each on your countdown are wonderful! can't wait to find out what is number 1!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry for the delay in updating, everyone. I was in a wedding this weekend and what little internet time I could manage was devoted to just posting the pictures on Flickr. Only #1 and #2 remain! We're almost there!


Well-Known Member

Uh-oh... you do know that once you get an AP you won't be able to go back, right?! Welcome to the club :sohappy:.

Great countdown!

Also, because you and Sarah are such big character fans (probably #1 on my countdown list :lol:), be sure to check out the Animation Academy at the Studios around 5pm. It's not advertised, but they've been bringing out some great characters there lately. I don't know how long it will last, but we were there less than a month ago. They have two groups of characters alternating 20 minute sets from 5-6:20ish. Some of the characters who were out when we were there include Jafar, The Evil Queen, Ratcliffe, Sheriff of Nottingham, Friar Tuck, Mary Poppins and some penguins, Goofy and Max, Chip and Dale, Gepetto and Pinocchio, Minnie and Pluto, Pocahontas and Meeko, and Stitch. All characters we've met before, but still fun to see again!

Plus you can feasibly meet them all because there aren't many people in the Animation Academy. And most that are there are either in the Up line or Sorcerer Mickey's line. Ratcliffe and the Sheriff of Nottingham were wandering around messing with people because, sadly enough, many people didn't know who they were and they didn't have lines. Great interaction opportunities!



Well-Known Member
OH wow! Y'all have such an awesomely creative way of making a pre-trippie to share with all of us. I love it! I'll be looking forward to #1 and your full report when you get back. :wave:

And Hollybelle speaks nothing but truth about those APs. Once you possess the ultimate power that lies within those little cards it's hard to fathom ever being without it. Truuuust me. :king:


Well-Known Member
Beautiful. Exciting. Comprehensive. Enlightening. Hope you have a wonderful trip starting tomorrow and I am looking forward to the post trip report. Cheers.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Don't forget to be one of the first to get a photo at the official WDWMagic spot. (The poll doesn't end until Thursday, but it's pretty clear where it's headed.)


New Member
This is wonderful! We do the same thing at home. Today marks our 31 day count down!

I too have to agree with the Pin Trading thing. Started out as, "oh that's a nice pin" to lets look at everyones and see what we can trade!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Uh-oh... you do know that once you get an AP you won't be able to go back, right?! Welcome to the club :sohappy:.

Great countdown!

Also, because you and Sarah are such big character fans (probably #1 on my countdown list :lol:), be sure to check out the Animation Academy at the Studios around 5pm. It's not advertised, but they've been bringing out some great characters there lately. I don't know how long it will last, but we were there less than a month ago. They have two groups of characters alternating 20 minute sets from 5-6:20ish. Some of the characters who were out when we were there include Jafar, The Evil Queen, Ratcliffe, Sheriff of Nottingham, Friar Tuck, Mary Poppins and some penguins, Goofy and Max, Chip and Dale, Gepetto and Pinocchio, Minnie and Pluto, Pocahontas and Meeko, and Stitch. All characters we've met before, but still fun to see again!

Plus you can feasibly meet them all because there aren't many people in the Animation Academy. And most that are there are either in the Up line or Sorcerer Mickey's line. Ratcliffe and the Sheriff of Nottingham were wandering around messing with people because, sadly enough, many people didn't know who they were and they didn't have lines. Great interaction opportunities!


Thanks for the tip about those characters at the Studios. We will DEFINITELY be keeping an eye out over there!

Awesome countdown, Figment!! Your pictures are so great. I love love the depth of field on the pin picture.

Thanks. I have been on a 'shallow DoF' kick lately.

OH wow! Y'all have such an awesomely creative way of making a pre-trippie to share with all of us. I love it! I'll be looking forward to #1 and your full report when you get back. :wave:

And Hollybelle speaks nothing but truth about those APs. Once you possess the ultimate power that lies within those little cards it's hard to fathom ever being without it. Truuuust me. :king:

The full report should be posted within a couple days of us returning. I like to give it a couple days so I can get some pictures adequately edited, then I post it all at once. I don't like the piece-meal way. But I promise it will be up shortly after we return!

Don't forget to be one of the first to get a photo at the official WDWMagic spot. (The poll doesn't end until Thursday, but it's pretty clear where it's headed.)

Yeah, we plan on getting a couple. I hope I can come up with some really creative ideas to set a precedent so people don't just take the lazy way out.


This is an absolutely awesome pre-trip report and can't wait to read your trip report once your back from the world and I have to say ur spot on with number 1 on your countdown!

I hope you enjoy your trip and that Sarah soon feels better


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The pre-trip report has been updated above and is now complete. See ya real soon with the real deal, the post-trip report!


Well-Known Member
I hope you are having fun, I am looking forward to reading all about it when you return and post a report!

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